"Pleasent punishments"

When Ryan entered in the room his new wife was sitting in the bed wearing a light pink nightgown. Her frangrance was disperse all over the room which was making him a little wild to taste her. She looked at him with her bright brown eyes and gave a big grin. She walked towards him, he tensesd a little but then get ready for whatever will happen, she look at him for while then hugged him "I was waiting for you eagerly"(She said with a

big grin) Ryan gave a seducive smirk to her "Looking beautiful wife"(He said with same smirk) Leon blushed hard at his comment. "By the way i am tired give me a kiss"(Leon said opening her arms)By just thinking of this scenario Ryan had butterflies inside his stomach while he was heading towards the room. As just he was about to enter in the room he adjusted himself to look handsome and charming. When he opened the door he found leon eating chip while laying on bed at the same time watching tv. "What was i expecting from her"(Ryan thought) "What are you doing"(Ryan said with a frown) "can't you see that i watching tv" (she said still watching tv) She get up from the bed to switch off the tv Ryan looked at her toe to head and said "What are you wearing" "What! this my nightdress"(She said in a duh tone) he rolled his eyes as he was pissed off because he thought he would find her in a pink night gown "i am going for a shower"(He said started heading towards the bathroom) He came back in room after a long shower saw Leon sitting on sofa "I'll sleep here"(She said) The sofa wasn't so big it was small "How a person will be able to sleep on this small sofa"(He said to himself in unaudiable voice) he quietly lay down on bed continuosly watching Leon, she was changing her sides again and again "you can come over here, i can sleep there"(Ryan said) leon took her pillow and blanket started heading towards the bed, she stopped when she thought "How would this big man will be able to fit in this small sofa (she thought) and turned to see how he was adjusting there, she can just tell by just looking at him that he was uncomfortable "you can sleep with me as, we have sleep in car together, if you don't mind"(She said looking down playing with her fingers) "Yeah thats great"(he said) he started coming towards the bed, lay down quietly near her, the leon who was still sitting on the bed said "This is the line between you and me, your hand shouldn't cross the line and i guaranteed that my hand will also not come"(she said with a determined face) he nodded and switched off the lamp, she also lay down on bed as lamp switched off her face was facing the wall . Suddenly Leon felt Ryan feets were snaked around her waist pulling her closer to his chest she get panicked at that, soon she crossed the line made by herself "Ryan you crossed the line"(She said) she was so shocked, she was never being this close to a man, she could feel his hot breath touching her neck his face leaned down as the hotness of his breath increased. He stopped leaning when he was very close to her ear, he gently put a kiss on the area near to her ear, shiver ran down her spine because of kiss "You said that my hand shouldn't cross the line, you didn't mention my legs, but you have crossed the line as you hands are in my side"(he said in a husky tone in her ears) "so get ready for punishment"(He said dugging his face in her neck taking full breath of her scent) "W-Whatt punisment do you want me to give"(She stuttered) "kiss me"(He said)at first she get paniked but then she thought it wasn't a big deal as she had kissed her before she turned to his side and presssed her delicate lips onto his suddenely a familiar delicious taste entered in his mouth making him calm to wild to taste her, he tighten his hold on leon s' waist as he deepened the kiss this time leon didn't bother him like in the marriage maybe this time she wasn't out off the breath, this feeling of wildness he never felt kissing another girl maybe she was the right one for him.He was breathless but does want to end the kiss, Ryan leave me. And he did leave her from the passionate kiss as he was also breathless. He pulled her close so now her head was resting in his chest at first she tried to get out of his hard grip but stopped when she realized that it was useless, she snuggled in his embrace which cause Ryan to chuckled a little. Ryan embrace was warm she was feeling safe in his embrace, she soon felt asleep "She looked so cute while sleeping"(he thought to himself) her red flushed cheek and dark pinkish lips were just making her adorable, Leon snaked her arms around his chest as she just did it her lips curled into smile he was finally thinking that he was married there legs get entangled in such making Ryan happy, he never felt this way of love and affection that this women was giving him