
Before Ash could continue, the second set of double doors behind them opened and Nanny Opal walked in rather distressed. Ray had never seen her look like this since he was selected to be the Warrior for the Ryjin household. 

"Ray? You're awake!" Before any of the brothers could ask why she seemed so distressed. Opal hugged Ray tightly, "Thank goddess, your mother hadn't left your side till she really had too" even though Opal was his nanny, she was more like a mother figure as well. His father after all never really visited him, not that he cared much. 

"Nanny Opal, what's going on?" Ray asked as she let go of Ray and looked at the others, slightly unsure of what she was allowed to tell. 

"Your Father is currently battling a human from the other world." 

All- even Xion froze, eyes wide, Xion stood up immediately.

"What the hell do you mean!? Weren't they in a peaceful manner!?" Yelled Xion as Lance too was equally pissed even if his point was being proven. 

"My orders were to protect you all, the other children have already been moved to safer locations." 

'What the hell…' no this was too soon, he wasn't strong enough to get his revenge in his current state. He was was too weak… even his 3rd and 4th oldest brothers were stronger than him!

"We must prepare immediately for war" 

Xion with his fists curled punched a wall and immediately on impact the wall was obliterated. "They come here after all we've done for them!?" 

"Shit he's lost it" Lance muttered as Opal immediately grabbed Xion and stuck magi needles into his neck targeting his magi circuitry causing him to faint from a sudden lack of supply. 

This had been the first time he'd seen his nanny Opal use extreme measures, he'd almost forgotten she was a demon, almost. Her demon form wasn't yet achieved but with the use of her skill magi needles, it was clear she was some type of hybrid. An unusual thorn like crown seemed to sit upon her head even though it appeared to be her horns entangled. 

Her aura was cool like a winters breeze letting those know she was controlling the output.

'How did I manage to knock her out…' he wondered as Opal relayed that they needed to follow her to relocate now while holding Xion over her shoulder. 

Running away from a fight had never been something he did, not once… but he wasn't about to die, again. 

However he was still weak that he fell after just 15 minutes of running through underground tunnels. 

'Fuck… I feel sick…' holding in his stomachs demand, he got up holding onto an archway. For a tunnel underground, it was made sturdy like the castle, black marble encased with magi absorption. He'd read that when he was younger - that simple physics would bounce attacks due to the magi resistance factor. Sure it wouldn't hold out forever but it was long enough to make an escape like they were doing now. 

"Ray" came Opal's voice, it seemed she'd told Lance to go ahead as she grabbed him too, slinging him over her other shoulder and running so fast it was hard to keep track without motion sickness.

His magi reserves were surely normal right now, so why was he so weak? 'Was it the concoction I drank?' He wondered, as a sudden explosion to the west of them had Lance shake. He'd waited just outside the tunnels exit for them all but it seemed the fight was closer than Opal had expected.

Without notice, Ray was flying!? No… rather he was thrown!?

Sure being thrown wouldn't kill him but he was already extremely weak and dare say almost humanlike sick!? So being thrown wasn't exactly ideal right now. 

Slamming into a few trees he broke on the way to the ground, Xion's body not too far away. He slightly lifted his head and upper body in the direction of fighting.

There he saw Opal head to head with a random human male.

Her movements were no joke but neither was this humans, he parried every attack barely but managed to push Opal back a bit. 

'No… leave them alone…' No fucken way… Not again. He wasn't going to die like this! Nor was he going to lose his family. 'Fuck off!' 

Burning rage, the same he felt the day he was betrayed. Yeah, it never went anywhere- nor was it forgotten. It simply shimmered underneath everything else he'd experienced in this life. 

A sudden crackle around his collar had flams aligned along his neck burning any clothing he had as it engulfed his body. The symbol of so called peace was reacting to his unbearable vengeance, pure murderous intentions. What was once only a slight tattoo barely visible at times around his neck was now expanding across his body. The intricate designs, wrapped around his chest, arms, legs, hands- but mostly his back. 

'I won't let them, even if I'm weak' hissing deep thoughts from his soul, his body morphed into the very thing he once killed. Black skin and glowing light red symbols, his eyes pitch black, horns again protruding from his head. 

Sure Opal probably was stronger but his rage wasn't just something that boiled for the betrayal he went through. He was the type to always protect his own, that was who Ray was. 

launching directly at the human was liberating, he'd never felt so alive, the rush was exciting as the human was blissfullyunaware of his fast approach. Feeling the magi he managed to turn wide eyed and fearful a little too late. Ray's nails on his demon form had extended to un-proportional lengths like a dragon and made quick work of the man. 

His body parts flung around spraying what ever blood it had left in assorted directions. Nanny Opal in shock also looked on with wide eyes, she was aware that the youngest had gone through a core awakening not long ago. But his magi and aura output was exceeding what he simply didn't have!? 

'How!?' She questioned as the sheer force of his magi had sent her flying backwards. Opal of course with a graceful backflip gained footing but watching on was all she could do. The young masters magi output was at this point of time, 10 times her own! He was more powerful then her right now. 

What could she do? Ray was enraged to a point he may not see friend or foe but attack anything, anyone who moved. 

Lance too who was only a bit further away felt it, a sudden great magi expansion- exceeding, faster and faster by the minute. He knew who's it was… how could he not know what the magi and aura of his own brother was? 


"What the hell is that?!" Shouted another human accompanying 3 others in his squad as they all felt a sudden shift from the fight north of them. To the East there was a power surge like nothing they'd ever felt before but not only that, it was growing still and fast. Almost like it was getting closer-


It's all he could see of his once very alive teammate that had been in front of him moments ago. The woman behind him screamed but even midway her terror was cut off. 

'What the fuck is it!?' He thought in horror as the two others that remained in his squad alive panicked holding their weapons close. They couldn't even breathe, as the air was strangling them with the new found magi output. 

'Where is it!?' Looking around frantically they all seemed to think the same thing without saying a word. Fear was an understatement of what they were feeling… no one told them that there would be something else here but in the SplitWorld, but I guess one could argue that anything could happen. 

Silence, for a long minute was eerily comforting, setting an unrealistic set of hope into the squad who felt like even human wars couldn't prepare them. 

"I guess it's gon-" famous last words, his wide eyes were seeing the last of his team be ripped to shreds on a sideways angle. His head had been clearly torn from his shoulders but his last nerves in his brain was still able to understand what had happened.

Ray stood amongst the ones he'd just tormented and killed. This is what he wanted from the moment he opened his eyes again. He wanted more, no he craved it, an unsatisfied demon was the most dangerous. 

'It's not enough, It's not enough, ITS NOT ENOUGH!'

Yelling sounded more like a horrendous roar of a dragon and elk screaming as one. Hideously haunting. 

He was high off of it all, he was eating flesh he was repulsive of when he first saw the eldest eat a human heart. Nothing but a beast…

"Oscar…?" Stopping midway crunching through one of the humans ribcage, Ray turned to the voice. 

He knew this person. He knew who this was… through all the rage he felt he could finally grip his sanity back a bit. 

Standing up he faced someone he knew from his last lifetime… 

Someone who he saw as a brother than just a friend…

Someone who had been by his side so much he was like family…

'Why of all people did I have to see you…'