Acquiring The Core

Jian and Song Yu had landed on a flat surface. From there, they were able to see a route that led to a large hall. As they have landed, Jian had activated Star Gaze and checked the corridor.

In there, he was able to see a dense cluster of earth elements. He immediately knew that it was the earth element core. Finally, they can find the earth element core.

The place where they landed held a tremendous amount of earth element Qi. If not Jian covering Song Yu, then she would have passed out. After checking the hall,l Jian studied on Song Yu. 

She was struggling in earth element Qi. So he Strengthened the barrier around her. 

"Song Yu, we should not waste time and follow the route to reach the hall. Otherwise, it will get more difficult for you."

Song Yu nodded and agreed with Jian's suggestion. She then adjusted herself and prepared.