Did he just...

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Dinner time at the Westwood mansion...

The entire family was seated at the dinning table. The table was set with lots of Kara's favorite dishes made by the chefs and stewards this was due to the special request made by Sherry.

Although everyone in the family was present including Lucas was seated, there was such awkward silence in the room, Kylie's eyes were moving to and fro the dinner table she was anxiously waiting for Kara and Lucas to spill the beans about their wedding but they didn't, so she decided to break the ice.

"Mom, dad don't you think Kara and Lucas make a great couple, I mean look at them." they did look like a cute couple how Lucas was light skinned black and Kara was light skin, they were like a perfect piece of art much like the ones you would see in romance movies.

"They've been together for a while, it's nothing special Kylie" Shawn remarked.

"Actually what Kylie means to say is...." Kara mentions as she intertwined her fingers with Lucas " Lucas and I are getting married in the next three months" she continued

Andrew was just about to take another sip of his merry time beach summer cocktail but he spat it out immediately " 3 months!!" Andrew exclaimed.

"What your dad means to say is... isn't three months just too soon. It sounds rushed" Sherry explained

"Mrs Westwood we would really want to get married as soon as possible" Lucas clarifies

"Since everyone is making announcements I would also like to say something" Shawn intervined, just then Alexis walked in alongside Mark. Shawn stood up walked over to Alexis and interlock their fingers

"What are you doing?" she whispered trying to get loose of Shawn's grip.

"What I should have done a long time ago" Shawn whispered back.

"I have an announcement to make" Shawn said out loud

"Yeah, but you can say that without holding my sister's hand!" Mark snapped at Shawn. Mark and Shawn really didn't have the best relationship.

"I don't think I have to explain my self to you because she is my girlfriend and has been my girlfriend for two years now" Shawn continued

Andrew immediately choked on his food.

"Alex what on Earth is he saying?!" Mark questions his sister but she didn't utter a word. "And would you get your hands off my sister!!" Mark continued but Alex stayed quiet, so he took her silence as a yes.

"Bullshit" he cursed as her stormed out of the dining hall.

"Mark! Mark!!" Kylie called out then ran after him.

'Why did he have to pick tonight of all night to make his big announcement, it was suppose to be for Lucas and me' Kara thought

"Is there anymore life-changing news I should know about?" Andrew asked.

"Well Kara and Lucas congratulations and as for you Shawn we will talk more about this tomorrow morning" he continued.

They left the room leaving Shawn and Alex alone. "Really??" Alex scolded

"I thought this was what you wanted?"

"Well not like this"

"We'll talk about that later"he responds as he wraps his arm around her shoulders.

"Let's go!"

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"Mark!..... Mark!!.... wait up mark" she continued calling out to him. But he kept on walking further soon he got into his car, slams the door and speeds off.

"Did he just..." Kylie cursed.