Ch 11

Next Morning

Ra bai was up already and going north,the reason he was heading north was for… reason,he just felt something in his gut telling him to go north

"Hmmm…hmm..hmm"while humming Ra bai was looking forward to what he could discover or learn,while moving and heading north,some beast came in the way but they died by the katana that Ra bai has,along the way he also practice [ Beyond the sense:First step] on the beast that came

While he was moving,he saw smoke coming from the north,so he speed up and went faster until he got closer

When he was close enough,he saw a village but then when he go more closer he could not believe what was going on,he saw a bunch of people in amor attacking the villagers,killing them and he even saw that a person was flying from the other side of the village,more like that guy been thrown by someone,most of the village houses were destroyed or burned

What in heavens name is going on!

He rushed to check what was happening


"Hurry up and give us what we ask for old man"said a man in armor

"Sir,I don't know what your talking about,we don't even know what are you trying look for,you just came here and started attac-"


Before he could even finish,he got slap on the face

"Damn!,bro got bitch slapped!"said another amor men

"Pffffft....pfffffffft"some of the armor men try to laugh but couldn't because they where in a mission so they had to be serious



He broke a house

He died!

"He dead"


A man in armor walked up to the guy that slap the old man

"Commander!,the king said to hurry and take over the village"


"All of you!get everyone here now!!"

"Yes commander!"


While some of the villagers died,some others are still in a corner hiding,others are brought where the commander is

As they bring them where the commander is

"Get on your knees!,now!"

Everyone got on their knees,some where crying while others are begging to let them go

"Are these all the people in this village"

"Yes commander"


The commander look at people on there knees,some where old and some where young

These people look at the commander in fear

"Plea-please let me go,please!"

"M-me t-to"

"Me too"

Seeing them begging made the

commander satisfied,

"yes this is how it should be,the weak should be begging with no power but we the strong should always have power"the commander thought

Of course this was all seen by Ra bai

Who was using [Stealth],it was a skill taught by his grandfather,

this [Stealth] is different from others stealthy skills,people of the same realm as Ra bai or lower Wouldn't notice him,but if he activates his bloodline,that another thing

His grandfather always told him that once it activates,it go five levels above,but who knows,maybe it will be different for Ra bai

Ra bai was behind a house,he used [Slaughter eyes],there are 10 people,

3 are in the mortal realm while the other 7 are still in the filling the star level

The 3 in the mortal realm are together while the other seven are not

He walked to them,he cancel [Stealth], looking at them with cold eyes,the armor men were all alarmed,especially the commander

"I didn't sense him….maybe he the same stage as me"the commander thought

"Who are you!"the commander said

But Ra bai didn't say anything,he just continue walking,step by step,"first let's knock them down then questions later"Ra bai thought

"Do you know who we are!"said another one

"Let me handle this!"

One went up to Ra bai while cracking his knuckles,"seems today your unlucky day"

Ra bai still continue to walked

The amor men saw this and got angry"how dare you ignore me!",he raised up his right hand and


He tried to hit Ra bai but all Ra bai did was just step to the right side,then the amor guy missed,Ra bai kinda felt the little power the amor guy fist had as he went Across his left side now so all Ra bai had to do was just use his right hand to right hook him and


Knock out!

The amor guy face went to the other side,his eyes went all white then he fell down


He landed with his back on the ground and the front facing the sky

But that was not all



Ra bai kick him in the face just to make sure he was "Really" knock out,some bones crack but that wasn't important as he turn to face the other armor men

"Who next"