Q and A

Jian and Meng Shu has been resting in the sect tower and before going to sleep Jian has confirmed with the system about the survivability of the people inside the secret realm. 

So due to that it was getting harder for him to sleep but the system informed him that the system has check the formation and there is highly chance that the formation would work and they would be able to leave the secret realm.

After hearing this he was finally able to leave the stress about the secret realm and go to sleep and recover from the exhaustion.

He and Meng Shu slept for straight 12 hours and then only they woke up and felt completely refreshed after waking up they refreshed themselves and then directly went to the top floor of the tower where Ling Min and the tower master was waiting for them. 

Jian and Meng Shu greeted both elders and both elders nodded and then told Jain and Meng Shu to sit and wait.