43 Old Acquaintance

 Nothing is ever old, it's just a matter of time then it becomes new again, that's the circle of life, what we've seen before we will see again. We watch as old acquaintance turns foe and foe turns friends. We only hope when that time comes we are in a better position than we are the last time. 

 It's strange how we get attached to things and places and we get the mentality that if ever we choose to leave, it will never be like the same. Well, that feeling is very true. It won't stay the same as we most times believe, things always change, it gets better and that gives us some kind of feeling, we are not as significant as we thought. Just another person passing the stream of time.

 The park is bigger compared to the time I left, there are trucks everywhere. I know the big boss is already here and he is not alone. This place is one of the places he is most secure, everyone here works for him.