Chapter 16 Chef.

Smith looked at the rising sun and the road ahead of them had yet to be clear, with little mist surrounding them, they were able to feel the cold but since he was also prepared for such a situation which was told by leafy at the previous station, Smith took out the coat and other warm clothes to cover him up, given the money he collected from the Pocket Centre from the delivery quest, he was able to afford a lot of things.

Sara came out of the tent, with her coat and full dress, at which he had to say that she looked quite beautiful, leafy and Fin were fine with the cold, but leafy needed to warm her neck which was the only weak spot she had which is susceptible to cold and heat, Smith had bought her a scarf which was made up of Woolen.

leafy danced around with her scarf, which was the first gift from her master, looking at the detail of the scarf Smith could help chuckle

Name Woolen Scarf.

Property: Increase defence by 1 and increase body tempering by 50% decreasing coldness of wildness.

Scarf increase Defence by 1 which was he was something he couldn't laugh at, since what an increased Defence would do given leafy psychic cover was already quite hard to breach. Smith and others started their journey back again while Fin had recovered back by feeding healing potion and leafy casting heal on fin again and again.

Smith was able to find any type of berries and herbs, these herbs were found by leafy who told him what are their uses and how they are used by trainers while travelling since they have different kinds of usage among the trainer way of thinking, There was a special fruit which was grown over the tree and had, the shape of guava but the colour of it was dark purple.

After leafy used the leaf cutter to snap the branch of the fruit which made it fall and was caught by Smith down below, so well hidden that if not for leafy no one would have found it out.

According to leafy this kind of fruit has a different kind of effect on the way it is used, among the royal chef of her Kingdom, had been trained by the best among the chef and was her master she truly admires.

Smith busted by leafy as they were talking and walking together and Sara by their side was also listening to them with intent, Smith was shocked to realise that eating food can also result in the growth of bone strength muscle strength and various other properties he did not think of.

leafy felt proud that she was able to teach Smith about it, and it was very happy to receive his thanks, even it has been time Since Smith had thanked her for something, she got more motivated to tell about the various thing she had learnt from her master.

When Smith and Sara, receive the notification that there is a subclass that has been added to their jobs, while Smith who had gotten blacksmith class was not shocked but Sara was truly surprised to see how easy it was to find the classes like this, only one need to have someone willing to teach them about the class.

Sara knew it was possible because the identity of the leafy was not something she could think of right now and was not something which anyone can get so easily therefore she considered herself lucky to have travelled with her brother side.

Smith then continue to ask about how he should be able to make food which will strengthen one's bone, at which leaf he was ready to tell everything she knew ingredients which were needed inside it to make was something Smith was planning to find while travelling, leafy was more than happy to help since Fin had been a tremendous help to her and this kind of food will improve the potential of the little guy.

Smith looked at Sara, who asked live to tell something about the food which can increase agility and lightness give in she also wishes to train her flying type Pocket Star ✨.

leafy smiled since she has been treating Sara as her closest friend among the human, where she could never turn her down for such a simple thing, these recipes were not that great anyway.

fin was listening to them, but couldn't help tilt his head while being confused by the thing why his master was so happy about and what could be so interesting to them. Smith shook his head as he patted the little Partner head to tell him not to worry about it much.

After they had reached an outermost inner section of the forest, Smith and others had been travelling for more than 4 to 5 days now, they had met many monsters on the way most of them avoided them easily, while few were eager to attack them.

Smith nodded his head, as he saw an old man walking by but what was he doing alone in the forest, even though we had told him that the person in front of them was 90 years old but looking old man, if not he would have considered him a healthy uncle in his 40 ties.

When leafy turned to ask "Master, why aren't you capturing all those Monster, given they are easy to beat and I guess you have enough money for Pocket Star Capturing Panels."

"Hmm! why should I catch all of them, every time I see." Smith couldn't help but ask about it, while Sara and leafy were stunned given according to the introduction of the game, one can capture all of them they will be rewarded something greater in the upcoming planet.

"Umm! brother have you not read the notification before entering into this world, first of all, it was asked to capture all the monsters around of each species and each kind to get a reward from the gaming world when you reach the real world."

Smith was stunned since he didn't focus much as he was in a hurry to feel the freedom.

Sara and leafy laughed at Smith since it was his first time to make a blunder like this when it comes to Intel, and the expression he made while thinking that he must have forgotten about those think was way too unique for them.

Smith couldn't help but blush in shame because it was his first time making such a mistake in his life, and he also so look back at Sara while asking "Then why are you not catching them either."

"Because I had caught one each during the journey, when you are training your Pocket Star." at which Smith was at lost term, Sara smiled and patted his shoulder "Onii-Chan, I am not stupid enough to laugh at you when I had done the same thing."

Smith also noted to catch monsters of each species when a sudden notification rang...

Evolving the system, waiting around 5 days through which all the Pocket Star ✨ and their trainer will be transported to the safe zone.

Looking at the notification Smith looked and nodded while all five of them were teleported out, since Smith was the leader of the party he was the one who accepted the notification to log out.

After which announcement also made it clear that after this evolution all the Pocket Star will receive their species naming which will make it easier to record the detail and there also will be a new change in the update which will be shown after the update is completed.

Suddenly he thought If the safe zone is where NPC and trainer from the game can come and go the recipe they had learned from the leafy, lowest Tier 1 can be sold out by cooking them inside the safe zone.

When Sara heard of the plan she was thrilled this is the prospect of this kind of food which will be made from the fresh vegetable they have gathered from the game. Plus boost in Pocket Star strength which is less but is a permanent one and it can even respect little by training and other possibilities.

Sara nodded and asked her mother to sent those ingredients, while mother was more than happy to sent them, she also informed other big guilds and started to make a deal to gave them 5 % discounts, which did not seem too much at first but when bought at a large scale can be a tremendous help.

Smith all good with the way his mother will handle the price and the sale, plus he was able to buy a small corner house which can be used as a hotel in the safe zone, given his father was given 5 authority to buy any house, the safe zone which was related to the name and fame he earned from the previous world.

Smith and his gang members, what inside the shop which was 2 floor, even though I said it was small but it was compared to all the other buildings and their residence in the safe zone, Smith when saw that plot can be bought, he realised there was gold present in front of him but he was not able to sense it's worth.

Given even if they reached the safe zone, virtual reality will be the place that will never go out cold since the time inside this world, is more than the time of the real world.

So the potential marketing of a place like this is already very costly but will become more and more costly in the future.

After preparation of everything they need and the stuff at which they can cook, Smith brought out the ingredients while Sara said she would help in cutting, while leafy had a sense of smell and aroma, where Smith was the one who would boil and fry them in the oils.

Firstly Smith took some oil in the cooking beacon while letting it warm where the onion had been chopped by Sara, when the Onion was fried and looked a little brownish, they added several spices, which was ground by Sara into a paste, which has been prepared in large amount before they started cooking.

Finally, the grounded powder of fire Ore, which can be collected after a monster of fire attribute is defeated, they are not much of them on the market but due to two mothers help the variable to collect a lot of them, so Smith suggested on the part where those who use fire Ore as the money they will be given 5% more discount, Given fire Ore real usage, has not to be found out by any other trainers so so the Guild Upper echelons, were happy to provide them with that.