
Sitting in the grass was one thing, but sitting in grass as an infant of 2, alone and in a place monsters could easily strut past was another.

'Was this why my mother burst out into tears the other fucken day?' Ray's small legs ruptured the dirt in his tiny boots as fog had seemed to settle around him.

"Ray" came a voice that seemed familiar from the distance but he couldn't quite remember it.

"Ray I kid you fucken not, get the fuck up!" 'Wait no, now I remember.' With deadpanned red tinted eyes, it seemed he wasn't alone anymore as the fog settled in close around him.


"You're going to be late for the press conference dumb ass" Zivon pulled Ray's duffel blanket off his body as Ray simply ignored Zivon pressing his face into the pillow provided.

"Dude seriously, you can't do this again! Арон собирается убить меня (Aron is going to kill me)" Zivon blurted out in Russian as Ray laughed into his pillow.

"What the fuck are you laughing about" Zivon swore, ticked off already as Ray leaned to his side with a goofy smile to his face.

"Kill me softly with your sweet, sweet sexy words Zivon" Ray joked a Zivon then kicked Ray off the bed and headed towards the door to leave as Ray added "aww but I was close" to which he received a backhanded rude finger in response as Ray chuckled at it.


'What the fuck is this' Ray glared at the memory he was seeing as the fog seemed to be some kind of hallucinogen.

| it seems you can already see the difference between what is real or not |

Ray hearing this new voice suddenly fell backwards. Not from surprise or shock but rather because he lost balance of his small body.

| Although I do not see what you do in the fog, I know you are not a soul of this world |

'Oh shit, was my cover blown?' Ray in response to his thoughts rolled over with great effort in attempts to get up and away but it seemed his magi did not work here.

| As you can already figure out, your magi doesn't work here |

'You can fucken hear my thoughts can't ya?' Ray accused as the voice seemed to laugh out at Ray's spunkiness.

| For someone so cute on the outside, your inner subconscious voice is rather mature. Could it be you were reborn in this world? |

'You say that so casually, have there been other cases you've seen such as this' a long pause reached Ray's ears as a sudden movement in the fog caught Ray's attention.

| Yes, you are not the first and most likely not the last |

Ray watched the movement in the fog carefully as he planned his next words wisely. This being seemed to know quite a bit, they might even know something relevant to this world he might even be of use.

'So what are you exactly?' Ray genuinely was curious of that, as another glimpse of something big and almost scaly had inched closer to him in the fog.

| I go by many names, Reptile God, Ceilanc, Demonic Dragon, you were brought here for the test which you have passed already with flying colours. You were able to see past to the present then be fooled by a happy memory |

'A happy memory huh?' Now that he thought about it, it was a happy memory regardless of the situation.

'Well to be fair, the memory was something I knew had passed. So truthfully it wasn't going to do you any good' Ray admitted, after all, that very person had betrayed him as well.

| I see, well if that's the case I have one more test for you then |

'What would that be?'

| To survive my stigma |

And just as Ray suspected a dark blooded, scaled dragon came forth from the fog and pushed it's entire being straight into Ray's small body on the grass.

Boy did it hurt, the amount of magi that buzzed through Ray's veins was a rude awakening, as Ray's body convulsed on the ground coughing up blood. Such an attractive scene of a baby boy coughing up blood. He was now indeed the main character in the horror movie fighting off a demonic spirit from his body! All he needed now was the exorcist with a bible and holy water. 

The gurgles and spazzing of his nerve system, the rolling eyes and blood streamlining from the mouth, nose, ears and eyes would have had his mother faint on the spot. When a stigma of a mythical beast is initiated, it was up to the individual that has been invaded to fight of the foreign magi with will alone, to overcome it, to be able to command part of that beasts will. However…

'Fucking. Hell. It's. Like being ripped - apart!'

If one can't fight off the magi during the time the stigma is being inlayed within the body, the beast will take your soul as payment for your incompetence.

| You are stronger than you appear to be |

'You mother fucker, get out of my fucken body!' Ray yelled as his tiny baby body moved around as though possessed. Yep he was definitely inspired by a ghost possession you'd seen in a movie!

| heh, you win |

Stopping, Ray's body remained as still as the dead for a good solid minute before Ray opened his eyes normally and took a deep breath of crisp air.

| You've done well, I didn't think any soul would be able to hold my stigma so well. But you prove this old dragon wrong with your spirit. You're nothing I've seen before, I do truly wish I could see how far you go in the future |

'What are you talking about you fucker' Ray laid on the grass in agony as a blurred figure of the demonic dragon seemed to project in front of him.

| I have been alive for some time and have grown old, your ancestors required a warrior back then and relied on me for the power they sought. Yet over time, little by little, the more I provided your ancestors with a warrior to appease peace between them and the mythical spirits such as myself. I withered away in these mountains, undesired and frankly not satisfied with any of the new generations. That wasn't until you, although your mind and soul is not of this world, your heart and body is. You didn't just manage to accept my stigma but you fully absorb my entire being within your cores. |

Surprised by this knowledge Ray finally understood, his technique of slowly absorbing magi had transgressed so far to now being able to absorb that of others- just as it had done momentarily to his nanny Opal. That meant he'd become the demonic dragon himself after devouring the beasts magi as his own!

| it seems you figured it out, which leaves me to ask one question before I fully die. What will you do with this power Ray Ryjin |

What would he do? He'd wanted revenge and closure to his unjustified death back then. But it seemed that may not be a possibility now as he laid there in the grass.

'I don't know' Ray answered truthfully as the demonic dragons last projection of itself vanished and so did the fog to reveal the unknown forest once more on the edge of Ashura.

'Man I'm tired' Ray thought, just as he heard his name yelled in the distance and footsteps closing in on where he laid in a pool of his own blood.