Putting Up Fruits

Jian's plan has worked, after carefully provoking Meng Shu. Now he is sitting with her master Ling Min in a Soaring Cloud Pavilion. 

Now he only has to speak with Ling Min and Show the reason he asked Meng Shu to call her Master. 

Both have exchanged pleasantries, and after that Jian heard the system's announcement that Ling Min is scanning Jian with his divine sense.

Jian smirked and looked at Ling Min. Since He was under the hood Ling Min didn't see him doing anything. Jian looked at Ling Min and spoke. 

"Ling Min, Don't try, even if you use your broken physique, you will not find anything. Even if you have the same physical as your disciple."

Ling Min was shocked, he was so shocked that he stood up. Because in the southern continent, if Ling Min was top of his Condition then he would the strongest.