
The clock struck 12 signifying a new year, but also the year where the twins were legally able to drink.

Shiwoo and I being the cool parents we were, decided to take them out for their first drink to show them what alcohol can do to you so that they wouldn't abuse it with their friends.

We also wanted to be their first drinking buddies for we were more responsible and didn't want their first experience to be with their friends who are inexperienced.

I poured Shiwoo and the twins a shot before pouring myself one, and we raised our glasses and the twins turned away from us since we were their elders and and drank it in one shot.

"How was it?" I asked Adrian excited, and he had a sour look on his face signifying that he didn't like it.

"Bitter. Is Soju supposed to be so bitter?" he asked and I laughed at how cute he was.

"How about you Adriel? How is it?"