Chapter 18: The Cursed Book And The Lady With Empty Thoughts (Part 1)

"Heavens, what is happening!?" Kiana blindly asked but the brightness didn't stop, the duke who was beside her and immediately grabbed her hand so she won't be lost in his sight if a strange event will come to acquire at the end of this blindness.

"Stay with me, I'm not sure what is this but I have a bad feeling about this! " He yelled as he gripped her hands tightly but not enough to strangle her hands.

Kiana nodded and they waited for the brightness to end, finally, the light disappeared but her eyes didn't.

She painfully opened her eyes, and she slowly looked at the ground that stayed the same, then she rubbed her eyes gentle to erase the blur at the end of her sight.

"What just happened? " She asked.

"The door reacted to your mana, it calls you its new master. " Her eye grew wide, she couldn't achieve such immense magic nor felt it into her body.