The Truth

Jian waits in the sect hall for Yu Yang and Ye Fang to come after touring the sect. He is is going to talk to Ye Fang about his injury. 

He had already planned everything out, and he hoped that Ye Fang would like his sect and ask Jian to join the sect.

Even though Jian has already recruited him, it is not fixed that he would join and stay. So he told Yu Yang to show the sect to Ye Fang so that Ye Fang himself would want to join the sect.

After half hour, Yu Yang and Ye Fang came to the sect hall as Ye Fang entered the sect hall and greeted Jian.

"Sect Master Jianyu your sect is so big even three-star sect can't compare it. Even the halls are so large. Especially the Scripture Hall, I didn't go inside, but I saw disciples continuously coming and going out of the hall."

"I am happy that you liked the sect; I thought you would think that we are pretentiousness like another sect who focus on talent. "