Seaweed soup

Five hours have passed with me still in labor, and I was just about done with this shit.

Lia had left at the three hour mark, because I sent her home to Heesung.

Shiwoo fell asleep on the bed laying on my lap, as I played in his hair.

It was evening time, and his parents, and the kids were on their way with dinner.

The baby was only 2cm dilated and it hurt like hell already.

I asked Shiwoo to check if he could see the head about an hour ago, and he did, but almost threw up.

Who am I kidding he did threw up.

"Mommy!" exclaimed the twins when the doctor opened the door letting them in and I smiled when I saw them.

"Oh my God hi babies! I've missed you so much!"

"Who is having the baby?" asked appa as he hit Shiwoo on the shoulder waking him up and he rubbed his eyes, "you should be the one comforting her you sissy."

"Oh no appa I'm fine. I'm just ready to push and go home."