The Rescue

The figure was as steady as a cat as it sneaked towards the warehouse, the dark red and dark purple of the figures costume blended with the night, the figure crouched low on one of the buildings close to the warehouse.

"Should I take the back or the front door?" She thought out loud "The fronts more daring." she murmured into the darkness.

But the back will save you time her mind argued back.

"The back it is then." she mumbled as she leaped down to the floor with elegance.

The figure crouched low as she approached the back door, the door was opened with caution but there was no one waiting her entrance. The room she entered was a storage room there was a door out but she could hear Jokers men talking behind it about how mad he was.

Well that's no suprise.

The girl shook her head and lightly traced her fingers along her mask, changing her vision. As she looked through the boxes, literally, she could see that a vent was conveniently placed behind them.

She moved the boxes as silently as possible and pried the vent open as quietly as she could, moving through the vent she didn't quite know where to go until the green devil ears attached to her mask picked up on a conversation from The Joker and Harley. The girl followed the sound, moving as quickly but as silently as she could.

"I NEEDED HER, SHE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL IN HER BLOOD AND WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU LET HER ESCAPE!" The Joker shouted advancing towards Harley while she backed away. He raised his hand and swung, the sting hit Harley like a brick and tears started to stream down her face, the figure in the vent silently cursed moving even quicker than before but still as quietly as possible.

"I'm s-sorry puddin s-she knocked me out I-I'm so sorry I promise It won't happen next" Harley struggled to get her words out.

The next couple of seconds seemed like a nightmare to her, as Joker pulled out a gun and held it dead between her eyes, the tears started to fall even harder than before.

"Who said there was going be a next time?" his maniac laughed bounced off of the walls and the figure in the vent seemed to see it happen in slow motion.

The fear of knowing she wouldn't make it in time made her hands tremble, she couldn't let Harley die! If Harley died she surely would as well. That's when she remembered the card in her hat was made out of steel, she pulled it out and without thinking she threw it. As the Joker shot the gun the hardness of the card broke through the vent that was in its way.

The bullet was only centimeters away from Harley, as the Jokers laughter increased, Harley shut her eyes ready for death to take her. When a sudden loud thump rang across the room they both turned to see the bullet lodged into the wall.

Joker analysed the card, there was a skull on it with a small T in the corner "What the hell?" he mumbled, the clown felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see no one he had ever seen before.

The figure was wearing a black top hat with a brown ribbon going around it and keeping the hat in place were two green devil horns this persons costume was seperated into two parts one side dark purple the other dark red and in the middle a big green T was placed, around their arms, tubes of toxin swirled and in their hands, a cane.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" he screamed and she give a small smirk.

"The name's Trickster!" Holding out their hand with a polite smile, "No? Jeez, party pooper. Anyway! you seem to have something of mine, Joker. As for now that doesn't matter because," Trickster gave a pause before proceeding "Its time for lights out, puddin!"

The cane crashed into his head, instantly knocking the clown prince of crime unconscious. As she leaned down to pick up her card from his body, she looked over at Harley. Trickster felt empathy for the girl that was curled up in a back corner with parts of her jester costume ripped.

"Well now that's over with, are you coming with me or not?"

"Why'd you come back?" she whispered weakly.

"I told you, Ivy sent me to watch over you and that is exactly what I'm doing. Come on, I'm taking you to her!" Trickster went over to help her keep her balance as she saw she was shaking. Trickster sighed, took off her hat and pulled out a winter coat.

"Here, cover yourself up." she handed it to Harley and she just looked dumbfounded.

"H-how'd you do that?" But she just smiled and shook her head.

Trickster gave a small wink and smirked.

"Master of illusion!"