Foundation Building Realm

The disciples who went to close door cultivation have successfully awakened their physique and now wrre trying to reach the Foundation Building realm. 

So Jian has arranged them outside of the Alchemy Hall for there Breakthrough. The Thunder clouds have started to gather on one of the disciple. 

While Jian and Zhou You were looking at the disciples at the Alchemy Hall a Thunder sound has been heard and the source of the sound was the Thunder clouds which were gathering upon the disciples Residents.

Meaning that aside for the sixteen disciples with Jian and Zhou You. Someone else is trying to break to Foundation building realm. 

Jian was very happy see this situation. Due to the Thunder noise Ye Qiao, Yu Yue and Ling'er were alerted. They came outside to see the clouds gathering in different directions so they immediately understood what was going on.

So they also flew towards the Alchemy Hall to see the situation.