Park Byung Ho


Back at Dwight school.....

Kylie was actually getting used to waking up early, she was up and ready to go as early as 6am, she had breakfast with Ninxue and they both left the dorm at the same time.

Kylie made her way to the morning classes she was seated at her usual spot next to Ho-sung, the teacher arrived moments later.

"We have a new student" the teacher announced in korean. "Introduce yourself to the class" Kylie was totally oblivious to what was happening as she was totally engrossed in the notes she took for today's class, she didn't even think to check, it's just a new student it's not like it changes anything.

" name is Park Byung-Ho"

Kylie who was previously working on something stopped for a moment when she heard that voice she turned her attention to the male standing in front of the class, that's the same guy who Mark had his pic sent to her.

"Do you know him?" Ho-sung asked as he noticed the questionable look on Kylie's face.

"No" she diverts her attention from him back to her notes.

"Hello Park Byung-Ho" the rest of the class echoed. She noticed all the eyes of the female students were on him as he moved towards her table. For some reason it annoyed her.

"Hi" He greeted as he put forth his hand for an handshake, she reciprocates the handshake but his hands were just so familiar and so soft just like Mark's.

"Mark?" She stated in a bid to get a reaction.

"What did you say?"

She pulled out of the handshake.

"Nothing it's nice to meet you" She watched as he took a sit right behind her

- Is it Mark, No he just looks like Mark, No it's Mark - Kylie thought

"Ms Soo-yun is something wrong?" the teacher quarries as he noticed she was having difficulty concentrating.

"Nothing sir"

She tried not to focus her attention on the guy behind her but when she turned around a little she saw the girl's sitting beside him try to flirt with him, they were holding his hand and he just played along with them laughing like they interested him, but for unknown reason she felt angry about it.

"Soo-yun what's wrong?" Ho-sung had to ask.

"It's nothing"

"How about lunch?" one of the girls asked

"Of course.."

"No he's busy this afternoon" Kylie cuts in

"Concentrate" the teacher demanded.

After the 50 min class ended the whole class left leaving Kylie who was busy packing up her books, the new guy and Lee Ho-sung, who was busy waiting for Kylie.

"I'll be right back" Ho-sung informed as he ran out of the room.

"Aren't you coming?" One of the girls standing at the classroom door asked.

"I'll be right..."

"Mark if you flirt with any of those girls one more time I'll..." Kylie warned as she clenched her fist.

"Sorry girls maybe next time" He bluntly refused.

"Ok handsome" The girls blew him a kiss before they left.

"I should really kill you right now what was that about?"

"Took you long enough" Mark sat comfortably on the table.