
"What?, where am I?" Sebastian asked as he squinted his eyes just to see clearly, his voice sounding was pale

"You got into an accident"

"What an accident?"

"No because someone told a joke and you laughed so hard you ended up in the hospital" she answered sarcastically

"It must had been a good joke then" he frantically played along to lighten up the atmosphere. Even though Seb had just been in an accident he still had enough energy to joke around you can say his as energetic as an Ox, he used his hand to position himself upwards so he could sit properly on the bed with the aid of Kara of course.

Later Kara went to call the doctor who came to check on him

"He's just fine apart from a few scar wounds there's nothing too severe he should be back in full health in a week time or so, and he can even be discharged later tommorow you just need to apply some ointment on his wounds to avoid any long term scaring and he'll be fine" the doctor around the age of forty guaranteed after conducting a few basic tests.

_ _ _

Another heavy rain took place before the next day came but despite that fact the morning came smoothly and early.

At the hospital Sebs was discharged as soon as the doctor from last night resumed his morning shift, Kara had spent her whole night at the hospital since everytime she tried to step out the paparazzi would hurdle round her to ask silly questions so she decided to stay the night and leave early next morning luckily the doctor's shift starts quite early.

_ _ _

Sebs rented luxury condo was purely modern.

The living space is designed in a minimalist manner with an open floor plan. Which focuses on block colors and primary hues with modern art in contrasting colors. The furnitures were functional and simple with clean lines. Letting in natural lights plays an essential role in this modern home while accent lighting is used to highlight specific elements, architectural features and sculptures with a stainless steel modern crystal chandelier hanging right in the middle of the main living area making this magnificent work of art the main contrast of the modern day condo.

"Home sweet condo."

"I'll go change real quick" Sebastian was currently wearing his old outfit that was previously stained with blood from the accident and the sight was quite gory so he had to change.

After a quick visit to his closet he came out in a comfortable yet stylish outfit while Kara was busy checking her social media and tried getting through to Lucas once in a while until she got bored and decided to play a game.

"You look tense how about a drink?" Sebs suggested as he made his way to the bar, Kara also made her way to the bar counter and took a sit

"Sure what do you got?"

"Nothing much just vodka, whiskey, your pick"

"Isn't there anything non-alcoholic"

" Let me check" he went into the kitchen

"Orange or apple"

"Hmm... I'll have some apple"

"Great, coming right away" Sebastian poured a glass of apple juice for her and a glass of wine for himself

"Here you go" he hands over her drink and just then she got a text, she took a glimpse of the text, it was a text from her manager requesting Kara to come see her for a surprise photoshoot so she had to leave, cutting their friend 'bonding' time short

"Err I have to leave"

"Sure no problem"

