Meet the family

I was nervous as I pulled up to Gangnam-gu, which was one of the wealthiest places in South Korea.

This was where a lot of the Chaebols lived which was quite fitting since Shiwoo-I mean Mr. Kim was a third generation heir.

I had heard a great deal about these people that live here and as expected these people are uptight and classy so I knew from the get go that I would not fit here.

I had never imagined, not once in my life moving to Korea, that I would be pulling up to Gangnam-gu because my baby's father grew up here.

It was like something of a Kdrama to be honest.

I had told my kids from they were in the car to be on their best behavior for we will be coming face to face with not only some of Korea's most famous billionaires, but also their other family.

I had dressed them in the nicest clothes that they had and they looked so cute yet sophisticated, Adriel with her little dress and bow and Adrian with his tuxes and tie.