Chapter 6: The lady and the beast

In the shackles forest, covered with trees and wild animals roaming free. A young lady dress in pink commoners clothing, with low hill sandals, and worn-out accessories that are now covered in dirt.

Beside her is a being that has no apparent permanent appearance, he was flying in mid-air in the appearance of a cat-like a tiger while later is a bird with blue feathers that shine within.

"I honestly don't understand why do you keep on changing your form. I might mistake you as an animal, Raele. " Kiana exclaimed flinching her gaze upon her way when Raele fled in front of her.

"It's not my fault that you can't think of a solid appearance for me, I'm just a beast and the benefits are yours to decide." Kiana looked at him and she shrugged while rotating herself.

"Your so persistent, I told you that I don't like to make any more demands. " She said ignoring Raele's furious gaze.

"It's your choice, I will go to whatever you decide. " Raele looked at his partner before he looks up ahead. "Life is the surface of every struggle. Each decision can twist your fate in life so do not think about damaging more of your soul. "

Raele was trapped on the stones for thousands of years. He never complained about the life he once had and never once did he doubt the reasons behind god's judgment.

He was once a prideful creature who exists primarily for being a vessel and a king. He thought that his life was full of rainbow and happiness that was shinning and glimmering but he never thought that one day, he was given the heart of the king and forced to control the unbearable powers of the king.

In ancient history, there was a creatures name as 'Beasts' with the ability to shapeshift in any different form or even in the shape of a human.

The name of this clan where they came from is known 'Clambia' and it was a kin of the angelic priestess and priests.

The ancient times were ruled with less cultivation and progress upon civilization. There are clans that took over the lands of this place, and those are ancient beasts whose intelligence and skills are far more superior than a human being.

The first clan was Clambia, the soaring clan of the shapeshifters, they specialize in many kinds of abilities and skills as well as the home of the legendary hero, the king.

The second is the one opposes to the Clambia is named Neresara, the beasts whose blood came from the demons and they are the beast of the devil as how rumors speak.

While beasts rule in the past, there were also various of human nations around that time.

Four human fractions, one took over the Desert of Umbra. The second resides on the Forest of Kalda. The third took interest in the Oceanic Land while the last one was near a volcano who worship a volcano as a god-given to them as a false redemption.

However given the long legacy of the beast, it has also its ending. The fight between the two clans emerges into a never-ending battle causing a conflict that decreases the population of the beasts.

A hundred beasts turn into one survivor. After the unforeseen battles of the beasts, the only survivor was Raele himself the only beast who still stands amongst the corpse of his ally and his enemy.

He emerges with the king and brought an end to the battles of each side by massacring an entire existence of the beast. He is well known as the King, the distraction of the beast and the King who has destined to become a partner of the priest and priestess.

That was also his curse from the gods, it was a curse of his life internally. A curse that brought him to be trapped on a cursed amethyst stone, with the power to lock him up in a cage like a puppet.

He can only be released by the contract given to the kings, a contract that will free them from the eternal chain, and a contract that will last only until the partner dies and they will return to the stone.

The silence sweeping on the forest with only chippers of birds and unknown noises was heard from a distance but soon after both Kiana and Raele reached the distant place, screams and unformidable yells of men surrounded the area which made Kiana backed off.

"Raele, can you scent any blood? " She asked.

"Unfortunately, it's very concerning but a massacre of a group of men is happening right now, " he pointed his fingers forward through the place where birds fled from. "This is an infection that makes normal wild beings to a hellish stage of intelligence. "

"What!? "

There are reasons why the Forest of Narzia is known hunted. There was a strange virus that acquires upon the wild beings living within the forest.

Once taken lightly, you'll die regretting that they underestimated the wild beasts but the virus has the ability to make them more stronger and more intelligent in many ways.

These are the beings that cannot leave the forest but they are thurst of blood and they will do everything even damaging themselves to kill humans in mild ways.

"Is there a way to defeat them? " He looked at her before he was drowned into thinking.

"I think it's about both intelligence to win over a massive strong enemy. It has been the skill of one or a hundred men and these things aren't that superior as we do so they are an easy pry to dealt with. " She nodded but it was hard to deal with those revelations that she had never once known until now.

Being able to call herself a 'Genius' at that top, she knew everything from details to information made her stomach bluntly twist. She's not a genius nor smart, she was even framed off so easily without knowing, and now for her to call herself as that is shameless because she is truly not a genius but a person trying to achieve the responsibility given to her, she was just an imitation, unlike the past queens that ever sit on the throne.

'It was indeed that I am the failed genius...'


The voices become clearer as they move forward but what lay in front was something Kiana herself didn't predict, a certain decision that overwhelmed her as she watches the man in plated armor, covered in bruises and blood while holding his tattered sword was unable to avoid the attack coming from the wild animal behind him and his face was drawn pallid and fear was written into his eyes.

"Raele, I beg you please save him! " Kiana said begging unto him.

Her eyes glimpse into fear and it was expressed by an expression of desperation that is why Raele didn't hesitate to help the man who will become a bloody corpse within a second.

Flashes of strong light, but filled with water devour unto the surrounding place which contains liquid of any types then it wads gathered slowly unto his beautiful palm and a halo appeared within the dancing liquid into the mid-air before it becomes water with spikes that attacked the animal in the speed of time.

His attack wasn't noticed but soon after the second, the bear who was out of control becomes a piece of corpse lay with his divided bodies and his blood that flow within the dry land.

Kiana was rather shocked, she couldn't believe that his power evolves the living beings that can be a slice of using strings. However, his powers are incredibly powerful because his blades are sharper than the dragon's teeth.

The only thing she can do is to shrug her consciousness and run towards the knight who had fallen to his knees. The others who survive and others who suffer and died were the most terrifying thing that Kiana had ever seen.

Conrad's eye turns to a pale pallid atmosphere and his lips were cracking that it bleeds.

"Conrad! You! You?? " Kiana approached but she was unable to look at his eyes in the guilt of seeing him like this.

"Milady? " He said and he looked at her. "I'm glad that you are fine. " Those lines he said made her irritated and frustrated that she wanted to punch him in the face.

"You look awful yourself yet your glad that I'm okay? Are you an idiot!? I cannot allow you to die on me Conrad, you've been on my side even though all of my decisions are far stupid! So unless I tell you to die, you are not allowed to die! Understand!!?" Her furious voice echoed upon the ears of the other knights, and it was a clear statement that Conrad has heard before he laughed and smile.

"You're always been an amazing person, milady... I will not die so you must not worry, I'm just tired and thankful as well. " Kiana grinned her teeth and she nodded looking at the knights before she gives them her cold eyes.

"You are all not an exception, you've given your life to Byrne that is why all of you are not allowed to die unless I tell you so! "