Chapter 12 Silver Light.

Walking in the safe city, Smith walked toward a certain restaurant, given the city is divided into several different parts depending upon how much a person can earn inside a game and how much authority the person use to have in the Real World.

Depending upon these 2 factors one can enter the restaurant and another way is to find a way title corresponding of similar status in that world which can also allow more than 25 people to enter with the trainer.

In short, not everyone was allowed to enter inside the specific restaurant which was above 4 stars to 7 stars. So people also started realising how important it is to create an authority, Inside that game so that they can have the luxury to look down upon anyone else.

Smith who had the title of chosen from the Lost City and Blacksmith which is self-acquired called Master Blacksmith, is equally Vardi to enter the second and third floor of the restaurant.

Smith walked over when Guards which were standing at the entrance of the gate saw the title shining above the person revealed an excited expression while letting Smith inside the restaurant, not a player can see the ID of a player only a few specific NPC are allowed to look at the player title.

Also, they had to close their mouth without revealing the status of the person to another person even he had the highest authority in this world.

Smith entering the restaurant got the interest of many people who were roaming around while those people who were sitting inside the restaurant we are also a little shocked looking at unknown identified player entering the Restaurant without showing any ID or something, which made it clear that whatever he got must be related from the game since the ID and the title of the player depend upon how good it is invisible for everyone else.

Smith saw many people looking at him interested but the second they saw Leafy entering with Fin, few of them had a weird expression as they looked at Smith, give in a Pocket Star with so closer look with a human is very rare inside the game according to the intro of the game.

So Smith having one defined how much hard of a quest or something else he must have done to get something of this quality, and if Smith word to hear this he would have laughed till dead, given he did not even try to get her that hard.

A staff smiled as she entered the way of Smith and bow a little as she called with a sweet smile and voice, Good morning there respected sir, My name is Silis, and I was asked to take you to the 3rd floor, with the respected title you are allowed to access up to 4th and 5th floor but you had to pay a for 4th and 5th-floor room.

"Thank you, allow me to enter the 3rd floor since I am still lacking in money, and there will 5 more guests will be coming with me, there I'd already sent inside your Panel I hope you can welcome them with respect."

Smith nodded as he asked while walking over the lift which shone brightly and he disappeared from the area while when his sight regains its clarity, he found himself inside the room which was well furnished while it was huge too.

Soon the lower floor burst out with exclamations and wild rush as Smith who was the main protagonist of this ruckus was sitting over and enjoying the tea which was given to him by Silis silently, according to her many waitresses are waiting for the guest he had registered already and she was asked by the upper echelon of the restaurant.

On the lower floor a team of trainers who were enjoying the tea and planning for going into the game when heard the voices, one of its members reveal an interesting smile since anyone would be able to guess who they were if they were to see the real face behind the mask.

They were a famous group of players from different VRMMORPG, they were called the Silver Light, it was a famous group of players which were known for their team ship and their talent to play any kind of role-playing game which was majority contribute to buy a single player called a genius streamer.

The boy smiled and looked at the other 12 while speaking, it seems we are getting a new Genius since she was able to acquire title it just means that he had done some kind of special quest while we are still stuck on finding a normal quest, or he had the intel or a quest which reward the player first after asking for the Quest to be completed.

Given whatever the above reason was the player had already gotten a head start against all the players who have started the game and the member inside the group were interested in knowing what they can do to find this Quest in return they would be happy to do anything in return as long as in their means.

This was something they had decided for only this game since the beginning they were lost in everything they were trying to do, and literally were getting riled up, even though they had completed 7 quests, but still were not able to acquire much of the boost in their strength in any case.

Smith got the call from the unknown number but when he saw the logo of Silver Light, he was shocked since who doesn't know Silver Light, they were called the champion amongst the citizen.

Given all of the 13 player belongs to normal family while they were able to earn money which was beyond any VRMMORPG gaming group, while all those rich second generations and third generation were beaten black and blue by them due to their intelligence and different kind of integrity.

He accepted it, while he allows the pop-up screen which allows them to enter the room. while with a flash, 13 people entered his vision,

There were 4 men and the other 9 were girls around them, if one can see the view Smith has in front of him he would call out a haram group.

"Hello we are Silver Light and we are not a harem group, since not a single person in the group is a couple or something like that, given even all the 9 girls standing behind us are not interested in any one of us please don't try to misunderstand us."

Smith words were stuck inside his neck as he looked at the group while he could only smile wryly since he truly did misunderstand them the beginning they were standing in the front of the room,

Smith smiled as he introduced "My name is Smith, and I welcome you guys inside while please my order anything from the tab since I am broke right now, given the money required to train the Pocket Star is already enough to suck me dry."

The group broke out in laughter with the intro of Smith while they also started noting since they were well aware of it and the boy leading them who had a weird kind of glasses on his face as he smiled and ask "What we wish to know..."

Smith smiled and nodded as he said: "I can kinda guess, so please allow me to entertain you guys until a certain guest will be arriving soon, after that I will listen to your question and answer it with everything I know without any doubt and any false words, in return I want you to work with that group to become a great guild inside this game."

"Also I will ask the person who will be joining us to allow you to be a free member inside the game where they will not be allowed to mind you guys around in the guild and retain your freedom to play this game, given I can also understand that I value my freedom much than working under a guild, and binding you guys to the give will only restrict your talent which is not something we would like to happen so you guys can rest assured."