
"Right ok the first thing we have to discuss, no more crime okay?" Ivy stated clearly.

"But why?" Harley dragged out the word.

"I haven't even had my first heist yet!" Cleo said sadly.

"I don't care, I am not putting this baby in any danger." Ivy said "Which also means no more expirmets Cleo."

"What!? But it's my life!" Cleo looked like she was about to cry.

"The baby needs to be safe Cleo, I'm sorry." Ivy actually looked sympathetic, Cleo just crossed her arms and put on a pouting face.

"Harl are you okay with this?"

Harley nodded happily, tracing a pattern on Ivys hand which was placed at her stomach.


*9 months later*

Harleys scream bounced from one hospital wall to another and it was a surprise that Harleys screams could be heard over the sound of the storm and the rain that sounded like it could break the hospital window at any moment.

"Push Harley! Push!" Ivy encouraged while Cleo was in the corner dancing.


"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM" Harley screamed at Cleo and threw whatever she could grab at her. Cleo's eyes widened before running out of the room.

"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU FOR THIS IVY! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! NEVER AGAIN I TELL YOU, NEVER AGAIN!" Harley screamed at the top of her lugs and Ivy just chuckled.

*5 minutes later*

There was sudden silence and the next thing that filled everyone's ears was a baby's cry.

"Well done Harl! " Ivy whispered kissing her on the head and she smiled with all the effort she had left. After a few minutes Cleo entered the room, she went over to Harley and Ivy, Harely was lying in Ivy's arms holding the baby.

"Hey guys!" Cleo said quietly not to wake the baby.

"Sorry about my act of violence." Harley whispered.

"Its okay, I was expecting it." Cleo gave a quiet laugh.

"Would you like to hold her?" Harley asked and Cleo nodded enthusiastically. Cleo slowly lifted the baby out of her mothers arms.

"Hello there you little monster!" the baby gurgled and opened her eyes she had baby blue eyes like Harley's.

"What's her name?" Cleo asked looking at Ivy and Harley, they both looked at eachother and smiled.

"Violet" they both said, Cleo looked down at the baby and smiled.

"Violet may be your name but you're my little monster, so hello little monster I'm your auntie Cleo, I'm amazing and you're gonna love me!" Violet laughed at Cleo and tried to grab her hair and Cleo just smiled, falling in love with her little monster.


*a few days later*

Violet was no normal baby, she was a fast learner it must have had something to do with the desire toxin because she was already crawling.

"Cleo can you lock Jefferson away please? I'm scared he's going to hurt Violet." Ivy said worrying as she watched Jefferson entertain Violet.

"Trust me Ivy he's not going to hurt her, he loves her just as much as we all do!" she said as Violet started to cry. "She needs feeding." Cleo said instantly.

"How do you know?" Ivy asked.

"Because I just do, its a natural instinct to know what's wrong with my little monster!" Cleo laughed and Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Where's Harley?" Cleo asked.

"Gone shopping." Ivy replied.

"Well, we need her to breast feed Violet."


"She threw it in the fire this morning.."


"Uh, no! Anyway we need to feed her, do you want me to do it?"

"But you need to have been pregnant to have breast milk?"

"I was, a while ago. I lost the baby." Cleo said tears in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You know you could have told me."

"I know, it's just too painful to talk about."

*10 minutes later*

Violet was latched onto Cleo's breast happily sucking after a few minutes Violet started to fall asleep in Cleo's arms.

"You're defiantly a little monster, my little monster and I love you so much!" Cleo whispered with a tear in her eye.

"Do you mind if I put her to bed now?" Ivy asked with a smile.

"Of course not! she's your daughter after all." Ivy picked up Violet and carried her to hers and Harley's room and carefully placed her in her cot, Violet started to groan in her sleep, so Ivy sang to her softly and Violet instantly went quiet listening to her mothers calming voice.


*5 months later*

"C- C- C ahhhhh!" Violet muttered playing with her toys.

"Ivy! I think she's about to say her first word!" Harley said excitedly.

"Oh! Get the camera! What do you think its going to be?" Ivy asked, frantically running to the kitchen to grab the camera.

"No idea red!" Harley let out a small giggle watching Ivy almost drop the camera.

"cle uhhhh!" Violet threw her toy at the wall.

"Cleo!" she said loudly and laughed.

"Trust that trouble maker to be our daughters first word." Ivy let out a small laugh while putting the camera away.

"I find it cute how close they are." Harley giggled.

"Speak of the devil." Ivy laughed as Cleo walked in, Violet reached out her arms indicating for Cleo to pick her up.

"Cleo Cleo Cleo!" Cleo grinned.

"Hey there little monster! I see you learned your first word, you'll never shut up now!" Cleo looked at Violet with love and smiled.


*2 month's later*

Harley and Ivy had gone out for the weekend, a "romantic getaway" they called it. They had left Cleo in charge of Violet, which didn't seem a bad idea at the time; but, Cleo had fallen asleep on the couch while Violet was playing with her toys and suddenly Violet had heard a noise, and now being able to walk, she got up to investigate.

"efroson!" She mutterd trying to say Jefferson's name, Cleo's bedroom door was open; which it never is because she secretly does experiments in there. Inside she found a baby polar bear that had knocked all the experiments to the floor.

"Pwetty!" she talked to herself walking over to all the chemicals now spilled on the floor she sat in them and started playing with it.

*10 minute's later"

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Cleo screamed when she realised Violet was gone "OH MY GOD IM DEAD, IM PHYSICALLY DEAD!" Cleo knew that Violet was somewhere nearby because Cleo could smell her scent following Violets scent Cleo braced herself when she came to her door, she closed her eyes and slowly pushed the door open.

"FUCK!" She screamed when she saw Violet sucking on her finger playing with the chemicals, she looked at the baby polar bear on her bed now turning a slight shade of blue here and there.

"So, your physically affect is these dots of blue appearing on you; guess I'll call you blue, but you are DEAD." Cleo's said glaring at the polar bear. Picking up Violet and silently cursing when she realised Violets ginger hair had a streak of green in it.

She looked at the viles on her shelf only about 5 of her viles were broken she memorised which each one did and she cursed even more when she realised which ones were now in Violets blood.

She looked at Violet and could already point out the physical affects for each one:

1) The streak of green in her hair.

2) Her blue eyes were darker than normal.

3) She had a small mark under her eye.

4) Her teeth were going sharper.

5) She had a star on her right wrist.

And if Cleo remembered correctly the affects were, well, she was dead.

The green streak meant she would learn things 10x faster and easier than any normal child; she was already learning at an exceptional rate.

Her eyes turing darker means that she now has super speed and super strength.

The small mark under her eye meant she could read peoples minds; wouldn't this be interesting.

Her teeth going sharper meant she could turn into a wolf at any time she wants, and like Cleo she will have natural wolf scents at all times.

And the star on her wrist meant that she could turn invisible by pressing it.

Cleo had literally created a weapon.

"Your mothers are going to literally kill me. Oh my god, I'm actually so dead. Fuck, let's get you cleaned up." Violet just laughed and nodded happily.