chapter 4 : you will die

At Restaurant

Laura and Dean meet to each other . none of them spoke any word .At least 5 min pass away .

' Do you plan to report ' .

Dean ask to her about that incident .

' No ' she reply with no which make Dean a little stunned .

' why ' he ask he already now why she not want to complaint about it but he decided to ask her .

' The difference is to big . you know Roy status . If I report this to school or police then my life will be over . My family can kill my his family . ' she sniff .

' At least tell james about it . '

' I will tell him when he come back ' .

she answer him.

' why. why not now ' .

' I don't want to burden . I want equal term with him. when he get back I will tell him everything . '

Dean not able to understand what she want . she refuse to complaint against him because Roy father can kill her family .

but he not able to understand why she not want to tell everything to james.

' ok , you can tell james after he comeback . but before that I will advice you to not come school . ' she nodded her head .

' ok , I leave ' Dean say

' uh.. one more thing do you want me to drop you to home ' .

' no , I can go by myself I will take my leave ' she say before she leave the restaurant she something she hug him . ' thank you ' she wisper in his ear . she remove her hug .

Dean not hug ger back.

people watching them .


In Roy place

' Mr. Roy what I can do for you ' . a mysterious man come and bow to Roy . he look around 35 years old .

' mr. x you are high level assassain , am I right . '

' yes'

' Then you have to kill a boy for me . '

The mysterious man laugh when he listen Roy word .

' sir it to simple my man easily kill him ' .

' no , you take all your man to kill him . '

The mysterious man or Mr.x is little surprised by his behaviour .

' is that man strong ' . mr.x ask

' yes ' he only answer with yes . he can't told that he was defeated by him in one punch .

It will hurt is reputation .

' what his level sir ' .

' His level may be 4 or 5 ' .

Actually Roy lvl is 4 while james lvl is also 4 . But Dean lvl is more than 4 .

' sir I will do as you wish as long you give us money '.

' I know ' Roy take his phone transfer his 5 million world credit to him .

' Thank you sir , your work will be done ' .

Roy give a nodd .

mr. x disappear . Roy pick his glass of wine and start drink . ' I know Dean is strong but mr.x never lose in mission' . A man appear from shadow he no one other than Roy father he looking toward his son ' fool if he some how manage to kill them . Then I have a backup plan . '

His father think while looking toward him .


At Dean appartment .

The assassain is stand on the roof .

' you will die '.

To be continued .