Quitting college

Johnny woke me up kissing and nibbling my ears.this is the first time that I giggled like a school girl. He asked me if I wanted to to live with him in and out Japan.

"Johnny I do want that." I was Shute that the smell would wake me up. "I wanna quit college and be a martial artist like you. "

"Don't you think we should talk to your mom." He whispered.

"Oh Johnny yes."

I was afraid of my mom for the one reason i wasn't honest with her about the indenty I now carry or that I drop out of school, college. She was those kinds that found it as away getting rid of children in a socially acceptable way. When we walked there she was at the front step glaring at m e glaring stare. She outed me before I could say anything.

"Is this your boyfriend?!" She said

"Yes mom," I said.

"He is a bad influence on you." She complained. "He's yakuza, I can tell by is tattoos and the books of goth fujita and of doctor sags. I know."

"Alright mom maybe I want to be in martial arts for a living."

"Your dropping out of school for this retard, who is going to lead you no where. Wasn't it your dream to be a writer."

"Not anymore mom, money can solve things but it cannot bring me happiness."

We - Johnny and I went to the back yard to lay on the grass and listen to him read the romantic side of being a yakuza. One book I like was confessions of a yakuza which was a tear jerk to me. And I told Johnny that.

"Your so sensitive Joey!" He went learned and kissed me on the mouth, when I heard my mom. Scream restraining order.

I grow angry from this and decided to tell if she puts a restraining order on Johnny then she has to do the same on me.

"Fine, I will as well you freak"

This hurt coming from my mother who was the one who birthed me. But I was no longer her son.

I was dead to her.

Until looked out the window and still saw us making out shirtless and she scream "it's either the police or the fucking hospital you freaks of nature" this definitely a woman of greed and wealth and power. We decided to talk our books and run of to a park where she could mot find us.

"I never seen such rage in my mom" I said to Johnny sobbing. "She is an angry person but never hateful. Or so I thought." Soon my grief turned to rage. But luckily I had Johnny to comfort me .

"Joey forget about her she ain't worth it."

" Johnny …." I said as I kissed him so gently and tenderly. "At least you accept me."

"I have been a misfit and outcast four most of my life. I wanted you to feel better about your self. Obviously you're one too." He walked me into the alley and we made out heavily. I love his skinny yet hard body against my tender soft skinny body. At one but he felt me up and we were on the verge of making love. It was as if he knew my breaking point.

"Let's conquer this at your apartment Johnny,"

"You mean our apartment" John said rubbing his nose on mine. " let's on eachother if you don't mind"

"I don't mind.

He kissed me and I bit his lip.

"You like doing that huh,"


"I like it." He said.

When were at the apartment he decided that as he thought me the katana that he was going to tell his back story. His mother was a fem yakuza who was in a relationship with a monk who she fell in love with, but she had to keep the pregnancy a secret both in yakuza and in real life. He was more less born a yakuza. Bullied in school for being a quote bastard and monk boy and an it.

Soon he stopped teaching me the weapon and he said that he had the same problem with his mother at one point but get along just fine after that.

He payed be me out the coach and kissed kissed my flesh and nipped at it. Again I was at my braking point. Soon my essence came spilling into his mouth.

"Yummy" he said, and when to kiss my lips. It was along time since I tasted it since Taejitsu. I would taste my love juices off of her lips. But it was surprisingly better tasting with Johnny. Annoying guy could have a girl but it take a real man to love another of the same gender.

I never felt such authentic love from anyone.

"Joey" Johnny said which way do you like it.

" I said that I didn't mind any position I said.

"Your profile so flexible Joey and soft I want explore you every where."

"Really" I said. " with what"

My mouth and fingers he said. He kissed me and I did not that he had such a long tounge.

When we stopped kissing he made very clear that we are no long each other's dirty secret.

"Joey we only have eachother in this world and want you to come and rule my clan with me in Japan."

I could not Not believe that this skinny but hot guy wanted anything with my goody two shoes ass, let alone my heart. He want want a genuine loving relationship and to own his known karate school.

"You can be instructor in that school" he said. "In Japan."

" I must warn you that I have a sister younger who adores me," I said. She might be coming to visit us against my 'moms Pi wishes."

"How nice, we will have to get dressed."

Yeah like soon" I said " she's here."

Thank god we had the same clothing size so I can easily fit in his go thing two. He looked hot with my AC/DC t shirt and he said that I looked striking.

I heard a faint whisper of a hello

" hi Amy so go to see you."

"It's good to see you Joey. " she said. "Mom just disowned me for coming her….fucker."

" doesn't surprise me" I said that bitch has not children left.

"That roam ov bitch is a shithead," Johnny said kissing me. "You don't mind me kissing you in front of your sister."

"I don't honey."

"Great Joey-chan." He kissed me tenderly. Thank god my sister was not like the mom that bore us or she'd be every me and Johnny. She was a sweet and tolerant young woman who was liberal about everything.

Soon I forgot she existed when we got hit Evan heaven with the kissing.

" hello " she said waving.

I apologized and when to say that i am doing my third degree black belt test and I that I am going to break some block and boards.

" yes sweet I am so proud of you," Johnny said kissing me on the forehead.

My heart swelled and that feel of that kiss. I was in paradise with him.