Chapter 8

"Yes, suffer more!" A girl hiding behind a pillar said, watching her evil plan coming into motion. Emiyo watched from the sidelines expectantly, curious.

Emiyo waited and waited, but still, nobody screamed or howled in pain. She scanned around the packed food court and saw people going about their usual daily lives, laughing and having fun. Everything seemed normal, making Emiyo furrow her brow in confusion.

"Yes! Their suffering is so perfect!" The girl said again, her fairy partner smirking in satisfaction. The girl was a tiny thing, standing shorter than most pre-teen-aged girls. Her hair was bright pink, cut into a quick bob.

"Am I missing something?" Emiyo intensified her search, but found nothing but an average day at the mall.

"I don't see anyone dead or unconscious." Nyx flew around, searching for anything out of the ordinary. "It must be so subtle it's invisible!"

"What, come on!" An annoyed teenage boy with pimples said behind a counter at a burger place. "I just filled that!"

"Hey, what gives? Where's the ketchup? I'm in a hurry!" A customer said. "My movie starts in ten minutes!"

The boy winced. "Sorry, sir. I'll get some right away."

"Victory!" The girl said, her fist pumping upwards.

"Victory in what, exactly?" Emiyo asked behind the girl, who yelped in surprise.

"Emiyo, uh, hi! You aren't usually out in the field." Himari said, wearing a nervous grin on her face.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you!" Liam, her partner, gave a reassuring smile.

"You never answered my question."

"You know, magical girl stuff!" Himari said. "Causing all the suffering I can."

Emiyo gestured to the calm food court, her patience thin. "What suffering?"

"Lots of it! We stole all that store's condiments." Liam replied. "Remember how annoyed that man was? He might miss the beginning of his movie! Now that employee needs to refill the condiment stand! What a bother, right?"

Himari gave an emphatic nod. "Right! And that worker got yelled at! No one likes that!"

Emiyo fought the urge to rub her temple, feeling a headache coming on. "This is your idea of suffering? Really?! Suffering is having your body crushed and living in never-ending agony. Suffering is losing everyone you've ever loved and having nothing to live for. Suffering is living in a nuclear wasteland!"

"That boy seemed pretty miserable to me," Himari muttered under her breath.

Himari coughed, regaining her confidence. "I think you're a little confused. I'm actually playing the long game!"

Despite herself, this piqued Emiyo's interest. Perhaps she'd misjudged the girl?

"Yeah, nuclear wastelands are great and all, but it's tacky and too easy." Himari puffed out her chest. "I'm destroying worlds with a thousand cuts!"

"Sorry, what?"

"It's simple. I'm causing countless small instances of suffering so they'll build into something greater and more explosive. People will bottle up their frustration until they burst and cause untold havoc!"

Emiyo's eye twitched. "This is your brilliant plan, really?"

"Totally evil, right?" The girl and her partner gave an emphatic nod.

In her head, Emiyo's headache intensified. "No wonder the suffering levels in your universes have only increased by .00000000001 percent."

"I'm playing the long game."

"For two hundred years?!"

"The very long game."

You incompetent little! Emiyo wanted to throttle the girl but kept professional calm. An outburst would be unseemly. "If this is the caliber of sector 8's magical girls, no wonder the suffering levels haven't increased much."

Of sector 8's magical girls, Himari is one of the few remaining who still lived. Emiyo had found the others dead, killed by the rebel. Why didn't she save Emiyo the trouble and kill Himari too? It'd be so easy!

"Look, I'm currently assessing the entirety of Sector 8. When I get back, your universes' suffering better increase by at least twenty percent!"

"Don't worry, I'll just accelerate my plans somewhat." Himari pulled out a small vial, smirking. "I plan to put this into the water supply!"

Hope sparked in Emiyo's heart. Poisoning water was an excellent way to spread fear and panic!

"It makes the water taste funny. Not horrible, but still unpleasant." Himari said. "It will force people to buy bottled water instead! What a needless expense, right?"

Emiyo put her face into her hands and screamed.


Takako howled in pain as her opponent tossed her onto the padded mat.

"Are you okay?" Seina asked, concerned.

"No, it's fine." She said, rubbing her bruised arm. Even without her magical girl powers, Seina hit like a truck. Takako returned to her feet, determined to go again. Her pride refused to leave until she'd scored several points against her rival.

"Darn it." Takako cursed as her back struck the padded floor once again. "I'm much quicker than you. Yet, you keep beating me!" Somehow, the girl seemed more like a wall than a person, deflecting back everything Takako threw against her.

"That's because you aren't sticking with what I've been teaching you." Mr. Kiyojiro said. "You always go for the dirty move rather than the practical one."

"But it's totally predictable and lame!" Takako waved a dismissive hand. "Not my style at all."

Seina smiled. "I suppose, but you always leave yourself wide open. You aren't working on your defense enough."

Takako turned away. "Whatever. My genius is too brilliant for you to understand."

Seina sighed, but a slight smile appeared on her lips. "Okay, Maeko. Fine. Want to go again?"

"Always, best out five?"

Despite her best efforts, Seina still won most exchanges, moving with lighting precision. Yet, Takako didn't mind it. Instead, it only pushed her to work harder. She hadn't been this excited in decades. Usually, she found her magical girl duties dull, but she enjoyed the challenge Seina presented. The fighting made her feel alive. It'd be a shame when Seina inevitably died in days ahead, but Takako would enjoy her company until then. They chatted as they walked across town, enjoying the scenery. People were working hard to rebuild, invigorated with a new purpose after the vampire's fall. Despite herself, their grit and determination impressed Takako.

"Is that the new school?" Aiko looked down towards the skeleton of a building from their vantage point.

Seina flinched. "Yes, Lotus High School."

"No way! The Prime Minister named a school after you?" Aiko beamed with pride.

"Yeah," Seina replied, with little enthusiasm. "They wanted to call it Kamiyama High School, but I vetoed that idea. And the statue."

Aiko rolled her eyes. "Please, you deserve some recognition! You saved the world!"

"I guess." Seina said, still unhappy. Uncle Kenji is adamant I should attend it once it's finished. Isn't that the worst, going to a school named after you?"

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side if anyone bugs you about it." Aiko puffed out her chest. "Never thought I'd ever attend high school. I'm so looking forward to it. Do you think it'll be anything like those mangas Maeko likes?"

"I hope so," Seina said. "Clubs, romance, lunch on the roof, meeting with friends every day. It sounds nice."

Takako rolled her eyes. The dullest, most ordinary things always infatuated Aiko and Seina. What next? Wanting to attend cram school too? Even thinking about it gave Takako bad memories.

"How about you, Maeko?" Aiko said. "What are you looking forward to in high school?" The two girls looked at her expectantly.

Shows what you know. I'm too old to care about things like high school! She paused, realizing, despite being several hundred years old, she'd never attended high school. Soon, both Seina and Aiko would have a much higher education level than her. Takako had run away from home long before high school age. Not that she cared, of course. Takako was smart enough without it.

"Eh, seems boring if you ask me," Takako said, not impressed..

"How can you say that after the vampires basically starved us of any education?" Seina said, irritated. "I had to learn basic reading and math in secret! Uncle Kenji had to risk his life to teach me how to add!"

Takako took a step back, surprised by the usually meek girl's angry outburst. "Okay, okay. Sorry,"

"I'm sorry too." Seina said." I lost my temper. It just frustrates me what basic things the vampires denied us. We were just things to them, not even people!"

"I know what you mean," Aiko said, nodding. "But the vampires can't stop us now! Humanity can't be stopped!"

"Right! Oh, I can't wait for high school to start!" Seina said dreamily. "Mr. Kiyojiro's tutoring is great, but I want to learn from a real teacher! Uh, no offense, Mr. Kiyojiro."

"I'm not offended." Mr. Kiyojiro said, finally joining the conversation. "Teaching from random textbooks is awkward." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not a great teacher."

"Oh, I don't mind. Any chance to learn!" Seina replied, trying to reassure her bodyguard and tutor. "You're doing an excellent job teaching me Japanese. It's my favorite subject. And I'm not too shabby at English either."

"Private tutor, you're lucky. I just wish I could understand half of my lessons." Aiko rolled her eyes. "Ms. Inouye still hasn't created a coherent study plan yet."

"Hey, the adults are working hard to teach you youngsters." Mr. Kiyojiro said. "A few kinks in the plan aren't unexpected. You've already lost too many years. How can you become proper adults without the proper education?"

"No argument here." Aiko said, and Seina nodded.

"Sure, but being a proper adult means getting a job and paying taxes and rent." Takako said, piping in.

Mr. Kiyojiro coughed into his fist. "Well, yes. But, that's part of growing up. You can't stay a child forever."

"Except, Seina will stay a child forever," Takako said, pointing out the flaw in the bodyguard's logic.

"Not in my heart. I can get a job anyway!" Seina said, retorting the point.

"You actually want a job?" Takako asked in disbelief. It sounded like such a needless bother. "You're a magical girl! There's nothing stopping you from doing whatever you want."

"Yes, actually," Seina replied, puffing out her chest. "I'll still be an adult, even if I appear ten!"

Colten's eyes lit in awe. "You're so responsible, Seina!"

Takako snorted. "Stupid if you ask me."

"Trust me, Maeko," Seina said. "Being a magical girl isn't as appealing as it sounds."

"Whatever. Well, I better get going." After all that hard training, Takako wanted to gorge herself on shaved ice and watch some anime.

"Later!" Seina and Aiko waved as she left.

"You're too comfortable with those two," Lilha said from an alleyway. "You'd almost think you'd become friends."

"Friends? Not likely." Takako was too evil and hardhearted for such nonsense.

"Good," Lilha replied. "Come. There are matters we need to discuss. It won't be long until we're ready."

"You're acting already? I've barely learned anything. Mr. Kiyojirois still teaching us the basics!"

Lilha raised an eyebrow. "Are we meant to wait years while you play with Seina?"

"We are both immortal." For someone who was ageless, Lilha certainly was impatient. "Is it that important for you to return to your nightmare world?"

"We are vampires. We rule."

"Okay, but why ban schools? Why make children work 70-hour weeks?" Takako couldn't resist asking these questions any further.

"The humans needed to know their place. My husband was always adamant about grinding them down as much as possible."

"Why? Aren't these policies more likely to cause humanity's extinction?"

"It wouldn't get that far. We'd keep them alive. They are our pets."

"You didn't answer my question. Why?"

"You're a magical girl. It's your job to make people suffer." Lilha gave her a pointed look, making Takako hesitate. It was true. Why was she caring about this?


"Have you lost your nerve? Don't you hate Siena as deeply as I do? I've seen how she humiliates you. Are you happy always being her inferior?"

Takako stood straighter. "I'm the strongest. Always will be. We will kill Seina."

"Good. I see no further use in having you train with Seina. You've learned enough. I fear you're getting too cozy with her. It's time we enact our plan." Lilha shone with excitement. "By tomorrow, Seina Kamiyama will be dead!"

Takako nodded, realizing her doubts were foolish. This was what they'd agreed upon. She glanced back, watching Seina talking and laughing with her friends without a care in the world. It left a strange bitterness in Takako's heart. But no, for the sake of the magical girls and Starlight Dream, Seina's death was necessary. After giving the girl a final look, Takako focused on the task at hand. No more useless doubts or distractions.


"A day out? Sounds great!" Seina said. Mr. Kiyojiro had given them the day off, and they were debating how to best spend it.

Aiko beamed. "I know this cute little place that's becoming really popular. It's super trendy!"

"Clothes shopping?" Colten sighed from his perch on Seina's head. "Okay."

Seina patted her fairy friend on the head. "It won't be long, then we'll get some ice cream."

Colten perked up. "Really?"

Aiko snorted in amusement. "You spoil him too much. Yes, I promise it'll be quick. I haven't forgotten you, Colten. I have some activities planned for you too. There's this street performer I heard about that might interest you. He does Kamishibai."

Colten's eyes lit in excitement. It also piqued Seina's interest. Since DVD players and working TVs were still rare, the art form had reemerged on Osaka's streets to entertain people. Though because of her training, she hadn't caught one yet. The art form used still pictures accompanied by the performer, who narrates the story. Her fairy partner bounced on her head, unable to contain his excitement, making Seina giggle.

"Kamishibai?" Maeko said, showing genuine interest. "I haven't seen one of those in forever." Mr. Kiyojiro nodded in agreement, also genuinely interested.

Seina blinked. "Really? How?" The vampires were strict about punishing anyone who dared defy their edicts. Even singing could get you killed. Maeko's past was so bizarre. Did her taskmaster even do his job?

Maeko coughed into her fist. "When I was really young. You know, before the vampires."

Seina nodded, embarrassed by her misunderstanding. Unfortunately, most of her memories before the darkness were scarce and blurry. Worse, they consisted of people she'd rather not consider. Their presence tainted her childhood worse than anything the vampires had done. It sent blazing furious hatred through her and almost brought tears to her eyes. Why had her parents' betrayal hurt her so much? Despite trying to forget them, thoughts of them returned at random moments, hurting her all over again. Sensing his partner's distress, Colten rubbed her back, calming her.

"Are you okay?" Maeko said, worried by Seina's sudden change in mood.

"It's fine." Her parents didn't matter anymore. Besides, she had a new family and they wouldn't hurt her as they had.

"There's this ramen stand that recently opened up. I'd like to try. Would you mind having lunch there?" Mr. Kiyojiro said.

"Sounds great. Is there anywhere else you'd like to go?" Seina felt guilty for dragging her bodyguard around town without his input. Was he as bored by girls shopping as Colten was? But Mr. Kiyojiro only waved his hand, indicating his wishes didn't matter. After some consideration, Seina decided she'd at least allow him to pick where they'd eat supper too.

"I have a suggestion." Maeko had been quiet throughout the entire conversation, drawing everyone's attention. "Before going anywhere else, there's this manga shop nearby I'd like to try. I heard it sells brand new manga. I'm curious if the rumors are true."

"Sounds fun." Aiko replied. "It will give Colten something to read while he's waiting!"

Brand new manga? That sounded interesting. It brought a smile to Seina's heart. Little by little, humanity was reclaiming their lives. The vampire's reign was becoming a distant memory.

"Is this the right place?" Aiko glanced around, eying their surroundings with curiosity. They'd entered a part of Osaka that still remained mostly abandoned. The streets were empty, but Seina couldn't help but feel she was being watched. Yet, when she looked, she spotted no one around. Odd.

"Just down this alley, and we'll be there," Maeko said, pointing towards a colorful sign that showed the shop's name, Shinobu Manga Emporium. Seina peeked down the alley and saw an open door, seeing shelves of colorful manga ready for purchase.

A sense of wrongness overcame Seina, and she stopped her step. The feeling of being watched intensified, but she still couldn't locate its source. Aiko picked on her anxiety.

"Is something the matter?" Aiko glaced around, a worried expression on her face.

Maeko snorted. "Nothing's the matter. It's just a manga shop."

She gave her bodyguard a meaningful look, and he nodded in agreement. He'd also sensed the prevailing wrongness. "How about we go somewhere else? This place seems kinda sketchy." Before Maeko could offer a retort, Seina jumped aside as a humongous axe flew towards where her head had been a moment earlier. It flew past and crashed into a nearby building leveling it with a resounding crash.

A large vampire emerged from literally nowhere, brandishing an axe almost larger than his body. "You got lucky. Next time I won't miss." Several more muscular vampires emerged, surrounding them. Aiko screamed in terror and hid behind Seina.

Maeko rubbed her temple. "Jentin, you idiot! Your eagerness alerted her to the trap. Never mind. We do this the hard way instead!" Much to Seina's shock, her friend pulled out a brooch similar to hers. "Change Change, Magical Love Genocide Dress Up!"

What the heck was happening? The veil of illusion disappeared, revealing a face she hadn't expected. "Takako?"

The dark magical girl smirked. "Is it that shocking? Now be a good girl and die." She pointed her black pistol point-blank towards Seina's midsection and fired.