2.1 The Haunted School - HanYang High School

Xavier right now stands outside the school entrance while looking at the gloomy school in front of him.

10 minutes before the games start nobody can go into the school or start the game.

Right now is for a safe mode for ten minutes.

So they need to wait first outside this school.

There were ten players who will play this instance and only one woman and the rest is men including Xavier.

Right now all of them using this Hanyang High School, school uniform. Black pants with a white shirt inside but all of them using a black coat. There was also a red badge in their cloth that had their role and position in this school.

They all was a member of the student council, but all of them had a high position and maybe a leader in this school.

Xavier still doesn't know what instance is this and what is their mission. He just arrived and the system still didn't give him any notification.