
'Should I say I saw the light?'

'I was never the religious type, in fact I barely noticed those who would hold signs up saying that "The merge was just the beginning" and that "The Great Sorrow will come again". But there was no other way to describe it.'

A burst of lights and see through orbs seemed to guide themselves through a tunnel of light to the brightness on the other end.

'If I had focused in high school this might have been what they called a dimensional gate or something'

Yet Ray's thoughts seemed to dim closer to the blinding light at the end as the orbs that had seemed to be travelling with him, poured into his very being.

It was dark for a bit, although Ray past the light, that void seemed to have been back for a split second until he heard his name?

"Ray" Spoke a soft almost kind voice that seemed exhausted.

'What's going on?' Slowly Ray opened his eyes on an awkward angle, he saw people's faces from below?


"Dear he's got your devilish looks" snickered the woman as the man Ray saw peered down at him?

"Ahaha, you're right, he does! He's going to be quite a ladies- or man killer" joked the man as the woman seemed to send the man a look of 'you're such a child' to which he shrugged off.

"How's it going down there little man?" 'Little?' Ray was pretty sure he was 27, 'is this what they called the "after life?"' He wondered as his vision seemed to shift again with the passing of his new found form.

'There's no way this is happening' Ray thought it was a joke but as the man picked him up and turned to a mirror, on the far end, it was clear.




'I was reborn!?'



What could he do as instead he burst out into tears as a newborn rather then swearing the very profanities in his mind.

'What kinda bull - fucking shit was this!?'

His tiny ass arm and legs, baby face and brown greyish hair?

'Who the fuck even had that colour for hair without dying it?'

He was dreaming- no even worse, having a nightmare. Any minute now he'd wake up and Zivon would be in his room once again let in by his bodyguards to get him up for the day as per usual.

Beauty sleep is a must after all.

Closing his eyes and then opening them, only to see the man smiling at him with a devious almost perverted face was like the guy had flashed someone and ran away from the crime scene.

'It's official. I was reborn'

the reason to why or even where he was, wasn't going to be an easy thing to find out.

As Ray scanned the man once again, hew saw his eyes were brown with a red tint and he had what seemed to be natural red hair? His build was pretty good considering his attitude, looking closer, Ray felt jealous of the ripped upper and lower body of who he assumed was his father.

Seemed he had his fathers eyes, that same brown with a red tint- only Ray's eyes were more of the red tint then his father's.

"Well he's definitely a true demon with those eyes! He's got your hair my love"

'Demon? Was that some inside joke to his follow up of a lady/man killer?'

"Indeed, he's going to have a tough life even with his status. He's not our first born at that either. I worry for him considering he'll have to compete with his older 8 siblings"

It seemed that the list of insanity continued, not only was Ray reborn, but he was reborn as a demon!? Something he despised in his past life and would apparently have to compete for top dog with 8 older siblings!?

The pure depression on Ray's face didn't go unnoticed by his new found parents as his mother grew worried at the sudden reaction of her 9th kin.

"Ray my beautiful boy, mother is right here baby. What's wrong with you my little munchie"

'please don't call me that, I'm 27 for Christ sake.'

"Oh I know, you're hungry right?"



just pure fear laced with regret poured into the streamline of new tears as Ray yelled and shouted his colourful phrases of 'fuck no, bitch and big jugs of gross!' As his Mother brought her breasts towards him.

'Please! I'm 27! I'm not ya kid! I'm Ray Zone! Nooooo!'

"There we go, that should perk him up a bit" softly spoke Rays mother as Ray deeply regretted so many past life decisions and more. If his mother wasn't careful Ray might as well go back to the light after suffocating by being breastfed.

After his acceptance of everything Ray had been staring at the ceiling of his new home which was of black, red, gold and white architecture. It seemed that his parents were that of royal demonic blood, a species of the highest race of demons. He yet to confirm his whereabouts would have to wait. As it seemed that while he was a baby demon he would remain in his room heavily guarded until feeding time.

Although Ray had been reborn, his grudge was still very much intact-regardless of whether he was able to get his revenge, he wouldn't trust anybody in this lifetime.

"Oh my! The little prince is awake!" Spoke the Nanny.

'yes, my parents weren't just the highest demonic demons out there, they were the originals.'

"You sure are different from you older siblings, you don't cry much at all" Ray listened to her babbling quite a bit over the days, it was almost comforting as Ray never had a biological family in his past life.

Regardless of his team or his connections, Ray suffered depression and was very much alone when not out defending the world from monsters.

Maybe he could get use to this?

"Oh there's my little munchie! Ready for another feeding?" Waltzed in Ray's mother as the nanny bowed and passed Ray over carefully.

'Never mind! I take it back! I take it fucking back! Noooooo!' He needed to grow up faster then this.