
They all regained their composer one by one,they looked at Xia ning with fear

Ra bai turned around since he heard someone coming behind him,Xia ning also looked back

They saw a lady wolf,"it looks the same like Xia ning"though Ra bai

Xia ning was happy when she saw her and ran to her"aunt ni!"said Xia ning

Aunt ni open her arms and welcome Xia ning hugs and when they hug each other aunt ni holded her tight and ran away

Ra bai and the others saw this and they where all dumbfolded but since Ra bai heard Xia ning call her aunt ni,he thought she was taking Xia ning home in hurry

Ra bai turned around and used slaughter eyes to see their cultivation,two where around 35 years old while the other was a old man with a sword

10 galaxy


14 galaxy

"Hmmm, two weak ones and one with the same strength "

There were four people but one died by getting kicked by the balls

They all looked at each other and nodded

"Boy,I guess you take her place!"

"Hehehe,it been a long time since I had fresh me-"


Ra bai didn't even let him finish and use energy to punch the 10 galaxy guy,before the guy could fly away,Ra bai grabbed his leg and threw him to the 12 galaxy guy

"You guys are disgusting"Ra bai said with disdain,Damn what a bunch of disgusting guys!




The 10 galaxy guy bump into the 12 galaxy guy and also flew and took them together flying to about 1 house before they died there,"hmmm,I guess my cultivation we'll rise when their blood comes out"though ra bai as he noticed his other stars hasn't glow up.

The 14 galaxy guys was in a daze when he saw this

"Impossible!,how can this happen!"he said

Ra bai coldly looked at him,"is there any village near here with people or a cave"

The 14 galaxy guy then looked at him,"he must have the same strength as I am"he smirk,"boy!,today!is the the day you will die by me,Chen den-"

"Old man,I did not came here to hear your bullshit or came to hear what your name is,do you wanna go and die or answer me and scram!"Ra bai impatiently said

"Good!good!,today will be the day u die!"energy flowed through his body as Chen den moved to where Ra bai,as he moved he swing his sword as it was a bat

Ra bai saw him coming and also moved to face him head on

When Chen den swing his blade to Ra bai,Ra bai slides down


The blade of Chen den still moved as air also moved with the swing of his blade

Ra bai while slides down so he won't get hit,gets his sword and slashes Chen den leg


Ack!,chen den gets in his knees and quickly uses energy so he could stop bleeding,he stands up and looked at Ra bai and moved again

Ra bai also moved,he saw Chen den moved his sword to slash,he also moved his sword to block the attack


They both using their energy to suppress each other but theirs no use as they have the same cultivation

They moved their swords to attack again and again

Clang! Clang!clang!clang!

Each one of them swinging and swinging,they both won't stop as if one stops the other has a chance to kill them

They started using more of their energy,waves after waves of air moving could be heard

They both backed up

"Ha,ha….how bout we stop here and say that this never happen"said Chen den as he figure out he can't beat Ra bai

Ra bai didn't say anything instead he body was emitting battle intent to fight

He didn't say anything and moved to strike again


Chen den saw this,"I have find a chance to escape or else I die!"

He thought as he also moved