Chapter 7 Black mist.

After few hour, Smith was able to join the game back again but before he left the safe zone, he looked around and walked a little so that he would be able to to assess about the world from the other player, and according to the internal he was getting from all the surrounding it was clear that the game was becoming more and more popular among everybody given a new rumour was started to flow out among the people, that there will be changes in the position of the people according to how they are playing the game.

Smith it was more deeper than that, hence he wish to become more stronger inside the game so that he would be able to to help himself and his family, Smith was an orphan but at a certain period of time there was a family who adopted him due to which he was able to feel the warmth of the family and he always think of them as a family.

But after his own sister ended up confessing to him he also found that he was able to feel differently about her so couldn't help but ended up running from the family.

It was clear that his father and mother also knew about it and didn't stop him from running away, they always cheerful and very supportive at every action he took, so Smith knew that they were not against the feeling of his sister.

Before the calamity he tried to call her and talk to her so that they could be able to go back the way there were, but he was not able to connect to her, given the time he was about to call it already ended and he was asked to go inside the pod so that he could survive.

After recalling his past he looked at the pocket Dex and finally found the way he can search for a person though it if he or she is connected to Virtual reality.

"Search for the name Sara Rise fill, it is her original name and I don't know about the the virtual name she had been given."


Smith smoke as he found the picture of his sister coming inthe option as he clicked on it a ring passed.

"Hello." A quite voice came from the other side, while Smith almost Choked himself while replying "Hello."

there was a total silence for few seconds after which the trembling voice of a girl came from the other side "Big brother, is that you are you okay are you fine where are you please share your location I will be coming their to find you and we can play that game together right."

"Why is my little princess crying like that, don't worry I am fine and is currently out in the wood for a quest, so don't worry about me, after sometime I will try to contact you again and a promise after I came back I will never leave your side for sure, given there is something I must have before I can see you again."

"Hmm! Roseline, I will be waiting for you at the save zone so please come and hurry up, I just want you to come back and will not demand anything out of you I promise you on that."

After he ended his call, he started his game again as he disappeared from the place without any hint of him being there.

Opening his eyes and looked around to find leafy and Fin in the surrounding while he saw, leafy sitting by his side and sleeping peacefully, at a closer look find that she had virtually the expression of a person and physical quality of a child but the way she stood and walked is not a human child is able to do.

She also had intelligence of a child who is around the age of 12, the way she smiled and the way she talk is far away than a child of a year could do. He also found her sleeping appearance to be quite cute like a small baby as he couldn't help but pinch it silently.

"Ahm! the way you look at me is not quite appropriate master, after all I am a lady and a princess at that would mind not looking at me that manner, but if this also an order by you I don't have any way out of defying it."

Smith smiled while he looked at leafy teasing him even though she knew at what kind of feeling he was doing so.

"Oh! please I am not a lolicon you know, so I have whatsoever no interest in the body who had not even matured yet." As he looked at her chest, while emphasizing at mature part more at which she placed her hand on it cover it up, leafy had a human like physics but due to the colour of a skin which was pale white due to the ability of psychic she looked a little abnormal, while her head was covered by leaves and her hair was green to add up like some kind of grass.

But she had a figure of a human and she also had the emotion of it, so she very emphasize with her body part and structure.

"Hmph! let me grow up a little, I will evolve into an fine beauty, just so you see and after that I will definitely reject every time you will try to propose to me, even if am a little short I believe I have good figure compare to my age and I I'm quite famous in my own Empire known to be the number one beauty out there."

"If some one word to know that you are belittling me like this, few of my I fall over might and it up attacking you, just be sure about it given I will not help you at that time." She turned in an annoyance since he had pinpointed at the part she was a little skeptile about.

"Sure, sure my princess forgive me this time, I will massage your shoulder of yours since you must be feeling fatigue while sitting here all this time right."

Smith hugged her as he picked her up and sat her on his leg while patting her head, even though she felt a little annoyed but she was not able to hide the little smile she had on her face.

After playing with her at which she was quite upset and kept on sulking her mouth with a pout, Smith was quite satisfied as he looked at leafy and spoke "Okay, Okay quit sulking like this I was just messing with you a little." Smith spoke as leafy turned to glare at him as she berated "Ofcourse you were but it was not me but my hair, do you know how hard it is to comb them like this and how much time I have to waste while making them straight again..."

"Huh! Oh I guess I can use that knife right I might be able to make a comb, which can help me please her a little after I am done with playing with her."

After grinning ear to ear made leafy a little startle as she looked at Smith with some fear making him dumbfounded as he started to tell her, how he was planning to make something which can easily comb her hair back into proper one he had in mind, at which she looked at Smith with a little doubt in her eyes.

"Grr." a voice interrupted them while a long and strong dragon with orange colour with red shade stood in front of them, as he looked at the due and spoke something in his own language, while Smith was only able to helplessly looked at leafy about it. She smiled and explain that "He is asking for us to come with him since we wanted you to meet others which was my sole intention for bringing you here."

"Hmm! let's go since I have played with your hair a little of my fill." Smith smiled as he ignore leafy pout as she was sitting on his shoulder, she jumped down and held his hand while saying " you have not recovered yet, so I will go by foot and doesn't need your help at all Humph!"

"As you wish my princess."

After coming out of the room which was given to him for the rest he was able to see that it was a thick tree inside which there was a huge hole in which he was lying down, but the thickness of tree astonished Smith, given a small room was made in sided one was able to guess how much defence it had compare to tree's on his planet.

After walking he was able to see Fin who was sleeping inside the liquid which seemed to be healing it, Smith was a little startled looking at it, since the injuries recovery was visible to his naked eyes which was very astonishing.

Fin stood out as he rushed at Smith with a clumsy step as Smith hugged his partner and pick him up, which was a little painful but it was fine, while leafy was pouting as he used healing pulse on him again, at which Smith smiled and spoke "Sorry about that leafy."

Huge dragon looked at Allen and spoke " You are kind as I heard from fin." which was like a gibberish to Smith as he looked at leafy to translate for him with a pleading eyes, she turned her head and spoke "He was saying you are an idiot for doing that, that's all."

Smith smiled a little embarrassed as he believed leafy while leafy chuckled since this quality of of believing someone from his heart was something very few have. While it was more harder to have someone who would believe his / her words with his heart.

When an old man started walking toward them, he had a tall stature for an old man but he also had visible smile, as he looked at leafy and spoke "Princess, it is good to see you again and I see you have become more beautiful then ever."

"Hello sir it is also a fortunate me have chance to see you again but I came here to show you the person whom I have chosen as my master, plus I would request you to call me leafy the name my master has given me."

At which old men reveal a shocking expression while looking at Smith as he was thinking, she had accepted an name from a master that means she had chosen him to be e master she will follow for all her life.

Normally Pocket Star, would be caught by a single master but they usually do not allow them to name them, given it held a greater significance towards their future but all the first Pocket Star given to them are the one who choose to believe that whatever Master they got will be the eternal Master for them.