Chapter 24: Vengeance Over Suffering

They both looked at Kiana while Conrad decided to ignore them, Kathrine was screening her from up to down while Shahel was busy thinking how his daughter ended up like this.

"Something is wrong, why do you bear such an amount of divine mana? " Kathrine asked but Kiana only shrugged in response on telling him that she don't know either.

Unless of course, Kiana's eyes lifted in surprise. Has been an hour since she regains herself and for the last weeks she suffered, "Raele!! " yes, it was him, the thought of not seeing him all months make her stomach twist.

Where is he? Why can't she hear him? Why can't she see him? Something is wrong and she was puzzled. Raele doesn't usually go wandering around, he only stays by her side no matter what but with the feeling of Raele gone, she couldn't connect with him anymore.

"RAELE! ARE YOU THERE? " she called but it was failed, the beast has not responded nor did it show himself, instead it was nothing.