Chapter 4

The next day in the morning

Outside of dragon owl army

"Everyone walk forward!we will arrive at the base in one week!!we will camp at dawn!" Said the commander.

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

Everyone said,there was about 100 young men walking forward,these young men came from different places to join the army,some were sleepy while others weren't.

Ra bai was also there walking,while he was walking with the others,he look around and saw four people in front with the commander,"I'm guessing those are his subordinates"

Ra bai was having a bad feeling as he walked," there shouldn't be an army In

This place since the world in chaos "

He looked around and saw shin yin walking too,shin yin saw him too,Ra bai move closer to him and said,"shin yin I'm curious,why is there an army here when the world is in chaos"

Shin yin was surprised by what he said and said "who knows, I also ask when I first join but they don't say anything,they also don't say their names…to be honest I never been to the base,I only be in the camp searching for people to join"

Ra bai only nodded and didn't say anything else

They don't say their names?,the first thing Ra bai thought was that this must be a secret organization of something .

The sun was fading away as dawn came

The commander stop and turned around,"we will camp here tonight and leave early tomorrow",he look at the four men behind him and said"each on of you and will go to four different places around the camp and place this things there and come back",the four men only nodded and left.

Shin yin noticed the rocks,"spirit rocks?"

Ra bai heard and curiously said"shin yin what are those spirit rocks"

"Spirt rock are rocks with spirt energy,they could make a barrier with it or make their own territory with it,as long as someone know the weak spot or is stronger than the person who making the spirt barrier then they could destroy,only spirit user could make them"

Ra bai was shocked to hear this,

make their own territory or make a barrier for protection?This really shocking!

Ra bai then ask,"what is a spirit user?"

"People who are spirit user are rare because their sprit energy is stronger than normal people,it is said that if a spirt user has the strength of 20 galaxy they could make a barrier that can cover a two house,the more galaxy they have the more things they could protect with their barrier"

Ra bai is shocked learn that there are those type of people

"I guess there are lot of people with different abilities "

Everyone sat down and relax,one looked at the commander and said"commander where are the tents?"

Everyone look at him as they wanted to know his answer

"We will sleep in the ground starting today"the commander said as it was normal

Some were surprised while others weren't because they sometimes heard rumors that instead tents to sleep on,they will sleep on the ground,nobody knew why

"What do u mean sleep on the ground,isn't this too much "

The commander look at him and frowned"too much…when your fighting to survive,will it be too much to worry whether we have a tent to sleep"

The youth turned quiet

"He right, we can't be worry about this thing if we want to survive "

The youth sat down and turn silent

Everyone was silent,some were starting to lay down and sleep

Meanwhile the four men who were planting the spirt rock were finished,they went back to tell the commander

The commander heard they were done then told one of the men"activate the barrier"

The men simply nodded and his spirit energy stretch out till they could feel the spirit rocks,when the spirit rock felt his spirit energy they glowed and then the rocks let out energy,the energy went to the other rocks with energy so they could attach themselves making a barrier around the camp

"It done"said the men

Some youths saw this and said, "commander what is this for"

The commander didn't say anything,instead his eyes went cold and killing intent surged out of his body

The youth all saw this and stood up retreating,even the youth who were laying down to sleep sense this and retreated too

Ra bai and shin yin also saw this and went with the group who retreated

"Haahahahaa…finally!,I can kill all of you and eat your soul so I raise my cultivation!"said the commander as he looked at the youths

When the youth sense his killing intent,their bodies tremble,one of them went out and said"this must be a test,maybe he testing us to see if we have the qualifications to join"


"He right,maybe this is a test

Everyone was starting to think the same thing,they didn't really think the commander would do this

The commander just laughed as he stared at the youth,"u think this a test!,hahahahahaha!,then u must be out of your mind!do you know what happened to last people who came to join the army!,They died!,hahahahaha!"

The youth face pales as he heard this,"then my elder brother who joins last year….",before he could finish,the commander laugh as he said,"he died!,they all died!,ahahahhaha".


The youth spit out blood as he never expected this,he didn't expect his elder brother to died,his body that tremble with rage couldn't hold anymore as he fainted

The rest of the youth were all paled as they didn't know what to do,some ran away so they could escape but the barrier block them


"Help me !"

They started screaming,when the youth saw this ,their faces became even paler,never have they expected that all of was a fake

There was 5 youth that ran to the commander with weapons

The commander saw this and a sinister smile appeared on his face,

"Futile effort!"

The 5 youth knew it futile but they didn't want to stand there and wait to killed

They all charged with swords in their hands but before they could reach the commander

One of the subordinates that was behind the commander took out a bow and arrow and shot it

"Clone arrow"

The arrow the subordinate shot look like it created another arrow then it created more arrow until there look like 5 arrows

The 5 youth saw this and before all of them could defend against it,the 5 arrows pierced their 5 heads at the same time



"Humph!"the subordinate snorted with disdain as he saw the five youth falling to the ground one by one

"How dare you!"Said the subordinate

The commander look the 5 dead youth as they were treasure and walk to them,"looks like their bodies still has their soul"he commander put his hand on one of them,the soul of the youth was being absorbed by the commander

Then he put his hand on the other bodies and absorb their souls too.