
Jian was sitting in the Sect Hall. The first day has ended, and Yu Yue and Yue Yang gave an account of the day to Jian and Left.

Jian was still planning to refine the Pills. He needed to refine the pill so that he could do distribute it to disciples. Jian had given drugs, and Yu Yue and Yu Yang found it easier to perfume using Body Tempering pills.

However, the system has suggested that disciples should use the fewer amount of pills because impurities can be increased by using drugs.

Jian had decided to give pills when there was no improvement.

Before starting to refine the pill, Jian had taught Yu Yang how to harvest Herbstod take care of the garden, and he also told him to gather herbs in twelve hours.

Jian asked, "System wouldn't there will be a problem with Ye Qiao if I leave her alone".

The system replied, "Host, you don't need to worry. She will require at least one week to be able to move."

Jian nodded and recalled that he had seen Mortal Grade affinity and Physique in new disciples.

Jian asked, "Who are the disciple who has Mortal Physique and Mortal affinity.


Name: Luo Xiu

Physique: Jade Meridian Body

Grade: Mortal


Name: Su Xiaobo

Element: Thunder

Affinity Grade: Mortal

Jian saw the names and smiled. The person with Thunder affinity was Xiaobo.

The one with Mortal Grade physique was a girl named Luo Xiu. Jian tried to recall her but couldn't, so he thought he would check with them tomorrow.

Jian checked at her physique and saw that her physique was Jade Meridian Body, and he wanted to ask about this physique, but then he saw rank. This was my first time seeing it.

Jian asked, " What is this rank?".

The system explained, " You can buy information about it from a shop for 100 SP in it information about physique will also be included."

Jian said, " ok, ".

Jian had a total of 65615 SP after spending in Soring cloud Pavilion and then he 30000 SP for buying Divine body tempering technique and used 2745 SP on buying robes and pills for disciple and used 25 SP for healing pill and now he was going to use 100 SP to purchase information about Physiques.

The total amount of SP remains was 32990 SP. More than half of the SP was gone, and it was spent on the first day.

After confirming buying the information, the system started to send the information about Physique.

The physique is further ranked after their grade, and the rank is in ascending order; the level determines the body's power, and it can also be used to determine the limitations of the forms. The physique ranks are not fixed only some physique rank is set as in that physique the cultivator has not improved every cultivator has different routes of their cultivation, a, and some also form new shapes by themselves so the rank of a figure is determined when a cultivator with body dies and that physique returns to heaven.

Jian was shocked to learn about the ranks.

Jian asked, " Why ranks are not fixed."

The system said, " The person with physique can achieve unprecedented heights in the cultivation world, but every physique had limits, and only a few can surpass, so when this happens, the ranks of physique change. For thousands of years, ranks have not changed, so you should not worry."

Jian nodded, and the system continued to send information about the Jade Meridian Body.

The Jade Meridian Body is ranked 5003 in the Mortal Grade physique. It has Three abilities first ability is to speed the cultivation by 100 per cent. The second and third abilities are to awaken by cultivators. To awaken this physique Meridian Opening pills, ten at the same time, will be Awaken if dormant.

This physique function is to strengthen the Meridian in the body, and as Physique level increases

The culinary speed will also increase. When the physique is at the highest level, all Meridians will be converted into Spirit Jade, where the unimaginable amount of spirit Qi can be stored.

Jian was shocked because it was an ideal physique that focuses on Qi Cultivation and can increase cultivation speed.

Jian asked, "System does this physique ability is a passive ability."

The system said, " No host. It can only increase for a proper amount of time. Because it requires spirit energy to use the ability continuously, but in this physique, you can use the ability without wasting Qi for proper time".

Jian nodded. He understood about the physique.

Jian asked, "System, why last two abilities are dependent on the cultivator?"

The system said, " Every cultivator follows the different paths they can awaken different physique abilities, and this can determine the physique's power."

Jian said, " Ok system, but Xiaobo has Thunder Affinity, and you said that high affinity can help acquire the physique from heaven, so should I give him Thunder element technique or continue to teach him Divine Body tempering technique."

The system said, " Host, you should check whether he has Qi Cultivation talent or Not"

Jian said, "You have checked his talent, so which is suitable?"

The system said, "Host, the problem is that he has some talent in Qi Cultivation and Body cultivation, so you should decide."

Jian thought for a while and decided that he would ask them tomorrow.

Jian didn't ask any questions and took out materials for pill refinement.

Jian refined the same amount he refined before and went to rest.

In next morning when everyone was practising cultivation techniques with Yu Yue and Yu Yang Jian went there.

Jian said, "Xiaobo and Luo Xiu come to Sect Hall," and Jian left them.

Yu Yue knew about both of them, so she called them and took them towards Sect Hall.

Jian was sitting on the chair ad when they entered sect Hall, and all three of them greeted him.

The other two said, " Greetings, Sect Master."

And Yue said, "Greetings, Master."

Jian smiled and waved his hand, indicating them to come towards him.

All of them came towards him.

As they moved towards him, they activated Star Gaze and checked and found that Luo Xiu's physique was dormant.

Jian looked at Luo Xiu and Xiaobo and said, " You have to follow elder Yue and learn from her ok and come to Sect hall when you have completed your body tempering."

Then Jian looked at Yu Yue and said, " You should specifically take care of them and when they have completed their body tempering bring them to me don't let them break through to Qi condensation realm and Tell all disciples about Qi Cultivation and Body Cultivation and since you have been following body cultivation explain everything."

Yu Yue nodded and said, " Yes, Master."

Jian nodded and said, " You can go now and don't cultivate half-heartedly."

Yu Yue left with them, and as they went outside, Jian heard.
