First Trial

Jian had used the Star Gaze on the tree when he couldn't find anything with eyes. When the information about the tree came to his mind, he was speechless.

Because the tree was non-other than the Jade spirit fruit tree, he didn't expect to find it quickly. But then he looked up and saw that there were no fruits. He then thought they would be underneath the tree-like stone berries, but he guessed he was wrong.

He couldn't understand where could the fruits go. The bull saw Jian looking at the tree and concentrating. He couldn't understand Jian's intentions, so he moved closer and asked. 

"What are you looking at? You can ask if you can't understand? "

Jian was alerted when the bull spoke. Because Jian didn't feel him coming near. The first thought that came to Jian's mind was to attack, but when he heard what the bull had said, he calmed down. 

"Senior, is this tree of Jade Spirit fruit?"

The bull nodded, and Jian continued.