0.7 Welcome To The Virtual World Of WAY.

When he gets his consciousness again he was welcome by a bright color and a very huge building that look like arena surroundings that arena is a building like in the real world.

This is not a hall that surrounds by a white wall and nobody was there when he was absorbed by the system when he dies in the real world.

There are so many people in there but all of them using weird cloth that will not use in the real world.

But there are some people who use a cloth and brand like in the real world.

There is a loner, a group of people with the same badge in their cloth.

Some people use the same cloth like it was a uniform of some organization.

This is really like a real-world but the only difference is the building of this place where in front of him right now are there many buildings like in the interstellar world.

How did he know it was like that because just look there were cars and any kind of transportation was fly in the air not on the ground.