As Kylie continued to munch on the delicious rice cake she felt a sharp sensation in her mouth but she ignored it, instead took another one, the small sensation she felt got sharper and sharper after taking three bites of Tteobokki, tear drops started rolling down her cheeks.
She felt like her mouth was on fire, how much spice was added to the food?, chilly peppers, paprika, chilly spice were they all ingredients in the dish?.
"Here you go" the mysterious prince charming in which she didn't even know what his name was handed over a bottle of water that they had bought earlier. Kylie immediately took the water and drank it all in one gulp but it wasn't enough she took another bottle of water finished it, took another then another till there was nothing left only the very stylish eco friendly shopping bag at the end she still felt like she was going to die from the spice. Till the street food vendor came and handed over a glass of milk.
"Here try this instead"
Without a second thought Kylie grabbed the glass then drank it all, the milk helped her ease the pain alittle, it was much better than the water all it did was to make Kylie's stomach bloated which didn't show since she was wearing an over sized hoodie but she could feel it and it felt horrible.
_ _ _
After another five minutes of walking Kylie and prince charming were back at the hostel, she finally felt a lot better the spice was gone and her stomach wasn't bloated anymore
"Good night" he wished
"oh before I forget, I never got your name"
"Kim Baek-hyun"
_ _ _
"You're back, finally, what took you so long? Nevermind where's the water you bought?"
"Err...they were out of of stock" but the truth was that she drank it all and she had totally forgotten to buy another batch."but I bought some other stuff"
"Really like what?" Ninxue asked as she searched through the shopping bag" I guess this will do" Ninxue brings out a bottle of sparkling juice and drank it all in one gulp.
Kylie and Zhao Ninxue unpackaged the items before turning off the lights and going to bed.
Bright and early in the next morning Zhao Ninxue's was wide awake and ready to go get her dream job, she only needed one thing, her ticket.
"Soo-yun wake up...wake up"
"C'mon get up we have to get going", Zhao Ninxue was trying her best to wake Kylie up but she just wouldn't budge.
"Hmm Mark, just let me sleep for one more minute" Kylie muttered
"Mark? who is Mark?" Ninxue wondered
"Soo-yun...Soo-yun, who's Mark?"
"Please Mark let me sleep" Kylie mumbled again as she turned to the other side.
- Has she gone mad - Ninxue thought
"Soo -yun you better get up or else I have no other option but to take drastic measures" as she finished her statement she went over to get the left over apple juice from last night then poured it on Kylie's face
"What the f**k!!" Kylie yelled as she sprang open from bed
"Why did you...?"
"I had to since your dream boyfriend, Mark didn't want to let you go"
"Yes Soo-yun, Mark your dream boyfriend" Ninxue explained