Chapter 10: The Presence Of A Instinct

"Let me ask you this then, Ladies, what is genius truly meant? Is it the achievements, showing extraordinary understanding over knowledge? Or is it something to show off to the ladies who have no knowledge of it? " Silence evolved in front of the table, even Lady Eshiavar was drowned to her thoughts and her mind was left the same question that was asked to them by Lady Kiana.

"If being genius is the reason you gain respect from people, to save you from a knife at the back, then respect is nothing. If a person wasn't able to understand, they will try to reduce you to numbers. Being genius is a quality of a title given to those who's been acknowledged truthfully and fair, unlike those people who pay people to have respect upon their selves━is disgusting." Lady Eshiavar left in silence but Kiana was glaring at her coldly as if those words she said has other meanings behind them.

The only moral of who will win against those who are cunning will win no matter what numbers and ace use to bring them down. Even the smallest hint will be used against you. That's what Kiana thinks, and she already prepares for this to give them a threat of wisdom having to say things no understandable by the human tongue.

Lady Eshiavar gulped, but then she had nothing prepared to consider the fact that she only had that information after she investigated Kiana. Now she had nothing to show off unless creating one.

"I see, aha, they must be lying then. I was just testing you, milady, it seems you are fully aware of your status. I heard you were different back then, they said you are a villainess who's so cold against her maids, they said, you don't smile neither say polite things. " Kiana smirked and she lifts the cup of tea using her index finger and her little finger.

"Little thing, there is called 'limitation' to every nonsense you thrive. Do you think I will accept your invitation when I'm called friendless, obviously I came for a friend, not a gossip catcher." This time, she was shut completely, her eyes widen and she lost her voice in an instant because she couldn't talk back anymore.

"Pardon, Lady Kiana, I'm Shena Kaidlen, from House Kaidlen, it's very pleasing to meet you! " She looked at her right when a woman the same size as her in height stood to bow her manner of etiquette.

Kiana's eyes widened and she finally realizes. Kaidlen is one of the best business parties of the famous Merchant Guild, he once offered them the technique of plendas, that method of business made the Merchant Guild explode in the business world like a wildfire.

If he sends his daughter here that means he's trying to take the opportunity of making contact with a duke. However, there are only four dukes existing in Rosemary Empire. They are currently no formal name for this duchy estate. However, despite being less than a number, they are ranked according to hereditary.

Of course, making contact with Byrne duchy is hard, since they ranked 1st and because the duke is very sharp that it was hard to talk to him even if it's about business.

Therefore they choose the House Monique to be able to get in contact with Duke Byrne... It was rather a technique over the business, once they get a connection over the duke, they can offer the duke the plus of business that may help both parties grow.

Kiana vividly remembers, before becoming the Queens Candidate, before she meets the crown prince and the participants. There was a businessman in the business world who offered House Monique a production that in the span of time, becomes popular on the market, marking the new era for House Monique who took the top, rankings the same as House Byrne, fame, money, and partnerships with every businessman around the empire.

That very day, her 'fake' uncle was managing the family business and affairs. He is not good to be a businessman, not now, not ever because of the way he manages the duchy was more chaotic than how her father done before dying. Because of him, the estate suffers bankruptcy, money loss, and corruption.

The Byrne fell deep down to the rabbit hole because of how her 'fake' uncle's method of foolishness. He can't even properly handle a simple private meeting of the duchy council. He doesn't do anything but get drunk and waste money for gamblings and women.

She couldn't stop him back then if only she was capable back then but no, she was taught that an Empress must stay reluctant and calm even in the midst of danger and it always thinks about the empire not only to its one nation but to the whole.

A small sigh left her grasped and she smiles. "Lady Shena right? It is also my pleasure to meet you. So how was your day today, Lady Shena? " She asked.

The lady in front who wears light make-up under her skinny features, and her emerald eyes and blonde hair smile at her, and she is seated.

"I'm good, milady. I've been very good, thank you for asking. " Kiana nodded and she took a sugar cube on the cup of tea.

"I know it is stupid for me to ask milady, but if not bother, I wanted to invite you to come by our store. We welcome you to come and take a stroll, milady. " There are various ways to ask someone, first straightforward or second make a contact first.

She then chose to talk forward instead of hiding her true intentions.

"If you send me an invitation letter, and I'll accept them. "


The tea party ended up smoothly but Lady Eshiavar was frustrated with the sudden event. She didn't see that coming, she never thought it would happen to her. She was neglected at the table while the ladies around were talking to Lady Kiana instead of her.

She felt that Lady Kiana has already realized her intention of inviting her. She just wanna take a look━no, she was going to humiliate her or even she wanted to show the noble ladies who keep on talking to her that she was more beautiful than her but the opposite is that what happened.

She started mumbling to herself and throw away the vase that was a decoration in the hallway. She stomped upon the marble floor burning the frustration out of her lungs and she screamed upon the hallways that echoed her voice through the entire mansion.

"I swear, even if the empire does not want to, I'll make your life a living hell, KIANA! "