

How long was he standing there?

I turned in the car seat to look where he was to find him already staring at me. I saw a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes and I felt really bad.

I seem to be offending everyone today. Way to go Atalia

"Shiwoo. I-"

He cut me off before I could say anything, "I heard you loud and clear. No need to repeat yourself."

"Wait no." I said as I opened the car door and tried to catch up to him.

Harin and Minseok came out of the car as we approached them and Harin looked between me and Shiwoo raising a brow.

What was I doing chasing after him when I was here with Minjae? I'm so stupid.

"I feel like a fifth wheel here do you guys mind if I call someone?" said Shiwoo seemingly calm and collected. What was he playing at?

"Sure. Whatever" said the rest of the group.

I did not agree with this but that was hypocritical of me. He seemed to didn't care about my opinion for he took his phone out and called up some booty call.

I rolled my eyes and went to Minjae and linked my arm with his.

Shiwoo looked over at us and rolled his eyes.

"How long is this girl going to take? My legs are killing me." whined Harin.

"She'll be here soon" said Shiwoo looking at his phone.

I swear to God if its that bitch from the other day I'm going to throw up.

As if foretelling the future it was indeed her.

"She's here" said Shiwoo as I saw her coming up to us face full glam, hair curled with her usual bang, a very short pleated skirt and top seemingly too small for her chest.

Does she go to school looking like that?

I'm glad I didn't have to wear uniforms.

"Hey babe I've missed you!" she said in her high pitched voice throwing her self at Shiwoo.

Both Harin and I rolled our eyes.

She turned towards me and her smile faded, "eww why is that still here. Is this kind of like a new thing?" she asked looking around the group with disgust on her face.

I smiled and addressed what ever her name is politely on behalf of the group, " Oh his Catherine so nice to see yo again. I must say your service as a place holder is excellent. Always available and right on time. 5 stars to you."

The group snickered and I continued to smile. If I'm not mistaken I could have sworn I saw Shiwoo trying to hold his laughter.

"Whatever. I don't converse with commoners. Are we going to watch this movie or what?" she pulled Shiwoo inside with her and the rest of us walked in soon after.

We waited in line behind each other to buy our tickets until she devil started to annoy the hell out of me again, "Babe can you get me popcorn pwetty pwease?"

What the hell was that? Was she trying to be cute? That's embarrassing as hell. I swear I am this close to strangling her.

"Sure" said Shiwoo giving her his card then looked at me.

I frowned. Was he trying to get me jealous? Over popcorn?

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. How cheap.

"Hey would you like some popcorn?" asked Minjae noticing my annoyed state.

I smiled at him and said, "sure," and he smiled back them went to buy it.

What a gentleman.

I looked at Shiwoo and he rolled his eyes then turned to his place holder and squeezed her cheeks.

She squealed and blushed as if she were a middle schooler. What was she love and attention deprived?

I rolled my eyes and moved up in line as it was our turn.

We all got our tickets and went inside the room where the movie was showing. It was more crowded than I expected.

We were one of the last persons to enter so we had to sit at the back ad everyone wanted to sit at the front.

The back of the theater was dark and cozy which I liked.

Minjae allowed me to enter first and I did but I didn't realized that I was about to sit next to Shiwoo until it was too late.

I wanted to switch seats but the row was already full.

Why were so much people here today ughh.

The movie started and Minjae offered me some pop corn. I took it smiling enjoying the action movie.

I looked over to my left to see Shiwoo holding her hand as she covered her face.

Was she really scared?

I laughed to myself as I saw her flinched from a gunshot for it was too funny.

Did she only watched romance k dramas.

I felt second hand embarrassment as she flinched and knocked the popcorn over on the persons in front of her.

"Babe this is so scary. I don't like it." she whined.

She got up and sat in his lap wrapping her hands around him for she was too scarred.

I'm starting to think she wasn't because I saw her smirk when he wrapped his arms around her.

I felt mad.

She was too close to me and I was fighting the urge to push her like I did the other day. That was satisfying.

As if reading my mind Minjae took my hand encouraged me to lay on his shoulder which I did. It felt nice but I couldn't help thinking about the couple and how irritating they were.

One could say this feeling was jealousy but I knew better than to think that. There was nothing to be jealous about.

The movie had finally ended and I was happy to not be so close to the couple.

She kept touching me and I had to keep counting to ten to subside my anger.

"Okay its karaoke time" said Harin cheerily.

I groaned from being tired and she shot me a glare.


"Yay I love karaoke" said the person who's entire existence irritated the crap out of me. "Babe can we please go?"

I looked over at Shiwoo shaking my head telling him not to join but he being the big asshole he is agreed to join anyway.


We stepped out of the theater and I shivered from the cold and Minjae placed his arm around me.

"Oh my God its so cold" said Lia.

"Aww. The you should have worn clothes your size." I said sweetly.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes and went to Shiwoo's side.

He looked at Minjae's hand around my shoulder and placed his hand around Lia's.

"Okay guys lets go" he said as he lead Lia to his car.

Harin and Minseok went with them and I went with Minjae.

This was going to be fun.

Note the sarcasm.