Chapter 13

Ume perched herself on a nearby cliff face and waited, allowing her quarry to approach her first. She wanted to get a measure of her new opponent before striking. While a total newbie, this Seina might still have some tricks up her sleeve. A figure approached with startling speed, and Ume ducked behind a tree.

"Is that Seina?" Hope asked. A pink magical girl appeared and eyed her surroundings with a wary eye. On her shoulder was her fairy partner, and they conversed in hushed tones.

"Can't say I recognize the fairy," Hope said. "He must only be a commoner."

Ume nodded, studying the magical girl more closely, and found her wanting. The way she carried herself was very amateurish, showing only the barest minimum of martial skill. This would be a simple kill.

Without warning, a beam struck her opponent from behind, blasting Seina clear across the mountain. Her face implanted deep into the ground, leaving her open for a barrage of beams from above. Dust filled the sky, cloaking Ume's opponent from view. After blasting the area to pieces, she landed, waiting for the cloud to dissipate to see her handwork. Much to her surprise, Seina wasn't there.

"That wasn't very nice." A voice said behind her. Seina glared at her, tapping her foot in agitation. "Why'd you attack me? And who are you anyway?"

Ume started, momentarily surprised. How had Seina gotten the drop on her? Even with the dust cover, sneaking behind her should be impossible. It must be her power.

"Your death," Ume replied. "I hunt your kind. I won't stop until I've eliminated you scum from the cosmos. Prepare to die."

"Eh?" Seina blinked, staring without any comprehension.

Ume took advantage of Seina's slow wits. She appeared behind her opponent, delivering a punishing kick to the neck with enough force to shatter it. A beam lanced from Ume's hand, blasting into her opponent's back, leveling half of the mountain.

Hope snorted. "She's making this too easy." Before Ume could reply, they stared in shock as Seina stood up, a little worse for wear.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?! I'm trying to talk with you." Seina said, fuming. "Why are you attacking me? What have I ever done to you?"

What? What is she made of? Most magical girls would be dead by such punishment, or at least crippled. Despite being a total newbie, Seina was more dangerous than Ume had first suspected.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Seina tapped her foot, expecting an answer.

Dammit. Maybe there was some truth to Takako's claims. Never mind, she'll fall like the rest. "My name is Ume Akiyama, Coneflower Purity."

"Seina Kamiyama."

Ume waited for her magical girl alias, but it never came. Odd, but refreshing, Ume supposed. Most magical girls enjoyed giving themselves ostentatious nicknames.

"Are you with Starlight Dream?" Seina asked, tilting her head.

"Of course not!" Ume snapped, insulted by the very insinuation. "I am their nightmare and their destroyer. I will stop at nothing until I've turned them to ash. And you're next!"

An idea came to Ume and her lips twisted into a cruel smile, knowing just how to instill fear in Seina's heart. "You will die, just like Takako Kodama. She's over there, a hole deep in her chest."

Much to Ume's shock, tears flowed down the other magical girl's face, overcome with anguish.

What's going on? Most magical girls can't stand each other. Besides, Ume had assumed the tears of magical girls had long since dried out.

"How? Why?" Seina's entire body shook, so overcome with emotion. "She wasn't a friend, but… She deserved so much better. She promised to be better before you killed her!"

Seina's trembling hand increased its ferocity, pure fury filled her features. "How dare you? How dare you?! I will never forgive you."

Ume's eyes widened in surprise as Seina suddenly appeared right in front of her as if from nowhere, fists raised to strike. Burning pain erupted in her stomach as Seina's fist collided with her strum, making her go flying with terrifying speed. Thankfully, Ume teleported away before she struck the ground, cradling her wound.

What the heck? How can she have such power?

Before Ume could ask any further questions, Seina leaped up from behind, ready to dent her head in. The strike struck empty air as Ume teleported away. This didn't stop Seina's relentless assault, charging with fury and abandon. Much to Ume's horror, she realized her assumption about her opponent having teleportation powers was incorrect. Seina just had insane speed and her eyes blazed with bloody murder.

Beams stuck Seina's legs from behind, trying to disrupt her wild charge. While causing her opponent to stumble, Seina fought on regardless. Ume almost didn't escape unscathed, floating high into the air. She eyed her opponent wearily, wondering how she'd defeat such a foe.

She barely seems to feel my attacks. It won't be easy to wear her down. Ume prepared herself for a long, grueling battle. I need to kill her before she becomes a genuine threat to the cosmos. Starlight Dream doesn't need a monster like her.

Much to Ume's relief, her opponent remained grounded, too inexperienced to fly. Seina, however, changed strategies, throwing rocks at her with blinding speed. One got lucky, striking one of Ume's arms and knocking her from the air. She almost could not block Seina's weapon as it swung towards her head. Ume's eyes widened in shock after getting a good look at it.

"It can't be." Ume stared, unable to believe her eyes. It shouldn't be possible. She waved her hands, trying to interrupt the fight. "Hold on."

"What?!" Seina snarled.

"How did you come across that weapon?" A magical girl's heart affected their weapon's appearance. Darker magical girls always summoned items created for harm. Girls of purer hearts created more whimsical weapons, but no less powerful.

"It's always been my weapon. What of it?"

A horrible pit formed in Ume's stomach, realizing she'd made a terrible mistake. It confirmed something Ume should have realized from the start. Seina was a good magical girl. Why hadn't she seen it sooner? Thinking about it, she hadn't detected a hint of malice from the girl since their first meeting.

"Look, I'm not your enemy!" Ume said. "We should be allies. We're on the same side."

"You killed a good friend," Siena shook with rage. "Never."

Ume's mind raced, wondering how she could reverse this terrible misunderstanding. She froze as someone coughed, interrupting their conversation.

"Well, well. It seems like I've finally found the rebel that has been troubling us so." Emiyo, third lieutenant of the Devil Princesses said. "And another, someone unfamiliar."

Emiyo's dress was pure white, covered in tiny multi-petaled flowers, covering it like scales. She crossed her arms, wearing a haughty expression.

Oh crap. Not her, not now! Terrible memories of the last time they'd fought flashed through her mind. I'd been a slaughter, her last remaining ally, Junko, had been killed. Her own injuries had been terrible, it had taken her years to recover.

No, you can do this. You aren't the same young whelp. You're stronger now. Stay strong.

"Who are you?" Seina asked, eying the newcomer with interest.

"Emiyo Ejiri. Candytuft Entropy. Who am I? Who the hell are you?" Emiyo scowled. "You aren't any of the magical girls assigned to this sector. Did Miko apoint you without telling me? Useless girl."

"Still, good job rooting out this troublemaker." Emiyo eyed Ume. "She's killed several of our kin."

"What?" Seina said, startled and scandalized, giving Ume a venomous glare.

"Good, you understand the situation," Emiyo said. "Help kill her, and your reward will be great, newbie. Watch out. Her power makes her a slippery one."

What now, Seina? Would she turn against Ume to save her own skin? In her long experience, people were weak, fearful, and selfish. Surely she sensed how dangerous this girl was?

Seina smirked and aimed her weapon towards Emiyo. "Sorry for you, but I have no intention of helping you. I became a magical girl to stop people like you. It's my duty as a magical girl to stop all suffering."

"What?" Emiyo replied, staring at Seina like she was a total idiot. "Do you have a death wish? You dare betray Starlight Dream?"

"I was never on your side. I'm a free magical girl!" Seina puffed out her chest.

"Yeah, I wanted nothing to do with you jerks either!" Seina's fairy partner added. "I'm my own fairy now!"

Emiyo only rolled her eyes. "Of course, a fairy gets some bright ideas and partners with some whelp to fight back. I am one of the eight lieutenants of the Devil Princesses. You will regret betraying us, lower-class filth."

A cruel smile twisted on the dark magical girl's face and she summoned a wicked-looking curved blade to her hand shaped like a scythe. She balanced the sickle gingerly in her hand. The hairs stood on the back of Ume's neck. She'd seen the devastating power of that weapon before, then chastised herself for being afraid. She wasn't the same weak girl that Emiyo last faced. Better yet, unlike last time, the lieutenant was facing her alone. The question was whether Seina would join against her.

"Look, I…" Ume began, but Seina cut her off.

"I despise everything you stand for. You killed a dear friend of mine and other magical girls, too. But, we have bigger problems right now. We can solve our differences later. But don't think you're forgiven." Seina bared her teeth, shimmering with rage.

Something tore at Ume's heart. Was that guilt? Had she killed a magical girl on the path of redemption by mistake? Had she attacked without thinking?

In war, unwanted casualties happened. I can't doubt myself now. Siena was young and naïve and hadn't yet experienced the pain Ume had suffered through. But she'd learn and Ume would teach her. Against the Devil Princesses, only unrelenting ruthlessness would prevail. Kindness was a mercy they couldn't afford.

"Two on one?" Emiyo said, her tone mocking. "This might be fair. Do your worst."

"What's your power?" Ume whispered, taking advantage of their opponent gloating.

Despite the enmity between them, they needed every advantage they could get. Emiyo's power was legendary and frightening, though her exact ability was unknown.

Seina winced. "I'm not quite sure. I usually just punch them until they fall."

Ume stared at her ally, burying her face into her hands. She hated working with amateurs. "Okay, follow my lead. I'll keep her distracted." Seina's insane strength might come in useful.

"Hey, who said you're in charge! You follow my lead!" Siena lifted her head in stubborn defiance.

"I'm the veteran here!" Ume fumed, not liking her temporary partner's tone.

Emiyo smirked, amused by her enemy's division and bickering. Ume clenched her teeth and vanished, deciding she'd tackle this challenge alone. Seina could do whatever she wanted. A beam of energy lanced from her palm moments after she reappeared back into reality. Much to Ume's dismay, despite appearing centimeters away from the lieutenant's back, her shot missed as Emiyo dodged around it with trivial ease.

"Same old tricks, huh?" Emiyo said. Ume summoned more beams, each shooting into a different portal. Her attacks struck Emiyo at random, unpredictable angles. Yet again, they struck nothing but open air despite being shot at point-blank range. Her attacks seemed glacially slow compared to her opponent.

Furthering Ume's frustration, Seina seemed content to watch the fight, not lifting a finger to help her. Ume uttered a curse, wondering what the girl was waiting for.

She can't dodge forever. Ume upped her game, attacking Emiyo with her fists while still summoning portals that shot beams at random angles. Still, Ume couldn't touch her opponent. she always seemed a step ahead. Pain lanced through her middle as Emiyo slashed her with her wicked-looking weapon with impossible speed. A follow-up punch struck her cut wound, furthering her agony.

Emiyo a curious tilt of her head. "More determined than our last fight, yet you seem weaker. Not surprising, I suppose. You haven't fed properly on suffering."

Ume stepped flattered. Weaker, how could that be? No, she was stronger, wasn't she? She'd become as ruthless as possible to ensure victory!

Emiyo smirked, then shrugged. "Oh well. That's what happens when you go against a magical girl's true nature." Ume backed away in fright as Emiyo suddenly slashed at her throat. Metal clashed, and much to Ume's surprise, Seina's staff had protected her.

"Enough of that," Seina said, her staff's head ground against Emiyo's blade.

"Strange weapon." Emiyo eyed Seina's bubble blower in amusement. "Still, I applaud your ability to block one of my attacks. You might prove more entertaining than this failure."

Great. Now she intervenes. Much to Ume's frustration, Seina didn't seem scared. Didn't she realize the dangers she faced against such a foe?

Instead of moving on the offensive, Seina held her ground, waiting for her opponent to strike first. They eyed each other, trying to gauge the other's strength. Emiyo disappeared, attacking Seina from behind. She slashed towards Seina's throat, eager to decapitate the girl in a single stroke. Much to Ume's dismay, blood trickled from Seina's neck, as she just narrowly avoided a lethal strike.

Emiyo raised an eyebrow. She had expected the other to be dead already. "You have some ability. It won't save you though."

The magical girl stepped forward again, moving so fast Ume almost couldn't follow her movements. Seina tried deflecting her blows, but they seemed sluggish compared to her opponent. She remained content to stave off Emiyo's attacks, waiting for a moment to strike. Ume wasn't certain Seina would get that chance, she was barely keeping their enemy at bay, and had received several cuts for her trouble.

Emiyo aimed her sickle toward Seina's heart, but she overextended herself. Seina ducked around it and retaliated with a wicked kick towards her opponent's midsection. Much to Ume's surprise, the blow slipped past harmlessly.

Instead of getting frustrated, Seina only eyed her opponent in puzzlement. "What the? Something's not right here. There's something inconsistent about the way you move."

Emiyo smirked. "Figured it out, have you? There's a reason they call me Emiyo the Untouchable. My power makes me invincible. My ability allows me to control the ebbs and flows of time itself."

"I knew it!" Seina gave a strained smile. "That makes things a little difficult."

No wonder I couldn't touch her! What now, though? With such an ability, could anyone defeat her? She had underestimated the might of the Devil Princess's lieutenants. Even alone, Emiyo was a fearsome foe.

Despite this, Seina still didn't lose heart, only becoming more determined to win. She fought like a madwoman, going on the offensive and driving Emiyo back. A spark of fear appeared in Emiyo's face when she realized just how powerful a foe she faced. Despite using her time powers to slow Seina's attacks, they came dangerously close to striking her.

What the hell is she? Seina's power continued to astonish Ume. What fed this terrible power? She gripped her wand tight, ready to join the battle despite her injuries. Her ability allowed her to fight without fighting physically, she slunk behind a tree, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Seina flinched, receiving a slash across the forehead, and retaliated with a sudden headbutt. Time almost froze still as Ume strained her powers to forestall the blow.

Now! Ume summoned a portal, shooting a beam from behind, and her eyes widened in shock as Emiyo's power allowed her to avoid it too. Seina winced in pain when Emiyo disappeared, and the beam struck her instead.

"Fool. Did you really think I'd fall for such an obvious ploy?" Emiyo's mouth quirked into a smug smile. "Didn't I say I'm untouchable?"

Ume almost screamed as Seina suddenly appeared next to her. "We can't win this. We need to regroup."

Before Ume could even reply, Seina threw her into a fireman's carry and ran in the opposite direction of their opponent.

"You aren't getting away!" Emiyo said, giving chase.

Seina's steps slowed to a crawl as the lieutenant used her full power against her. Yet, it wasn't strong enough to hold her, and Seina broke through. Emiyo continued to slow Seina down, but she still proved too quick to stop and they sped away.

After gaining some distance away, Seina gently placed Ume on the ground. "I thought so. Emiyo's powers get weaker the further you're away from her. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Ume backed away from the other magical girl's touch, humiliated by her rescue. Her injuries had healed, but her pride hadn't.

Irritation flashed over Seina's features, but she dropped the issue, watching Ume return to her feet. "What now? We need some sort of plan to beat her. If only Takako was still alive, she'd devise some clever plan. Do you have any allies that can help us?"

"No, the good magical girls died long ago. I'm the only one left." Ume replied, to her own surprise there was a slight hitch in her voice. "We should leave this universe. Beating Emiyo right now isn't an option."

Seina stared wide-eyed, aghast. "We can't do that! Emiyo might do something to my world."

Ume shook her head. "Your world is probably doomed. You can't save it. Let's go before she finds us. Hope?"

Her fairy partner appeared from a fold in her outfit. "Got it!" A portal to a random universe appeared before them.

"The heck I am!" Seina said, fuming. "I'm not leaving my world. Go if you want. I'm staying to fight!"

Before Ume could argue the insanity of such a plan, Seina sped off. "Stupid girl! Is she crazy? She'll just get herself killed!"

Seina's fairy partner shook his head. "I don't think you understand Seina, at all. She's fought too hard to abandon her world, her friends. They're people she loves that she's determined to protect." After giving a slight nod, she flew off after his partner.

People she cares about. Ume's hand shook. Terrible memories flashed through her head. Hinata begging that Ume save herself, and flee for her life. Gathering several other magical girls as allies, only for them all to die in a pitiful assault against Starlight Dream. Again, Ume had only survived because she'd fled for her life. Ume supposed she'd always been running despite claiming to be a great hero fighting against the Devil Princesses' evil.

"Ume?" Hope placed a comforting paw on her shoulder.

Logic screamed she should leave right now. It told her Seina was a naïve fool and was only a liability. Going back to face Emiyo would only threaten her mission. Worse, Ume found herself paralyzed by indecision, unable to move. When did she become such a coward?

"Damnit, Seina, you idiot!" And began chasing after her new ally.