Rap Monster

"Pleeaaase" the 5'6 Korean girl named Ha Rin whined, "No" I said for what's got to be the thousandth time tonight.

"I have an exam coming up and I can't afford to fail. My family back home is depending on me" I sighed.

Honestly I hate saying no to her. She has been my only friend ever since I moved her to Seoul almost 4 years ago on a scholarship to study law. I have a few months left in college and then I will be free. I left my island home of Jamaica in 2010 at age 18. I have been known as the goodie two-shoes of my family.

As cliché as it sounds I was very introverted and stayed by myself despite all of my cousins being extroverted and party goers and would always invite me out. I remember what my mother said to me two years ago at the airport in Kingston Jamaica.


"You see the struggle that me and your father went through to get you this far. Your older brothers didn't make it and you have a little sister that looks up to you. Please don't disappoint us and keep your head high. You are our ticket out of poverty. Don't go to Korea and let any Korean man with their pretty face fool you. We are depending on you. We love you very much and have a safe flight".

End of flashback

"Come on you and I both know that you don't need to study and if your grades fall you can always sleep with Mr. Park. I see the way he looks at you" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Stop! Eww gross! Mr. Park is like 60 and he's like married" I said disgusted

"Married or not that's not going stop him from wanting a taste of the island flavor" she busted out laughing while I cringed.

"Fine." She said rolling her eyes.

"I understand your struggles and sacrifices blah blah blah but you have been here for almost 4 years and only know the University and the Coffee shop" she argued

Being an inch shorter I have to look up at her when speaking to get my point across.

"That's not true" I gasped exasperatedly.

"I also know the library" I replied cheekily and smiling.

"Ughhhhh" she huffed pouting her full pink tinted lips. Moments like these I find her to be the cutest thing even though she is older than me.

"Come on you are a 21 year old virgin who is single without a social life" she said placing her hands to her hips.

"Yeah…still not seeing the problem here. Being 21 and a virgin is not a big accomplishment" I replied shrugging.

"Think of the benefits. The moon light is good for your skin especially when it's windy. Oh please go with me this time. I promise I'll do all the chores for a month" she begged desperately and i felt my resolve break even more as each second goes by. God why did she have to be so cute? Ughhhhh!

She looks so cute when she begs how can I say no plus I was already planning on going for she's right. I've been in the house without a social life for 21years. I'll be 22 in a few months so I should be living my life but her doing the chores Is a plus. Sounds like a win win.

"Fine. I'll go. You've convinced me" I caved

"Really?!" she asked squealing

I nodded confirming,"Yuuuup"

"Ha so much for me not going to be able to pass law school because I "Lack the necessary skills to negotiate and win a case". Suck it Mr. Park" she said holding her middle fingers up and sticking her tongue out.

I rolled my eyes while smiling involuntarily at her cuteness although she hates being called cute. That's one of the reasons why I be friended her for the other girls were too girly and cringy. They would wag their tails like puppies who hope to be picked at the adoption center. How annoying

"One night at an underground rap dungeon or whatever it is won't hurt right?" I sighed as I looked over to the unfinished notes.

I didn't like being affiliated with the no party no fun innocent female lead character out of a story for the truth is I am far from innocent. Growing up in a third world country filled with violence steals a child's innocence from a young age. Don't get me wrong I love my island home but it lacks certain opportunities for a better life. One night out won't hurt right? If only my mother could see me now.

"Oh. My. God. Oh My God. What are we going to wear??" said Harin snapping me out of my self reflecting.

"Um I don't know maybe clothes" I said sarcastically.

Harin scoffed and rolled her eyes at my response.

"This is not the time for jokes Miss Atalia Carter" she said with her hands on her hips.

"I know I know. Ok how about this" I said holding up a mini pleated skirt and a white button up shirt.

"Trendy and cute. I like it. But what about you? You hate mini skirts or tight clothes because you hate when guys stare at your ass" she asked

Shrugging I answered, "Dunno. I'll wear anything honestly. Anything to make you happy."

"Good because you were going to wear a skirt whether you liked it or not. I would kill to have your figure. What do they even feed you guys in Jamaica?" she asked for the nth time since I met her

"Good ol' ground provisions" I recited what I have been for the past years like a broken record.

I really did have a nice figure. One of the reasons why my parents kept me in the house growing up. Men would cat call and grope me any chance they get even those whom you knew and trusted. I had friends who got raped because their parents weren't strict about their where abouts.

My older brothers threatened any guy who looked at me so I had to date in secret. All the guys wanted one thing and that thing was in my pants. I could have lost my virginity on many occasions before but I had my priorities set and goals to achieve.

"What am I going to do about my hair?" I said looking at my mid back length type 4 hair.

I decided on doing my favorite style, the style that I was a pro at. Back home I was known for always rocking this style. What can I say it looks good on me.

After many attempts of trying to get the middle part right I just decided to through it into the definition of a messy bun. Not like the one those girls with straight hair does.

"Done" I said as I wrapped a head band around my head and did a few swoop edges. My lame ass attempt at looking cute ladies and other species.

Taking a quick shower I looked over the outfit my dear Unnie had picked out wondering where on my body it will fit. I looked like a pornstar role playing as a highschool girl yuck. The worst part was she gave me knee high socks, the top button broke and the skirt was pleated.

No backing out now I thought as I applied some light makeup to my skin that was richly filled with melanin. My arms got tired from blending so I said , "fuck it" and decided to let the melanin do it's work.

"Woof" Harin barked as I stepped out of my room in our shared apartment.

"You look hot. I wouldn't mind locking you up and having my way with you" she said while licking her lips

"What's stopping you then" I said lifting my skirt and fluttering my eyelashes flirtily.

We busted out laughing for it was somewhat of a daily routine for us. She truly is my best friend and I am glad I met her almost 4 years ago. No matter how corrupted she is.

"Oh since you're new to this night life you should know a few things" she said as we left the apartment closing the door behind us

"Sure. What's that?"

"We are going to watch illegal rap battles. It's called underground rapping. It is usually secluded but you know me the swaggyess bitch in Seoul" she flicking her hair over her shoulder

" Yeah pretty sure that's not a word but Okayy…" I drawled, "sounds like bunch of Koreans who watch too many 2000 hip hop. Nothing I can't handle"

"Suit yourself. Oh and be careful of Shi-Woo. He's a player who uses his gummy smile and fast genius raps to lure girls. He only does one night stands" she warned seriously.

"Please" I said

"I handled worst than this Shiwoo. If raps and smiles were the thing to get me in a guy's bed I'd have more bodies than the morgue" I said to lighten the mood but she did not budge.

"Look you are not use to these kinds of things and it's my duty as your bestfriend to educate you but the guys you know and Shiwoo are not the same. Just be careful please" she said looking me in the eyes.

I stared back into her eyes and saw her desperation and worry, "I will."

"Now can we take a taxi. I swear my nipples are freezing from being dressed in this toddler outfit" I whined as if i was an actual toddler.

"Well don't you think you're behaving like one now? I guess the outfit is perfect for you".

I rolled my eyes at her and she hailed a taxi. There we went to this somewhat illegal rapping event.

To be honest I was kind of excited.

Through out the journey I was busy thinking that maybe now I could finally find a boyfriend without worrying about my brothers or father decapitating him. Who knows maybe this will finally be the time I pop the cherry. Nah that's my frozen brain talking.