Two can play that game

The driver dropped me off at the University entrance and I paid him thanking him for his service. Since my umm altercation with Shiwoo had taken up so much time my classes would have started soon. It wasTuesday so my classes began at 8:30 am. No time for the library I thought as I smoothed out my dress and headed inside.

Since my neck was covered in mosquito bites I decided to take down my hair in the bathroom. I waited until it was empty before exiting the stalls. I had already undid the corn rows from inside the stall so all that was left was to fluff it in my desired style.

I let out a sigh of relief when my hair covered most of the hickeys and exited the bathroom. It wasn't unsual for a person to have hickeys because we were all adults but I didn't want these people in my business. I don't know them like that. I didn't have a boyfriend and every one in my major knew that so showing up to school today being absent yesterday with hickeys would be head turning and not to mention scandalous.

These people here we're very inquisitive and they weren't afraid to show it. I didn't feel like dealing with stares, whispers or questions about my private life. I sat in my usual seat in the middle of the class and placed my head on the table. I felt somebody tap me on the shoulder and I looked up to see Harin looking like a member of the cast of the walking dead.

"Woah what happened to you?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Shhh" she hushed as she placed her head on the table.

I looked over at what she was wearing and she seemed to be wearing sweats 2 times her size no doubt Minseok.

Mr. Park came in half an hour late as usual and started the lesson immediately. Since I had already self taught all of this I took notes for Harin as she quietly snored beside me.

The class ended and I was free for the rest of the day. I loved the last year of college. So free and no stress. Pftt.

All that's left for me is to graduate and earn that scholarship and open my own law firm. I had it all planned out and I wanted Harin right beside me. Together we could be the bad ass heroine of our own story who eat sorry ass misogynistic men as a snack. Speaking of snacks I was hungry.

"Hey wanna get something to eat at a café?" I asked Harin as she let out a big yawn.

"Sure why not. Minseok rearranged my guts and didn't even put any food inside of me" she said rubbing her stomach.

I shook my head at her blunt response.

"Oh by the way why did you send Shiwoo to the apartment to get me this morning?" I asked as we neared the campus gate.

"I didn't send anybody what do you mean?" she asked genuinely confused.

"Huh? He came over saying you texted him saying my bus card needed to be charged so you asked him to drive me to school?" I asked even more genuinely confused.

"Oh now I get it" she said as if she just made a revolutionary discovery.

"I did tell him that but I think I did yesterday. Well I didnt exactly tell I guess I said it out loud.Hmm I didn't think he cared" she said seemingly sad? Okay what is with her and Shiwoo?

We headed towards the nearest café and the wheels in my head kept turning. Why did he lie about Harin sending him? I wondered? Whatever it is I don't care. But why does Harin always seems so mad? Was she mad?

No no of course not. She had a noyfriend. Right?

The door of the café opened with a ding and we entered. I have been to this café many times before so I wasn't in awe of it's neatness and aesthetic anymore.

I ordered an Iced Americano and we sat at a booth. I took a sip of my Americano and I heard Harin gasped.

"What?" I asked confused.

"What is that on your neck?" she asked pointing to my neck.

A few people turned to look and I hid my face out of embarrassment. Nosy much?

"Its allergies" I lied moving my hair to cover it up.

Although I was dark skinned I wasn't dark enough to the point where hickey's and veins couldn't be easily seen. They are not as visible as on lighter people by first glance but they were easily noticed.

Although people have told me before that I was more on the milk chocolate side than dark chocolate but I still considered myself to be a dark skinned princess. I loved my melanin and heritage, plus I was way darker than these Koreans so I just went with it.

I hated when people would say that I pretty for a black girl and that they liked how I was dark but not too dark for I took offence.

I was talked about back home for being lighter than the rest of my siblings and having lighter eyes but I didn't care.

All the people who's love and validation I care about loved me and that was enough.

Harin thankfully didn't press on any farther and started to tell me about her night. I had heard about plenty of her nights before so I wasn't really interested. I had an experience of my own but I still loaned her my ear. It was my job as her bestfriend.

I listened to her for a few minutes until I heard the door chime and I looked up see Minseok strolling in with Shiwoo following suit. I choked on my drink and it came through my nose. I felt as if I was going to die as Harin rushed to my side and patted my back.

"What's the matter don't you know how to use a straw?" she scolded wiping the table.

"What are they doing here?" I asked looking in the direction of where hey we're standing in line to order.

She followed my gaze and her face lit up.

"He's here!" she squealed in my ear waving to him.

They looked over to us and I met Shiwoo's gaze. It was like a magnet was pulling my gaze for I found it hard to break contact. Luckily he broke it a few seconds later for it was his time to order.

"Why did you invite them here!?" I whisper yelled.

"He's my boyfriend" she deadpanned.

"And what about Shiwoo? "I asked.

"I don't know why he is here but now you have company" she said smiling an awkward smile.

They both got their orders and walked in the direction towards our booth. Harin slid over as Minseok came to sit beside her.

Shiwoo stood beside me but I didn't budge. He aggressively shoved me over and took a seat. He took a sip of his Latte as if he didn't just man handle me.

I gave him death glares but he just pretended as if I didn't exist. Fine two can play that game.

"Atalia it's nice seeing you again" said Minseok with a friendly smile.

I smiled back and replied by saying, "like wise. Although I can't say the same for your friend here."

Minseok laughed and Shiwoo scoffed.

"Right wasn't saying that in the elevator this morning" he said under his breath so that only I could hear.

My eyes widened and I choked on my drink again. He smirked at my reaction but he was the only that noticed. Harin and Minseok were in there own little world. Doing what lovers do I guess.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I said regaining my composure.

"Fine. "he scoffed.

"Two can play that game" he said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Bring. It. On" I challenged also taking a sip of mine.

Let the games begin. May the best woman win