Grocery Shopping

  I had initially told Minjae that I was going to cook for him as a sign of my gratitude but then it occurred to me that I needed to go grocery shopping.

We were in the car going to the direction of my home but lucky for us their were plenty of convenient stores around.

"Minjae" I said turning towards him.

"Yes?" he answered with his eyes on the road.

"I have an empty fridge."

He turned his gaze towards me briefly after taking his eyes off the road and raised his eyebrow, "what does that mean?"

"It means dummy, that if I were to cook for you I would need groceries so pull over somewhere and lets get some."

"Oh" he said scrunching his nose, "you could have just said so instead speaking in metaphor."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "that wasn't metaphor your idiot. That was plain old English."

He returned the eye roll before he spoke, "well then I am sorry miss fool that English is not my first language."