Friend Or Foe

 We are all going to be betrayed at some point, sometimes by people we happen to call friends or even family. Our interests are not always aligned so there must be contradictions in what we think is right and if at the end of it all it doesn't bode well then, it is considered an act of betrayal. Of course, there must be more to it but most of the time we see only what we want to see because it justifies our next cause of action. We can always trust a friend to have his own mind and opinion and hope what he thinks doesn't end up hurting him or you. We can only hope we have the strength when it comes down to it.


 You shouldn't call me that when we are around here, there are things hidden I would like to remain so, but since you asked, today is the first time I actually met him. Is there anything I should know? I asked.

 He is anything but your brother, that guy was one of the guys that killed more than half the Legion.

 What are you talking about Tage?