Sect Opening Ceremony

Jian was thinking about it till morning, and the sun had risen. Jian wanted to tell the system, but the system suggested saying it to disciple before completing the ceremony.

Since today was the opening ceremony, Jian went towards the pond near the cave and bathed in it, and after bathing, when he went to pick up the robe, he saw that the colour of the robes was changed and the colour he described last night the system.

The system said, " Host, it is the same robe, but its colour has been changed to your description ".

Jian nodded, and after putting on the robe, and he flew towards the Sect Hall.

When he reached there he saw that Yu Yue and Yu Yang were waiting for him. He landed in front of them and, seeing both greeted, "Master".

Jian smiled and indicated them to follow him.

Jian went inside the hall and sat on the seat for sect master. Yu Yue and Yu Yang stood in front of him.

The system said, " Host disciples should wear their sect robe for the ceremony so you can distribute the robes and the Pills."

Jian nodded and took out the robes and pills from the inventory. 185 light Grey Robes and Pills Bottles appeared in the hall. Seeing this, Yu Yue and Yu Yang got shocked.

Jian said, "Distribute this to disciples and tell them to gather in front of the Sect Hall before noon. The bottles contain three healing pills so tell them to eat if there is someone injured."

Yu Yue and Yu Yang stored it in their spatial storage.

Jian took out two tokens in black colours and said, " These token are proof of being my disciple and sects; use a drop of blood to recognise it."

Jian passed the tokens to both.

Yu Yue and Yu Yang bit their finger and dropped a drop of blood on the token. As blood touched the ticket, it merged, and the process was completed. Both kowtowed, and Jian smiled.

Jian said, "Go hurry and distribute it. Every disciple should look noble and fierce."

Yu Yue and Yu Yang both left the Sect Hall.

Jian asked the system, "how many sets of herbs have been harvested?".

Nearly seven hours have passed since Jian instructed the system to plant the seeds.

The system replied, "host Seven hours have passed, and the total no of sets of Body Tempering pills are 128 Sets".

Jian was shocked that there were 128 sets were harvested. He asked, "How?"

The system replied, "Host a set of herbs generated two seeds each, and after first our one set became two, and after second hour two set became four and continued till now the total sets were 128".

Jian didn't know what to say to think that the system's help would be this powerful.

Jain said, "System plant all the remaining seeds and stop the process of planting all the seeds generated from the herbs. Plant only one and collect the remaining."

The system replied, " Ok, host, but since you have stopped the process. You have to harvest the herbs after they reach their maturity, and then only I can plant the seeds".

Jian said, "Ok."

The system continued, "Host, you don't need to worry. You don't have to come to Herb Garden each time when herbs mature. If a spice is ready to be harvested, then the supply of the Qi will be cut, and it will be preserved in the herb garden till you gather it.

You can harvest all the herbs at one time. But all herbs will be preserved for 24 Hours only, and if not harvested, they will be used as the nutrient for the Herb Garden, and seeds also will be destroyed, and I will inform you if all the herbs are ready to be harvested".

Jian was happy hearing this, but the second last part scared him, so he thought he should teach herb harvesting to one of them in his absence. They can take care of it.

Jian asked, "System have you done evaluating the techniques."

The System replied, " yes, host, all techniques are evaluated and are arranged according to Stars."

A screen appeared in front of Jian.


[Total Techniques:1223]


{Cultivation Techniques}








{Martial Arts Techniques}









Spiritual Techniques:57

Alchemist Tehniques:19

Weapon Smiting Techniques:09 (Not Accessible)

Formations:02 (Not Accessible)

Information:336 (Destroyed)


Jian read the screen and saw that compared to Martial Arts, Cultivation Techniques were less, and to his surprise, Spiritual Techniques and Alchemist Techniques were also present.

Jian continued to check that some techniques were not accessible; Jian knew they were not accessible because he doesn't have that profession. Jian also saw that Information was also present but where destroyed by the system.

Jian asked, "System why the information was destroyed."

The system said, "Host doesn't need information that is incomplete."

Jian asked, "system can you give me the information about the techniques."

The system, "Ok, Host."

Jian sat there, and the system started to send brief information about the techniques.

Two hours have passed, and only one hour is remaining to start the ceremony. Jian opened his eyes. The system had briefed entirely about the techniques. Jian knew it was time, and he heard noises also. Jian stood up and went outside.

Jian came out and saw that all disciples were wearing their robes and adequately standing below the stage. The stage was built by the system, and one large stone with the sect's name was also there, and the system decorated the whole denomination. Earlier, when Jian went to take a bath, Jian ha asked about it.

The System Said, " It Is a gift from the system".

Seeing Jian, everyone became quiet and greeted him with bowing," Sect Master".

Jian smiled and waved his hand, indicating them to stand straight. Now only Hour remains till the ceremony starts, and Jian is looking towards Gates as he is waiting for Meng Shu.