Silent Tears

The drive to Arkham Asylum was as quite as you'd expect, Batman had told the guards that Cleo was no threat, Cleo and Harley had laughed silently at this while Ivy had just smiled. There were no cells left to hold Cleo and Batman deciding that Riddler was the less dangerous had put her in a cell with him. After Batman had gone and lights out, Cleo sat on the floor against the wall.

"You don't have to sleep on the floor." Riddler whispered from the bed.

"Trust me, I've slept on worse." Came a grumble from the other end of the room. There was silence for all of five seconds before Riddlers curiosity got the better of him.

"What's your name?"

"Cleo." she said simply, hoping it would shut him up.

"Nice name. Why are you here exactly?"

"I want to be here, now shut up I'm trying to sleep." After Riddler was sure Cleo was sleeping he had picked her up and laid her on the bed, not wanting to disturb her he slept on the floor himself.


The next day when Cleo awoke she was expecting aches and pains from sleeping on the floor but instead she found herself on the bed, looking around she spotted Riddler curled up on the floor sleeping like a baby she smiled and gentle nudged him with her foot, he groaned and rubbed his eyes sitting up he yawned and looked up at Cleo.

"Thank you." Cleo said gently.

"What was I supposed to do, leave a lady to sleep on the floor?" He smiled as he replied and Cleo raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me I'm no lady." He chuckled and went to sit on the bed next to her.

"So who are you really?" He asked and she laughed.

"I don't trust you enough to tell you."

"That's a good point. So uhm, what kind of animals do you like?" Riddler attempted to make conversation.

"I like all animals, but my favourite is the wolf. What about you?"

"I like Foxes."

"That would make sense!" and they both laughed.


When they were let out of their cells for breakfast Cleo had sniffed out Harley and Ivy and they had all sat together at the table in the corner.

"I heard Joker got brought in this morning." Cleo whispered, Ivy nodded.

"He was taken past my cell, I wanted to kill the bastard" Noticing that Harley was shaking slightly, Ivy placed her hand on her thigh.

"Dont worry Harls, he wont get his hands on you, I promise." Harley gulped and looked at Cleo wanting to change the subject.

"So how's your new roomate" Harley asked with a grin, she shrugged.

"He's not all that bad, he let me sleep on the bed instead of he floor."

"Is that why he keeps looking at you?" Ivy asked with a smirk and Harley chuckled.

"WHAT!?" Cleo shouted, which managed to silence everyone, she cleared her throat and went red. After a few seconds everyone went back to what they were previously doing.

"What?" She whispered quietly.

Harley pointed to the middle of the room where Riddler was, as Harley had said, looking at Cleo. When their eyes met they instantly looked away and Cleo smiled to herself.

"Aw look the big bad Trickster got a crush!" Harley said teasingly.

"I do not!" Cleo straight up denied but she still managed to blush, Harley and Ivy laughed.

"Awhhhhhh ain't you adorable!" Harley was almost in tears from laughter.

"Harl I don't have crush on him!" Cleo shrugged it off.

"Why should I believe you?" Harley questioned.

Cleo raised an eyebrow and leaned over the table, Harley could feel her warm breath on her skin and she gulped.

"I like girls, Harleen." Cleo whispered almost seductively and Harley let out a small whimper. Upon hearing it, Ivy grabbed Cleo by the shirt and punched her. Harley giggled.

"Ouch! I guess I deserved that." she mumbled, sitting back down in her seat.

"Do you have a girlfriend then?" Harley curiously asked.

"She's still hooked on her first love." Ivy muttered coldly, still glaring across the table.

"What happened to her?" Harley asked.

"She was murdered." Cleo said as simply as if they were talking about the weather and Harley was taken back.

"I'm sorry for what happened I-" Harley's sentence was cut short when her eyes landed on the person entering her room.

Joker walked in, heading straight over to Two-face he whispered something in his ear and simply, left.

"What was that about?" Cleo asked.

"How do you expect me to know!" Ivy answered, fists clenched.

Cleo gulped and adverted her eyes elsewhere, noticing Scarecrow propped up against the wall she excused herself.

"I have some business I need to attend to." were her words before scurrying away. Ivy was about to say something to Harley when she noticed Two-Face heading towards them.

"Hello Pamela. May I speak to you in private for a moment?" He requested, Ivy glared at him but got up anyway.

"Dont go anywhere Harl, I'll only be a few seconds, I promise you." Ivy placed a gentle kiss to Harley's head and she nodded.

Seconds turned into minutes and Ivy wondered if she was ever going to get back to Harley but luckily a tap on her shoulder saved her from the amount of torture Two-Face was putting her through.

"Oi funny face, bog off!" Cleo said with a smile, Two-Face snarled, rolled his eyes and walked away, as soon as Cleo was sure Two-Face was out of ear shot her smile turned into anger.

"How stupid are you to leave Harley alone?" she practically shouted.

"What?" Ivy asked, her eyes wide and filled with fear and confusion.

"If you weren't to busy catching up with the ex, you would realise that Harley is gone!" Ivy looked over to where they were sitting and a look of fear was plastered on her face, she didn't say anything she just turned and went off in search of Harley.


As Harley watched Ivy as she talked to Two-Face she wasn't expecting to feel a hand come around her mouth and someone pull her away she tried to scream but that only angered the figure.

"Hush now Harley girl!" fear struck through Harley as she realised who it was and her fear was confirmed when she turned her head slightly and saw green hair. She was dragged into a dark corner where she was thrown onto the floor, Harley gave a nervous chuckle.

"H-hiya puddin!" she whispered in a shaky voice and Joker laughed.

"Oh Harley you wont be calling me puddin' when I'm finished with you." he spat.

"Whatcha mean Mr J?" Joker said nothing and instead gripped her by the neck, Harley chose not to struggle as it would make him worse but she had a shock when his hands started to roam her body and she gulped, knowing what she was in for.