Chapter 11

"You're making little sense," Kion said, crossing her tiny arms. "Why would being good grant a magical girl greater power?"

"I'm not explaining myself well," Nier replied, trying to gather his thoughts. "Do some properties of certain girls grant them greater potential as a magical girl?"

Kion shook her head. "I've trained plenty of recruits, but they almost always start around the same level. Some girls have more potent abilities, but that's all."

"Magical girls need to feed on despair and hatred to gain any real power. It takes years to cultivate a suitable amount of strength." Haruko, Kion's partner, said.

Together, the pair served as magical girl recruitment officers. They provided recruits with basic training in their powers and taught them the magical girl's sacred mission.

"Yeah." Nier winced, hearing the subtle barb against his partner. Takako had never shown much interest in causing suffering, stunting her development as a magical girl. They'd become magical girls around the same time, and Haruko loved rubbing in her higher station.

Unlike most magical girls, Haruko stood almost 160 centimeters tall with broad shoulders, appearing several years older than the rest of her magical girl brethren. She kept her orange hair in a sporty bob and wore a tracksuit when not transformed. Since becoming a magical girl, she'd quickly risen high in the ranks, becoming an esteemed lieutenant of the Devil Princesses.

As usual, Starlight Dream was a hive of activity, Nier watched as magical girls went about their business. Despite the magical girl's reputation for violence and cruelty, the buildings they occupied were beyond splendor, each a unique art piece. Their multifaceted crystal walls reflected light in dazzling, breathtaking ways. Across the city were gardens of flowers collected from countless worlds with hues beyond imagination. Out the window of Kion's office, Nier saw the royal castle towering high into the sky. Its size was beyond measure and extended into infinity. Legend said it was the pin holding all of reality together.

It was a delightful, sunny day. Unlike most worlds, Starlight Dream had a unique sky. Above them were countless specks representing different universes. Starlight Dream existed in a nexus between worlds. The multiverse itself rotated around Starlight Dream, not unlike planets did around stars.

"What, have you found a special case?" Haruko said, sipping a soft drink. "I don't recall authorizing any fairies to leave Starlight Dream recently. Did someone sneak out to cause some mischief again?"

The magical girls strictly regulated what fairies could have partners. They didn't want their power falling into unworthy hands. It didn't stop some fairies from sneaking away anyway, but this was uncommon. Most dare not risk Haruko's wrath.

Kion rolled her eyes and groaned. "Do I need to smash some heads together again? I've told them a million times to never leave without permission!"

"Well, who is it? What kind of partner did they find? Another milksop? The last few candidates have been pretty piss poor. Like that Himari girl." Haruko gave an involuntary groan. "Centuries ago, magical girls were true terrors. I swear, younger fairies these days are complete wusses."

His audience gave him an expectant look, and Nier hesitated. Takako would kill him if he told anyone about Seina. Seina was her prey and no one else. She'd complain for centuries if anybody else stole her kill.

But Haruko expected an answer, and Nier didn't dare refuse. Perhaps he could muddy the truth somewhat? "Have you heard of a fairy named Colten?"

"Nope, never heard of him," Haruko said after some consideration. "Is he one of the failures?"

Kion's face twisted into a scowl. "Him? I've never seen a fairy with less appetite for carnage. His parents have written me many concerned letters about him. Want me to help toughen him up." Rightfully so. Nier understood well what happened to fairies that didn't measure up. They ended up dead.

"You're telling me Colten has a partner?" Haruko asked.

"Impossible!" Kion almost laughed in incredulity. "He has no talent! Besides, only exceptional fairies can form bonds. Colten is a failure unworthy of licking my paws!"

Nier nodded in agreement. It baffled him how a pathetic excuse for a fairy like Colten bonded with a partner. A flash of inspiration struck Nier. It would avoid any awkward questions about Seina.

"But don't worry about Colten and his partner. Takako executed their sorry hides. A single rogue fairy can't change much." Nier gave a knowing smirk. "But there was something unusual about them. They had unnatural strength beyond their years and experience. I'm trying to uncover why. If Takako hadn't killed them, they might have eventually become a genuine threat. We can't allow another repeat of Colten's partner."

Kion nodded in thanks. "You saved us a great deal of hassle. Searching the cosmos for delinquent fairies is a royal pain."

"Still, that's odd," Haruko said, her voice thoughtful. "You're telling me she tried using her powers for good? And it made her stronger? That's impossible."

"It confuses me too." Kion beamed as an idea struck her. "But I might have a lead. Your story reminded me of something."

"Oh?" Nier had already checked the old archives but found nothing useful. It mostly contained epic tales of famous magical girls. They sang the Devil Princesses' praise and their countless glorious genocides, laughing at the foes who'd dare oppose them. Curiously, the archive had nothing about magical girls that hadn't been pure evil. Seina couldn't have been the only magical girl in history that hadn't taken a dark path.

"There's one good fairy that still exists," Kion said.

Haruko raised an eyebrow. "You're telling him about Charity? Isn't she supposed to be a secret?"

"It's worth a try. Besides, she hardly matters anymore. She isn't a threat to anyone anymore."

"Wait, who is Charity?" Nier's eyes budged in astonishment. Another good fairy?

"She's ancient. She lived during an era before the Devil Princesses." Kion said. "We've had her imprisoned ever since."

A time before the Devil Princesses? Stories told a time long since passed when a powerful, wicked queen ruled Starlight Dream. She had used her magic to brainwash fairies into her hapless slaves. Fairykind slaved away to the queen's whims until the Devil Princesses had saved them. It allowed fairies to act according to their true nature, bringing terror to where they walked. It surprised him that anything still remained from that era.

"Were there magical girls back during the queen's era?" Nier asked. The power to bond with a magical girl was a rare, but innate ability every fairy possessed. He supposed even his brainwashed ancestors had that power.

"It's possible," Kion replied. "But I doubt you'll get anything useful from her. She hasn't spoken a word in centuries. She's totally deluded, mad. It'd be a miracle if you even get a coherent word from her."

"I'll try, anyway." Still, it disturbed Nier that an abhorrent creature like Charity still lived. Her entire existence contradicted the fairy's true nature.

"Don't tell anyone else about Charity." Kion's voice contained a warning. "You know the consequences of disobedience."

Nier gave a nervous laugh. "Of course. My lips are sealed!"

Still, he'd finally uncovered a solid lead. He wondered what magical girls were like before the Devil Princesses, though he doubted they were anything special. After all, goodness was weakness. The old queen would have won otherwise. While it seemed likely Seina was only a fluke, Nier swore he'd see the matter through. He couldn't allow anything to threaten the Devil Princesses.


After extending a hand, Seina's staff appeared within it. She glanced towards her friend with an expectant look. "Okay, what now?"

"Now Takako says you need to channel your anger and hatred into your weapon," Aiko said. "The rest should come through instinct."

"She might be right!" Colten said, nodding. "Magical Girls gain power through their emotions. Although I never considered using it to power magic."

Mr. Kiyojiro stroked his chin in thought. "Use your parents' betrayal. That should provide more than enough ammunition."

"Okay." Seina squeezed her staff hard and thought about every indignation she'd suffered throughout her brief life. Instead of her parents, Seina recalled a girl she'd become friends with while clipping away a stone wall with a pickaxe. They'd talked for hours in hushed conversation, laughing amongst themselves. A couple of days later, a vampire killed her for sport. Seina had cried herself to sleep for days afterward.

This is for you, Hikari! She pictured the girl's murderer in her mind's eye. Blinding hot fury filled her, channeling it into her staff. Yet, something felt wrong. Instead of feeling powerful and vindicated, those emotions only twisted her insides, filling her with guilt and ugliness.

"This isn't working." Seina had loathed touching the hatred she'd buried deep inside her. She didn't want to live in anger. Instead, she wanted to move beyond her painful past and live her life in peace. Didn't she deserve it after everything she'd suffered?

Mr. Kiyojiro grunted in frustration. "Another dead end."

"No!" Colten brightened and flipped in the air. "How about trying the opposite instead? Use, I don't know, your feelings for me instead!"

Seina nodded and focused on the day Colten had first met her instead. It brought warmth to her heart. Colten had protected her from Dreven, regardless of the risk to himself. Words couldn't describe the gratitude she felt towards her friend and partner.

"Look!" Aiko said, amazed.

From the round opening on Seina's staff, a tiny bubble blew out. It floated lazily into the air, bobbing with the wind.

"It worked!" Colten laughed in utter delight.

"Congratulations!" Aiko beamed with joy.

Seina, however, wasn't as enthusiastic, staring at the bubble with a sour expression. "It's not really what Takako can do, is it?" Her rival's magic seemed almost endless in its power and versatility. And Siena was stuck with bubbles.

Mr. Kiyojiro gave a forlorn sigh. "Maybe magic isn't Seina's strong point."

"You might be right." Siena pressed a finger against the bubble and it popped not unlike a normal bubble. It didn't even explode or anything.

Dang, it. My weapon really is just a bubble blower, isn't it? It was a painful truth she'd avoided until now.

"No!" Colten said, fuming. He refused to allow his partner to speak ill of herself. "I bet it's super useful. We just haven't learned how yet!"

"It's possible," Aiko tapped her chin. "I bet it's like Seina! Deceptively cute, but dangerous!"

"I guess." Seina supposed it won't hurt to continue experimenting with her magical powers. Still, bubbles? What kind of weapon was that?

"I should ask Takako to try this method. It might make her magic even stronger!" Aiko said.

This brought a smile to Seina's face. "She'd probably think it was lame or something. It isn't really her style." This brought a smile to Mr. Kiyojiro's face too, though one slightly nastier. He thought this revelation would give Seina another useful edge over the girl.

"Speaking of Takako. Aiko, have you found her a master yet?" Colten asked.

"I have." A mischievous smile appeared on Aiko's face. "But it's a secret. I can't have you stealing Takako's new master right from under her nose."

Seina rolled her eyes. "Sure."

"We're going there today," Aiko said, becoming more serious. "It will be quite the journey. It will take a couple of days."

"What's this new master like?" Mr. Kiyojiro said with intense interest.

Aiko winced. "I've heard he's temperamental. He's the master of an ancient secret martial art that's almost two thousand years old. Should be interesting to convince him."

Mr. Kiyojiro crossed his arms and smiled. "This might finally convince the girl to listen to someone. If she wants to beat Seina, she needs to master herself first."

"I hope so," Aiko said, voice strained.

"Well, I pray for her success," Seina said, meaning every word.

I hope you can find what you're looking for, Takako. I believe you have great potential for good. You only need the right push. It gave her greater hope for other magical girls, also. A girl could dream, right?


"You're the only visitor we've gotten in forever." Cerbi, the fairy guard, said. "Even the Devil Princesses have forgotten about our special prisoner."

"Really?" Nier said, surprised. "How long has she been imprisoned?"

"Almost 800 years." The guard fairy's partner, Azumi, said.

Nier gapped in surprise. "800?! How is she still alive?" Normally, partnerless fairies lived for around 90 years.

"Beats me." Cerbi shrugged. "You should have seen what Reiko did to the prisoner. Tortured her for almost five days straight. Barely anything remained of the prisoner afterward."

A shudder went down Nier's spine. The Devil Princesses weren't anyone you wanted to trifle with. Reiko Yoshida, in particular, was infamous for her ill-temper. "I imagine she learned what she sought?" Nier knew how unwise it was to inquire into the Devil Princesses' business.

A smirk grew on Azumi's mouth. "Of course. Reiko's particular power made it pretty easy. Better yet, it didn't even leave a drop of blood to clean up."

Yep, it's a good thing I'll never need to worry about crossing the Devil Princesses. Still, it made him curious how Charity was still even alive.

After entering a key into a lock, Azumi pushed open the cell door. "Help yourself." Neir's breath caught as he peered into the cell. It look a moment for her eyes to adjust to the gloom, the room was a roughly six foot cube made from cold stone. There seemed to be some sort of carving on the walls."She is watching. She sees everything. She is all." Read Nier, the words were repeated over almost every square centimeter of the stone walls.

"What?" Nier's eyes widened, taking stock of his surroundings.

"The prisoner started doing it after Reiko left. It's all we've ever gotten out of her." Cerbi said in the deafening silence.

Huddled in the corner was a fairy with her eyes closed. She didn't move or respond when Neir entered the cell. Much to his dismay, nothing was binding or restraining Charity. If she suddenly became violent, Neir had nothing to protect himself. He began questioning the wisdom of entering this crazed fairy's cell. Much to his horror, the door slammed behind him.

"Good luck!" Cerbi smirked, giving a sardonic wave. Both guards leaned against a wall, eager to watch what would happen next. They wanted a show, and Nier was their hapless star.

"Uh, hi!" Nier said with forced cheerfulness. "I was wondering if I might ask you a few questions!" Much to his relief and annoyance, the prisoner didn't respond. He tried again.

"My name is Nier, Charity. I wanted to ask you about the magical girls before the Devil Princesses. What were they like? I've searched for information about them, but came up empty. You're my best lead to find some answers."

Again, nothing. Out of nervousness, Nier started rambling. "Though I don't see why they'd be any stronger. After all, the Devil Princesses easily slaughtered them. But I'm curious if they had any special abilities?"

His mind returned to Seina's bizarre bubble blower staff. It was unlike any other magical girl weapon he'd seen before. It looked like a toy, a joke, but its power wasn't. Were other magical girl weapons like that before the Devil Princesses? He worried it might contain some hidden power. Charity's only reply was more silence. Her body didn't even twitch, and Cerbi and Azumi watched with disappointment.

"Why am I even worried about this? Takako probably has already killed her. Seina is such a useless girl. So what if she has some strange weapon and weird strength? She's nothing compared to the might of true magical girls."

Nier let out a high-pitched scream when Charity turned her head, staring him right in the eye. A bizarre, wide smile appeared on her face, amused by something only she could understand.

"Is that right?" Charity's voice was rough from not speaking for several centuries. "Charity knows much and thinks you are blind to reality. Already, fate is shifting, and the Devil Princesses are slowly losing their grip."

"Sorry?" Nier fought to keep his voice from quavering.

"You say one fairy can't make a difference." Charity continued. "But a single act of kindness can change fate. Charity knows this. She told Charity. She sees all."

"You're not making any sense." Finding himself pressed against the far wall of the cell Nier tried to pierce the mad fairy's gibbering but understood nothing.

Charity broke into uproarious laughter. "Go, little fairy. But will your fate be the same when you return?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving now. You're delusional." Nier said, trying to keep his cool. His mind screamed he should flee as quickly as possible. Coming here had been a terrible mistake.

"I'm done. Let me out." Nier resisted the urge to slam against the cell door, urging the guards to move quicker. He watched the grinning Charity from the corner of his eye, fearful she might attack him.

"Okay." Even Cerbi sounded unnerved by the exchange. Much to Nier's relief, he left the cell without issue.

"Damn. What was that about? We've struck and insulted her countless times and didn't even get a peep from her." Azumi said.

"Change fate. What was that about?" Cerbi exchanged a glance with his partner. "Regardless, we'll keep a close eye on her. You better return to your partner."

"Thanks for showing me around." Nier forced a smile. A growing sense of dread twisted his insides. While he'd know if something happened to Takako, Charity's words worried him.

What am I worried about? This is Takako we're talking about. She's too lazy to change her fate! She's probably lounging around and reading manga right now! Still, he hurried his steps and quickly opened a portal to Seina's universe.