The island looks so gloomy, all the players who arrived on this island don't have a good face anymore. If before their face was sparkling like a child that can not wait to go having an exciting adventure but now they are all hit by the reality of this game virtual.
All of them don't feel this journey is fun anymore especially all the new players who choose this route as their first games experience have high expectations that this route is the easiest in the ranking for a new player like them. This was also their first log-in into this game ah.
But who knows when they in the ferry a wild monster will appear and attack them like it was has been anger by something and the monster used them as it punching bag to let go it anger!.
In the information they read from the past player experience in this instance before decide to choose this instance, nobody writes or mentioned about there will be a wild monster appear when they in the ferry and attack them ah!. Many of them are new players who chose this instance because it was rank as the easiest one for beginners and newbies in the ranking of the WAY's level of danger in the ranking.
They also choose this rank because they know that they can have many point in there from the NPCs easily. And even buy this instance game information beforehand so that way they can be familiar with this game as a newbie. But who knows there will be a sea monster in this beginner instance that should appear in advance or intermediate rank level?!.
And the monster is too big and have a combination of crocodile and whale body. Its skin was also thick that whatever they do to attack it, it didn't hurt even a bit.
The monster also even snorts at them for being weak..... No... Actually, it is just their feeling that the monster scorns them. Not the monster said it. They just feel it. T_T
They also have a feeling this monster only feels angry by something and attacked them as a punching bag to release its anger. But they don't deserve this anger ah!.
After being attacked for don't know how long, they just know that they were attacked until they arrived on this island. And the monster like being scared traumatized by something it directly gives them the last attack that destroyed the ferry and leaves all of them like they were a germ.....
All the new players were panicked and don't even know how to follow the veteran player to leave the cruise ship to Abyss Island.
Now they were all drench by seawater and scrambled to quickly swim to the shore.
Now all of them have a pitiful appearance. The game doesn't even start ah!.
Only the veteran player had time to quickly leave the ferry when the island already can be seen from afar. And they were safe from the wild monster's last attack.
Even though nobody is dead because the wild monster only attacked the ferry but not the player inside. But there still suffer minor injuries ah.
The ferry sways like a rollercoaster and throws everything upside down in the ferry. Even them also become just like a ball in that ferry.
It's quite scary.
With how scary and a strong wild monster is being scared and traumatized by something on this island, they now have pale and scare expressions.
This is not fun anymore ah!.
Even this is only a game. But before they log out or force log out, they will also feel how hurt it was being killed in this game virtual.
There even said that the pain they will experience after being killed in WAY? is so hurt that they will never want to feel it again. And it's even can affect the player's mental health in real-world ah if the player has a weak body and health.
that why before buy the pod games. They need to sign a consent contract that if there player dead because of the games. or suffer mental illness after play the games. They can't file a lawsuit against the inventor of the games.
From the jungle, they hear something explode, and all the birds or anything animal that can fly, fly out from the jungle-like being chased by something.
*In five minutes the games will start. All players need to enter the jungle before the countdown ends. If the player failed to enter the jungle in the times given. Their luck will drop 30% instantly*
All their system gives the same instruction to them.
The new player who wants to play safe that is doesn't want to enter the jungle where the games will happen drop their ideas.
The new player who also wants to take a rest after being physically and mentally exhausted from the wild monster attack earlier quickly awakens from their laziness.
And for the veteran player. After getting the instructions from their system. They rushed quickly to enter the jungle. To get their luck to drop to 30% as a punishment is really a scary thing for players ah. Because not everyone has good luck. Maybe there even some of them have only 10/100 luck!. If it drops to 30% is that mean their luck will be -20/100?.
The three soul players also get instruction from the system. And quickly check what their tasked before with an understanding look from each other they walk together to enter the jungle.
To depend on their lives with this new player like them is the same as killed themselves directly ah!.
With how they cry like a child when the wild monster appears really makes them lost hope to have a free ride.
And they were also quite selfish, didn't even blink an eye to throw other players in front of them to be their shield. 〒_〒
They don't want to be someone shield ah! They are also human even though they are already dead and only a soul in these survival games!.