Ancient Sovereign Realm

It has been 5 hours since Jian woke up, and he is searching for food in the forest. As he searched for food, he asked, "system, how can I complete my mission."

"Host can find the fruits or demonic beasts to complete the mission, but I suggest that host can forget about the fruits because the demonic beasts guards the fruits and host has no way to kill it."

"Then how can I look for a demonic beast if I am unable to kill it."

"Host can search for the ungraded demonic beast although they are ungraded they are still stronger than the host, I suggest start looking for the ungraded beast."


"Host like the sects are graded, beasts are also graded from Grade one star to Grade nine star, and ungraded beast is low-level beast below Grade one star beasts ."

Jian was baffled to know that he was weaker than ungraded beasts and asked, "where can I find low-level beasts?"

"In the forest"

Just as Jian was about retort, he heard a shriek that sounded like a thunderclap to him, he panicked and started to search for a place to hide.

As he was running opposite side of shriek, he heard systems solemn voice " Host, I suggest you go there, and you can find food or meet another person. It seems that the beasts are fighting someone. It is almost like a human because you only heard one shriek."

Jian hesitated, he was in dilemma he only had most 18 to 20 hours to complete the mission, and if he went there and came in contact with the beast, he would mostly die, and if a human is there, then there is no possibility that person will help him. He was in a dilemma, he thought for some time he hesitated, and then he started to move in the direction shriek.

As he cautiously moves towards fighting noises and the more closer he gets, the louder the shriek gets. He moved very slowly to a position where he could see the silhouettes. He sighed a relief he found out that the human and beast were fighting and he became happy, and he started to move towards them.

As he got closer, he was shocked to see that a human was a delicate-looking girl fighting a boar who was the size of a bull. He went closer to take a look and found that fighting between them had been balanced. Neither side is backing down.

He hid behind the tree and watched them fight, both were equally matched.

After forty to fifty minutes As he was watching he saw that fight was coming to an end and then he saw that girl was thrown on a mountain near the battle and boar kept charging at her. As boar was charging towards her, she stood up and was also ready to launch her final attack.

A sword suddenly appeared behind her started to float, then she also charged towards the boar, just as both of them were only one meter apart, Jian saw that blood leaked from the corner of the girl's mouth. And she crashed on boar while her attack was activated.

When Jian saw this happen, he hid behind a tree, not looking towards where fighting was going. He was sweating and imagining scenarios where the boar killed him before even his journey started. As was thinking it system solemn voice was heard "Host now is the chance."

"What chance?"

"Host should look behind."

Jian calmed himself And peeked where the fight was going, he was shocked to see that both beast and girl were not moving and the sword was stuck on the beast.

He thinks for a while and moves towards them. As he was walking, he was very cautious, slowly he got closer. Just he was about two meters from them, he heard beast grunt, and he moved backward and asked, "System, what is going on."

System solemn voice sounded, " Beast is still alive, and it is at its last breath."

Jian sighs relief and thinks to retreat, waiting for the beast to die. Just as he was about to go, the system continued, " I suggest host to kill it before it dies on its own ".


"There will be rewards".

Just as he heard rewards, he stopped hesitating and moved towards the beast to kill it. Beast also sensed that it was going to die, then the beast started to move frantically and tried to stand up, seeing this Jian rushed towards it and jumps on the sword without thinking, but due to Jian's body being weak, he doesn't weigh the average amount of weight of a person should have, and the beast doesn't die.

Seeing this, he starts to panic, and the beast also starts to move fiercely. Its intelligence is low, but the beast moves to stand up, and Jian closes his eye, thinking it was his last day, starts to cuss the system and thinks, why did he listen to the system.

When the beast tried to stand up its pupil dilates and falls to the ground, and Jian was also thrown on the ground and he hears a clanging sound, and he panics and thinks that the beast is moving towards him and starts to sweat, one minute passes than after sometime five minutes pass he was still lay on the ground while closing his eyes and systems solemn voice sounded


[Detected that host has killed peak 1-star beast Poison Fang Boar].

[Hosts Cultivation none]

[Reward is calculating...]

He opens his eyes and looks at the screen and then at the dead boar's body to see that its head has been cut and asks, "how?"

" stupidity "


" Host, when the beast was trying to stand up, it went straight up, and you were still clinging on to the sword, so when it stood up, the sword went deep, and due to you clinging on it, the beast's head was lopped."

Jian was shocked to know this happened and shook his head and asked, " what are the Rewards?".

" Host first completes the mission, and all rewards will be given".


Then Jian moves towards the beast and thinks, How can I eat this and he picks up the sword and starts cutting it. Due to being weak, it took him up to 1 hour to butcher it and extract four legs. After that, he begins to move to find a suitable place because the beasts will be attracted here because of the dead beast.

So he hurriedly packs up and just as he is about to go the stops in tracks thinks that he forgets something and after sometime systems solemn voice reminds him about a girl who was fighting the beast before and Jian exclaimed gets embarrassed that he forgot about her. He hears the system sigh but neglects it and moves toward to check whether she is dead or alive.

He checks on her and finds that she is still breathing and sigh relief, and moves to wake her up. As he was about wake her up, he heard the system's solemn voice,

" Host, move quickly, beasts are approaching here ".

He panics and picks her up with his frail body along with sword and meat and starts moving towards a place where he came from because along the way searching for food he found a cave but it was empty, so now he thought it was probably the best place to hide.

After thirty minutes, he reaches the cave and hides in it because the sound of beasts continues to get his ear. After an hour or two, he hears that beast's voice stop and are gone. To confirm it, he moves outside to check that, and when he found no one, he sighs a relief.

He returns to the cave and then checks on the girl and then starts to collect wood and asks, "System, there no problem if I barbecue the meat."

"I suggest Host has to make the fire stronger to burn the poison present in the meat before consuming it."

"What! Poison ?"

"Host it is the meat of Poison Fang Boar, so there will be poison present in it."

Hearing this, he collects more wood to make the fire stronger and moves toward the end of the tunnel to grill the meat.

After settling down, he starts the fire with the help of a sword and stone and starts grilling the meat. As meat touched the fire, it begins to spill purple smoke, Jian panics and moves backward, then the system voice sounds.

"Host no need to go near it, fire is burning the poison present in meat, and it is removed in the form of smoke."

Jian sighed relief and moved away from the fire and sat down, and asks " how much time will it take to be ready for eating "

" 1 hour "

Jian was unhappy about it, but what can he do, so continued to ask, " System, you said it took one day to guide in a spatial storm. What do you mean by it?"

" Host, if teleportation were successful, you would have come out in the Central continent, but due to spatial storm, you were lost in space, and it took one day to get you to this continent."

"What do you mean this continent isn't this the Central continent?"

"Yes, host, this is not Central continent but Southern Continent, and as for its name, you can find out yourself."

"what do you mean the name of the continent."

"Host can find about that himself."

"So you said the place where continents are is called a realm. Can you tell me its name then?"

"Host already knows this realm name."

"What do you mean I already know, " Jian asks irritatingly

System sighs and replies, "Ancient Sovereign Realm."
