"Do I really have have to go?" said Kylie as she clunged tightly unto Mark's arm, now she was acting like a little child.
"Can't you come with?" she continues as she was being even more childish placing her head on his chest.
"It's like you want me" he remarked as he ran his fingers through her hair down her arm. Kylie blushed slightly upon hearing his words, she pulled back instantly. Mark couldn't help but smirk upon seeing her reaction.
"Can't a man make jokes?" he teased.
"I should really get going" She continued as she carried her bag out of the car in an attempt to leave. Mark knew Kylie was feeling wronged by his actions, he was expecting her to hit him as usual but nothing she's just leaving.
"Kylie wait!" he rejoins as he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Mark I'm gonna be late"
"I can't let you go without doing this first"
"hmm?" He raised her head slightly to make eye contact then gently pressed his lip on her rosey colored lips in a very deep contact
Kylies' alarm went off bringing them back from cloud nine.
"My flight is in five minutes, I have to get going"
_ _ _
Nearing midnight Kylie arrived in Seoul Korea after a 13hour flight, She was tucked out so much so she didn't even think to text Mark or her family instead she booked an hotel room and went straight to bed.
_ _ _
"It's morning already" She grumbles as the sunrays peaks through the curtains, she picked her phone up to check the time.
"Oh shit! it's 2pm" she shot out of bed, took a shower then ordered some breakfast err... I mean lunch. She checked her phone while having lunch and was overwhelmed with messages, her phone was loaded with lots and lots of texts, she replied to all her family's messages and called Mark instead
"Hey what happened last night?"
"Nothing, I was super tired so...."
"I'll call you later I gotta to go"
"But..", He ends the conversation midway
"How dare he" she was totally annoyed how could he hang up on the Kylie Westwood anyways she had no time to think about her jerky manager, right now she had get to Dwight. Nevertheless getting worked up won't do her any good.
After an hour and half of surprisingly comfortable transport, she finally arrived at Dwight school Seoul.
The schools were quite spacious, high schools that she saw was large and rather barren in appearance. Invariably, a large grassless area in front of the school serves as the playing field as well as accommodates schoolwide assemblies and other meetings. Inside, classrooms line the straight, sparsely furnished halls and are typically filled with 50 or 60 uniformed students and an instructor. It was arrival day so there wasn't much going on.
Kylie was struggling with her bag, cause she wasn't used to carrying things herself but it's just one bag plus the rest of her things will be brought in the next day so...
In the midst of checking her purse and struggling with her bag, she bumped into two females.
"Watch where you're going idiot"
"I'm sorry so sorry" Kylie apologized immediately
"Wait is that chennel" the other girl asked
"it's probably fake?"
"Yeah looks cheap"
"New girl right?"
"well..." before she could talk the girls continued with their insults.