Do you want to eat ramen?

Two more weeks had passed since the doctor's and I am scheduled for my first ultrasound in two weeks.

I was both nervous and excited to see baby A for the first time and was actually thinking about telling my parents soon.

I went to school like a normally did and everything was fine.

It was easy to stay in shadows for back then people only saw me when I was with Harin but now that we are avoiding each other with every fiber in our body not a single person has acknowledged my presence.

I was now one month pregnant and my weight keeps fluctuating.

I had been sticking to my new routine of taking a picture of my stomach every Saturday to monitor my growth.

If it weren't me and I hadn't been to the doctor I wouldn't have known that I was pregnant even though it was just my first month.

Everyday I would wake up excited to check myself in the mirror to see if I had finally grown a bump but one month in and I still haven't.