Is This A Date?

When Aubrey woke up the first thought on her mind was that she had to text Violet so that's exactly what she did.

A- Hey princess you up? :)

Violet reached for her phone as she heard it ding and she smiled reading the text.

V- :D

A- Oh, guess I'll just find someone else to text then :(

V- Oh be quiet you dork, how did you sleep? :)

A- Like a baby princess, do you feel like maybe meeting up today? Like going to the cinema or something....':)

V- like a date?

A- No no, not at all. I just want to get to know you? ': )

V- Oh yeah sure! How about we just take a walk around? :)

A- Sure! How about you meet me at Robinson park at around 1? :)

V- Yeah sure! See you later :)

Violet put her phone down and went bouncing out of her room humming a tune.

"MOMS!" She called entering the living room "I'm going out later!" She said and Harley came bouncing out.

"With who? Where? Boy or girl? Age? Name?...." Harley rambled on and on before Ivy came out and shushed her with a kiss.

"Don't worry mom, it's just a girl I met yesterday. When would you want me home?" Violet asked sweetly. Harley was about to reply when Ivy quickly jumped in.

"Just be home by 11 sweetheart" Ivy wrapped Harley in her arms when she was about to say something and kissed her neck to shut her up and Violet just giggled and nodded. While she was walking back to her room she felt hand grab her and pull her back and before she knew what was happening she was pinned to the bed with Cleo straddling her.

"Where are you going?" She asked like a detective.

"Out" Violet knew to tell Cleo everything when she asked for it because even if she didn't she would find out anyway.


"A girl I met yesterday when I was out on the balcony, Aubrey"

"How old is she?"


"Is she nice?"


"Do you like her more than a friend?"

"I'm straight." was her simple reply Cleo got off her deciding it was enough to let her go but before she left Cleo spoke up.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, we'd all support you obviously, house full of lesbos" Violet let out a giggle and left. She went back into her room and checked the time on her phone it was only 11 so she had time to go in the shower.


Aubrey had an enormous smile on her face and started to bounce around her house, yes her house. She lived alone now she hated her parents and moved out at the first chance she got. Her house was relatively big since she had a lot of money. One of the advantages of her parents were that they were rich, that was the reason she hated them once they turned rich she was forgotten about but they did give her some money every month.

She went downstairs to feed her three dogs, Archie, Bolt and Benji. Archie was a German Shepard, Bolt was a Grey hound and Benji was a cross between husky and golden retriever.

"Good morning my little cherubs!" Aubrey screeched and the dogs started running around like mad jumping on her and barking. "Okay guys calm down if you want food." they all instantly stood at attention and waited patiently for their food.

After feeding them she went back upstairs to get ready, it was 11:30 so she had more than enough time to get ready, she went in the shower and got out a few minutes later. She went to her room and got dressed she simply put on some shorts and a shirt since it was quite warm she grabbed her phone, and realising she still had an hour left she texted her princess.

A- Hey princess! You ready yet?

V- Almost, just getting dressed now

A- So you're naked ;)

V- Yes?

A- Oh I can imagine the things i want to do to that body ;)

V- AUBREY! •-•

A- Oh yeah babe that's my name ;)

V- Aubrey stop it you dork XD

A- Haha, I'm sorry I'll leave you to get dressed now :)

V- See you in an hour :)

Violet was blushing like mad and she had a weird feeling in her stomach. She shook it off and started to get dressed, she wore jeans and a crop top, when she walked out of her room Harley was already there making sure she didn't look too good.

"Red! Do these jeans make her ass look big? Do you think she should change them?" Ivy rolled her eyes and threw Harley into the living room locking the door quickly.

"Okay kiddo you better leave before she finds another way to get out." Ivy said pushing her pll out of the house. "Stay safe!"

"Thanks mum! I will!"

"And kiddo? Have fun." Ivy smiled kissing her cheek and Violet smiled back happily before leaving. She had decided to walk since it wasn't that long a walk from her house to the park.

It was 10 till one and Aubrey cursed as she couldn't find the keys to her car, she couldn't walk since she lived quite a far bit away from the park so the only option left was taking her motorbike it was a Triumph Daytona 9551 she had even named it! It's name was Persephone.

Getting on the back of her baby she put on her helmet and set off to the park.


Violet got to the park exactly at 1, she looked around the park for Aubrey and found her standing next to a railing on her phone.

"Hey stranger!" Violet called and Aubrey's head snapped up at her voice, Aubrey's mouth snapped open as she saw how big Violets ass looked. Violet walked over to her grinning and closed her jaw for her.

"Hun, close your mouth you're going to catch flies." Aubrey blushed and snapped out of her trance.

"So uh what do you want to do?" Asked Aubrey awkwardly and Violet shrugged "well there's a fair a few minutes from here, want to get there?" Violet eyes lit up and she screeched "I'm taking that as a yes!" Aubrey grinned before leading her to the fair.


They had been at the fair for a few hours now and they had both gone on everything, they were heading out when Violet spotted something in the gift shop. It was a big cream coloured bear and it was adorable Violet wanted it so badly. Aubrey had noticed that Violet was no longer next to her and looked around, she spotted her looking at the price of a bear and she watched as her face fell at the price. Aubrey jogged over to her and bumped her on the shoulder.

"You want?" She asked and Violet nodded sadly.

"But I haven't got enough money, it's £45" she said disappointed.

"Close your eyes" Aubrey said with a grin and she did as she was told, she stood their for like 5 minutes waiting and she was about to open her eyes when she heard Aubrey's voice.

"Okay, open." Aubrey said with excitement

and when she did she screamed and tackled Aubrey to the floor.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Violet was so happy and couldn't stop smiling for Aubrey had bought her the big bear.

"So feel like going for dinner?" Aubrey asked happily and Violet nodded hugging the bear to her.


They went to a small restaurant by the water at the edge of Gotham it was quite a nice place and was warm inside, Violet was eating a pizza while Aubrey had a burger. They both knew a lot about each other now feeling like they could trust each other already.

"So did you enjoy today?" Aubrey asked concerned wanting Violet to be happy.

"Yes dork, I had a great day." her smile reached her eyes and she got out her phone and looked at the time, it was 9 so she had enough time to be home.

"Hey come with me! I want to show you something." Aubrey finished her food and grabbed her hand, it wasn't cold outside, it was warm and it was now getting dark. They walked for a few minutes through a forest and Violet got slightly scared.

"You're not going to rape me are you?" She asked fear in her voice and Aubrey laughed and shook her head, they came to a waterfall and she gasped. Audrey went and sat on the edge above the water and Violet sat next to her.

"Feel like going for a swim?" Aubrey asked taking off her shirt and shorts.

"Are you mad? You'll die of how cold it is!"

"The waters never cold, there's a cave over there and there's a hot spring underneath the water, so?" Violet gave in and started to take her jeans and crop top off. Violet gulped as she realised that Aubrey had abs.

'No stop it! Your straight! Aren't I?' She thought to herself in confusion but her trail of thought was cut short when she was throw into the water, she lost her footing and was struggling to get back up.

There was a sudden splash next to her and she felt hands grabbing her and as soon as she was pulled above water she started coughing.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" Aubrey panicked placing her hands on Violets hips to steady her.

"Yes I'm fine it's okay, calm down." Violet panted softly and looked into her eyes, her eyes reminded her of the colour of mud after it rains, her eyes were like cocoa and she thought they were absolutely gorgeous. Aubrey placed her hand on Violets cheek and slowly leaned and Violet met her halfway their lips lightly brush against each others RING! RING! RING! they both instantly broke apart and Violet jumped out of the water searching for her phone, she had a missed call from Ivy and a text message asking if she was okay and she quickly sent a text back

V- Yeah mam! I'm okay.

I- Good girl, get home safely.

Violet looked at the time and realised it was 10, she had an hour to get home. They both left the waterfall not speaking about what had just happened and walked back to Robinson Park. When they got back to the park Violet had 20 minutes to get home.

"You need a ride?" Aubrey asked hading her one of the helmets she nodded a thank you and took it. She got on behind Aubrey and hugged her tightly. Aubrey had butterflies from the way her front was pressed on her back and she was sure Violet did as well.

They came to a stop a few minutes later outside Violets house and Violet got off she was about to leave but her curiosity got the best of her.

"Aub? Was this supposed to be a date?"

"Well, yes. But I didn't want to scare you of, don't worry I honestly just wanted to get to know you." Aubrey got up the courage and kissed her on the cheek and Violet blushed. "I'll uh text you when I get home?" Aubrey asked and Violet nodded. Violet listened to the sound of Aubrey's motorbike drive away and smiled to herself before going to the door, she opened it and was instantly bombarded with questions by her mothers and Cleo.

She loved her family but sometimes she wanted to kill them all.

She was finally able to go to bed after all the questions and she cuddled up with Mr Bear sent Aubrey a thank you and a goodnight text before falling into a deep happy sleep.


Something happened that night of the blood moon and Cleo knew it but what?

Scanning through the papers once again she was starting to lose hope, she couldn't keep Violet safe.

"Gotham Museum?" Cleo questioned, taking notice of something she hadn't noticed in the last 18 years. The Gotham National Museum was struck that night of the first blood moon, a bolt of lighting straight through the centre of the museum where the rarest diamond stood. "I took Isabelle to see the diamond on Valentine's Day just before she went missing. I need to go take a closer look at it."